Sunday, February 1, 2009



Anonymous said...


Mobile phone well know as hand phone that will brought the use to use telephone anywhere even in leisure. The first mobile pone were exist was about year 1940-1960 and the size was really big. Nowadays their size were decrease and sill become jus about 2-3 finger. Actually it was a lot advantage to use mobile phone but in other side, it has the disadvantage too. Widespread concerns have been raised about the possibility that exposure to the radiofrequency (RF) fields from mobile telephones or their base stations could affect people's health. Beside that like all high structures, cellular antenna masts pose a hazard to low flying aircraft. Some additional, using mobile phone sometimes being bothersome especially when we are at the private area and at the silent area. Using mobile phone in the middle of lecturing was forbidden too. It may not too bother to the mobile user but for the other audience it was totally disturbing.

Anonymous said...



I had already read an articles about friends. The article written by David Leonhardt. In the article tell us a few common reasons why people become friends. He also said we should choose our friends very carefully. In the article also list the characteristics of true friends. True friends should encourage us to live our dream, support us toward our goals, sympathize for our losses and help us find a silver lining and also build your self-esteem. Besides that, it also give tips to make friendships never last. To make it, we should give commitment to the relationship. Try to be a good friend. Be a good listener and always support each others. A good friendship is an ongoing dance of give and take. In the article also said in a healthy friendship there’s a lot of laughter. Let it loose. It means there trust and mutual recognition of the strange and wonderful surprises that life tosses in.

…friendship learned we the meaning of life…don’t judge a person by first impression…but try to know them first…

Anonymous said...


I want to tell you about April Fool.April Fools' Day or All Fools' Day although not a holiday in its own right, is a notable day celebrated in many countries on April 1. The day is marked by the commission of hoaxes and other practical jokes of varying sophistication on friends, family members, enemies, and neighbors, or sending them on fool's errand, the aim of which is to embarrass the gullible. Traditionally, in some countries, the jokes only last until noon. If you play a trick on someone after this time you are the April Fool.
That's all

Anonymous said...


Good day,
i like to share about ice-cream. i'm sure almost everyone in this world have tested an ice cream.. Ice cream is a frozen desert that usually made by dairy product such as milk and cream.Ice cream recipes first appear in 18th century England and America. A recipe for ice cream was published in Mrs. Mary Eales's Receipts in 1718. the most popular international brand of ice cream in malaysia is baskin robbins and hagen daz.Baskin-Robbins is a global chain of ice cream parlors founded by Burt Baskin and Irv Robbins in 1945 in Glendale, California. Häagen-Dazs is an American brand of ice cream, established by Polish immigrants Reuben and Rose Mattus in The Bronx, New York in 1959. for me, baskin robbins is better than haagen dazs. the price is more cheaper, and the flavor is more suitable with us, asian. my favourite flaver is 'old fashion butter pecan' and 'praline and cream'. but 'very berry strawberry' not bad at all. it taste like strawberry yogurt. best drinks from baskin robbins is thier chocolate blasz. it is ice blended with chocolate flavor. one more product from baskin robbins that you should teste is ice cream cake. it is the best cake i ever tasted. even cakes from secret recipe can't challenge it. however, baskin robbins and haagen dazs is not the first choice for an ordinary people. it is an expensive ice cream. it can be 'once in a month' ice cream for a student like me. i rather chose wall's or McDonals McFlurry Oreo ice cream.

Anonymous said...



S = Set a quit date
T = Tell family,friends and
coworkers that you plan to quit
A = Anticipate and plan the
chalenges you'll face while
R = Remove cigarettes and other
tobacco produts from your
home,car and work
T = Talk to your doctor about
getting help to quit

wakeup..!!we have a long lives know..don't kill our self...~~

Anonymous said...

Jamilah Binti Mohamad

Usually when we want to celebrate something, we use to buy a cake. And it is an important food if we want to celebrate birthday. Talk about the cake makes me hungry. Wah so delicious.

The most popular cake shop is Secret Recipes. All people know about it. Secret Recipe, a lifestyle café chain has become a household name following its debut in 1997. Secret Recipe has successfully established its brand name in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, China and Philippines by virtue of its fine quality cakes, fusion food and distinctive service.

A leading and largest café chain in Malaysia, with Halal certification awarded by Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM), Secret Recipe is committed to continue to adhere to the standards of preparation of all food in the restaurant in accordance to the regulatory guidelines. Customers can always enjoy in confidence from more than 20 types of fusion food, 40 cake creations and pastries, with a flavorful range of ice cream and beverages offered in all Secret Recipe outlets.

The company has registered an impressive double-digit growth for the past 5 years. In a short period of ten years, Secret Recipe has experienced a rapid growth of over 150 cafes throughout the region. Secret Recipe continuously strives to surpass its own accomplishments and to be recognized as a leader in the industry.

Anonymous said...

AE 08065

Thinking about eat makes me remember about one delicious meat with the mayonnaise and souse on it between pieces of breads. That food i would like to called burger. Burger is one of my favorite food. When I hungry especially in the mid night, I will go to the kitchen and cook my own burger. So in this reading entry, i would like to tell you about burger. Burger or is a sandwich consisting of a cooked ground meat, usually beef and chicken meat, placed in a sliced bun or between pieces of bread or toast. Burgers are often served with various condiments such as ketchup, mustard, and mayonnaise. Besides that, burger also have a bit of vegetable on it such as tomato, onion and spinach. In Malaysia, they are many types of burger such as beef burger, double chess burger, egg burger, chicken and beef burger and many more.

eira87 said...


Breast cancer just like nightmare for woman in this world because breast cancer is the top risk woman die in world. But breast cancer just not can be effect a woman but also a man. Be careful guys , these decease will effect your breast and the cancer cell must be remove from your body. After the surgery done you must have another treatment like chemotherapy and always take the medicine from doctor.
Here are preventive measures to consider:
• Be choosy about fats.
• Bring on the fiber..
• Eat your fruits and veggies.
• Savor soy.
• Avoid additives.

• Get active. Studies show that women who exercise at least four hours a week reduce their breast cancer risk by 37 percent as compared with less active women. Exercise may cut estrogen production by burning calories and reducing fat.

Medical options
• Keep on top of it.
• Consider a SERM. Tamoxifen -- a common breast cancer treatment --
• Try vitamin E. Lifestyle
• Go slow on alcohol.

FarinLah said...

Raja Nurshafarin

Are you smoking?? If you are smoking, you must stop it!! I want to share about smoking to you. Smoking is a practice where a substance, most commonly tobacco, is burned and the smoke tasted or inhaled. This is primarily done as a form of recreational drug use, as combustion releases the active substances in drugs such as nicotine and makes them available for absorption through the lungs. It can also be done as a part of rituals, to induce trances and spiritual enlightenment. The most common method of smoking today is through cigarettes, primarily industrially manufactured but also hand-rolled from loose tobacco and rolling paper. Other forms, though not as common, are pipes, cigars, hookahs and bongs.
Smoking is one of the most common forms of recreational drug use. Tobacco smoking is today by far the most popular form of smoking and is practiced by over one billion people in the majority of all human societies. Less common drugs for smoking include cannabis and opium. Most drugs that are smoked are considered to be addictive. Some of the substances are classified as hard narcotics, like heroin and crack cocaine, but the use of these is very limited as they are often not commercially available.
Many effect if you smoking...Perception surrounding smoking has varied over time and from one place to another; holy and sinful, sophisticated and vulgar, a panacea and deadly health hazard. Only recently, and primarily in industrialized Western countries, has smoking come to be viewed in a decidedly negative light. Today medical studies have proven that smoking is among the leading causes of diseases such as stenosis, lung cancer, heart attacks and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and can also lead to birth defects. The well-proven health hazards of smoking have caused many countries to institute high taxes on tobacco products and anti-smoking campaigns are launched every year in an attempt to curb smoking.

So, Now..stop smoking!!
Tq for reading... tata

Anonymous said...



It’s about a woman who take care about her son when her husband passed away after she gave birth that son. She give the best that she can until her son become a great person. But she still have something that she can’t have a chance to say to her son.

The waiting to say that start from her son go to find a better job, get that job and want to get married. Even tough her son always call to know about her condition, that man just ask and hear for the important things only because he is too busy. He can’t have more time to get close with his mother and have time to talk together.

Lastly, her son come back to the village after 10years and that woman get the chance to say that she really love her son. The word that she kept for many years to say and she passed away after that. It’s just a touchable stories that I read. Moral values of this stories is appreciated those who care for you before they go and never come back. Sometimes, a certain things that we think too simple can give the best moment for other person.

Anonymous said...


Assalamualaikum n aite every0ne....

Title: Running Out of Time
Author: Margaret Peterson Haddix

The main character of this book is Jessie. She has a mom, a dad, two sisters, Hannah and Katie, and three brothers, Andrew, Nathan, and Bartholomew. Jessie lives in a village called Clifton, in what she thinks is the year 1840-but what she learns is really 1996. The children of Clifton are dying of a disease that there is medicine for in 1996. But why aren't they getting the medicine? Why do people want the children to die? No one is supposed to leave the village. Jessie has to escape and get the medicine-before it is too late. Finally, she save the children from die even though she has a lot of problem to face it.
In my opinion, Running out of Time is the best! It’s full of action, adventure, and suspense. Other than that, it also has a lot of moral such as do not give up if you really want to get something and if we try harder, we can get it better. You should buy this book and read it! It will make you get off the edge of your seat!

KHUSAIRI said...

Md Khusairi bin Baharun

Dont ANGRY!!!

Salam to all people
That's statement difficult to throught out from our feel cause its come suddenly.

ANGRY also can cause stress.So in browser i have reading recently, we should to overcome our angry as soon as possible. so good step is take wuduk and pray. second we should change our action to onother activities. In concept of saying from Propher we should sit if we was in stand and instead.

FIRARIF said...


I’m sorry if this fact is to humiliate. Why don’t female cats bleed during their menstrual cycle? From source Dr Rejean Lefebvre, a reproductive specialist at he Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University de Montreal. It’s because female cats don’t have menstrual cycles. In human females, menstruation occurs due the disintegration of the endometrium, the mucous membrane that lines the uterus. If no egg is fertilized, the endometrial cells shed and are evacuated from the body in the form of menstrual blood, a characteristic shared by primates such as gorillas. With other female mammals, the process is known as anoestrous cycle. Dogs for example bleed at the beginning of their cycle not because of the elimination of endometrial matter but because of a strong rush of blood to their genitals when they go into heat.

Anonymous said...


Based on "Don't Be Sad"

the 6th chapter~knowledge makes us happy~

stupidity is the signs of soul's death,life gets killed,and wasted of ages.otherwise,knowledge is the bright light to our heart,soul and spirit.happiness and cheerful come with knowledge.knowledge is able to change something that unclear,to find something that had lost,and to figure out something that being hide.stupidity is very boring and find our happiness,we must go for the knowledge.knowledge has the answer for all our happiness,benefits that we need and all our sadness,doubtness,and all bad influences will be lost.all new things that we discover did help our life.knowledge makes our life's easier.when our life's easier then happiness come all along the way.

Anonymous said...


The Bugatti Veyron which is the most fastest car in the world, made by Volkswagen Group subsidiary Bugatti Automobiles SAS. This fastest car just need 8.6 second to accelerating from 0 to 100 km/h. Which it price over 1.1 million euro it just not the fastest car but one of the expensive car that ever made. Can you imaging how powerful this car if usual racing car just use w8 engine but this car use w16 engine that can reach 408.47 km/h. one of the reason why this car so expensive is because this car made by hand in Volkswagen's factorys near the former Bugatti headquaters in Chateau St jean in Molsheim. Because of the powerful w16 engine this car have a lot of radiator to cooling down it engine. It have 3 radiator to cooling engine, 2 for air conditioning system, 1 transmission oil radiator,1 differential oil radiator and 1 hydraulic oil radiator for the spoiler. That all from me for reading entry 6,thank you.

Anonymous said...

Nor Aisahton binti Junet

Do you think honesty is the important elements in our life that we should have? For me, yes. Without honesty, this world is full with liar. Honesty is the human quality of communicating and acting truthfully related to truth as a value. This includes listening, and any action in the human repertoire — as well as speaking. Superficially, honesty means simply stating facts and views as best one truly believes them to be. It includes both honesty to others, and to oneself and about one's own motives and inner reality. Honesty, at times, has the ability to cause misfortune to the person who displays it. Honesty can also mean fairness, and truthfulness, and the avoidance of misleading people. In every relationship that we have like friendship, loving relationship and family relationship, honesty is important elements that each person should have. I think we should not live in a peaceful life if we are always cheat, liar and not sincere in whatever we did. A person who has this element in their life always has lots of friends, easy to be trusted and responsibility. And I love to be friend with those who are honesty in whatever they do because I believe in karma that what goes around, will comes around. So do you think to be a liar or cheater anymore? Think it carefully and I hope the answer is no.

Anonymous said...


'Gang Tabung' finally busted’
CAMERON HIGHLANDS: For the past few weeks, three young thieves here have been stealing money from donation boxes at several mosques. The trio, aged 16 and 17, were nicknamed Geng Tabung by police and had made off with more than RM3,000 since Jan 5. Their spree, however, came to an end on Sunday when they were caught while celebrating their latest theft. They had taken RM3,000 from Masjid Abu Bakar, Tanah Rata, and were at a restaurant when they were nabbed.
From this article,show about three young thieves here have been stealing money from donation boxes at several mosques.In my opinion,gang tabung have bad attitude . shameless ,they were stealing tabung masjid. Masjid is a holy place for muslim,but gang tabung used masjid as stealing place.

shouti_177 said...

Noorhidayu Che Hasmi

the building is a very important in our life, as a place to protect than hot, rain and others.Buildings may be damaged during the construction of the building or during maintenance. There are several other reasons behind building damage like accident. Buildings also may suffer from fire damage in special circumstances.

Let we see on Bukit Antarabangsa tragedy, what the causes it happened? After conducting the soil test,the researcher found that none were suitable to build the road as they were too weak to support the heavy flow of vehicles. If it was built, it might cause more landslides.

As a conclusion, the search detain before doing something. So that, this tragedy not happened again on the future.

Anonymous said...

Mohd Ridzuan b Husin

Daily reasons to quit smoking

Smoking is very dangerous,not only to a smoker but all of people around the smoker,so,we should think and need the reason to quit smoking,if we are smoker.because everything that we needs to do can’t be happen if we never had,for the smoker,take this reasons to make sure you wil quit smoking

• 20 minutes after quiting smoking,:your blood pressure drops to a level close to that before your last cigarette.the temperature o your hands and feet increase,returning normal
• 24 hours after quiting smoking:your chance of having a heart attack decrease
• 2 weeks to 3 months after quiting smoking:you have better circulation and your lung funtions increases up to 30 percent
• 1 year after quiting smoking:you reduce yur risk for heart disease by 50 percent
• 10 years after quiting smoking:your risk for dying from lung cancer is about half that of a continuing smoker’s and your risk of cancer of mouth ,throut,esophagus,bladder,kidney.and pancreas also decrease
• 15years after quiting smoking:your risk of heart disease is now the same as someone who has never smoked

Anonymous said...


The Mini is a small car that was produced by the British Motor Corporation (BMC) and its successors from 1959 until 2000. The original is considered an icon of the 1960s, and its space-saving front-wheel-drive layout (that allowed 80% of the area of the car's floorpan to be used for passengers and luggage) influenced a generation of car-makers. The vehicle is in some ways considered the British equivalent to its German contemporary, the Volkswagen Beetle, which enjoyed similar popularity in North America. In 1999 the Mini was voted the second most influential car of the 20th Century, behind the Ford Model T.

Most guys will think that girls know nothing about cars. But for some reason, i know quite something about cars and my favourite car of all time is Mini Cooper from VolksWagon. Maybe because i'm a petit girl, i prefer small cars rather than large cars. Below is the URL where i learned more about my favourite car.

Anonymous said...



The trumpet is a musical instrument with the highest register in the brass family. Trumpets are among the oldest musical instruments, dating back to at least 1500 BC. They are constructed of brass tubing bent twice into an oblong shape, and are played by blowing air through closed lips, producing a "buzzing" sound which starts a standing wave vibration in the air column inside the trumpet.There are several types of trumpet; the most common is a transposing instrument pitched in B♭. The predecessors to trumpets did not have valves; however, modern trumpets have either three piston valves or three rotary valves, each of which increases the length of tubing when engaged, thereby lowering the pitch.The trumpet is used in many forms of music, including classical music and jazz.

Anonymous said...


I lent this book from my friend and i already read it . This book is written by Robert T. Kiyosaki, and Sharon L. Lechter.They write this book just want to help people knowning how to manage they financial ,solve financial problem and also teaching their children.

Robert Kiyosaki teaches people to be millionaires... That's why they call him the millionaire school teacher. "The main reason people struggle financially is because they have spent years in school but learned nothing about money. The result is that people learn to work for moeny...but never learn to have money work for them."-Robert Kiyosaki, Author of Rich Dad Poor DadTM Rich Dad Poor Dad will... * Explode the myth that you need to earn a high income to become rich * Challenge the belief that your house is an asset * Show parents why they can't rely on the school system to teach their kids about money * Define once and for all an asset and a liability * Teach you what to teach your kids about money for their future financial success. "I love my children and want to ensure they get the best education possible! Traditional schooling, while very important, is no longer enough. We all need to understand money and how it works."-Sharon Lechter, Co-Author of Rich Dad Poor DadTM.

Robert Kiyosaki saying right,
Don’t always think I cant affort it, but always think what should I do to affort It.

Anonymous said...

Chia Yean Ping

Jaundice, also known as icterus (attributive adjective: "icteric"), is a yellowish discoloration of the skin, the conjunctival membranes over the sclerae (whites of the eyes), and other mucous membranes caused by hyperbilirubinemia (increased levels of bilirubin in the blood). This hyperbilirubinemia subsequently causes increased levels of bilirubin in the extracellular fluids. Typically, the concentration of bilirubin in the plasma must exceed 1.5 mg/dL[1], three times the usual value of approximately 0.5mg/dL[1], for the coloration to be easily visible. Jaundice comes from the French word jaune, meaning yellow.

One of the first tissues to change color as bilirubin levels rise in jaundice is the conjunctiva of the eye, a condition sometimes referred to as scleral icterus. However, the sclera themselves are not "icteric" (stained with bile pigment) but rather the conjunctival membranes that overlie them. The yellowing of the "white of the eye" is thus more properly conjunctival icterus.

I know about this diseases from my sister which is taking Medical Imaging. She told me quite a lot about it. And there is one period where she suspect that i'm carrying the diseases. How funny.

guNsLIngEr said...

nUrUL mUHamMaD bIN aHMad.

SecoNd hEARTbEaT...(paRt 2)

Don't you know how athlete maintain their stamina like Datuk Lee Chong Wei struggle to win his Malaysia Open cup? Even, he just finished his Olimpic tournament before. Actually, most athlete must maintain their stamina by fitness task to make sure they do not easily become tired. Last evening, I just had complete my first fitness task for my co-curiculum subject. Fitness or most known as physical fitness used to be in two closed meaning,specific fitness and general fitness. General fitness is a state of health and well being, while specific fitness is a task-oriented definition based on the ability to perform specific aspects of sports or occupations. I just do a general fitness but most athlete have a specific fitness. This is due to what sports are they play. For, football players, they has focus in speed and foot. How fitness influence them? Actually, fitness is not a sports, but most sports are fitness. huh]?? Physical fitness is the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, lungs, and muscles at optimum efficiency. So, fitness correct our heartbeat, blood pressure and especially musle. As you know, muscle is most important part in doing something. At the certain part, for eat also, we use muscle. But, you don't need to do fitness for that muscle.haha... Well, maybe you can see, an old man cannot walk like us. This due to the malfunctional of his abdoment(exactly muscle) intead accident(bone boken). Well, fitness just cover all part not only muscle but brain also. It is because, with this fitness activity, it may help the heart pump the oxigen more frequent to the brain and also the muscle by blood. In other word, it make our heart more strong and active to beat. So, it is such an important thing that may be practical by our own. Not use many expensive equipment because you may practise such a very easy part, Slow jog or joging because it is a very basic exercise. For more suitable and more activities in fitness for you, you may search at:
Well, hope you'll enjoy it because it is very interesting. You may get the benefits from it after three times you do it. Maybe it will be some muscle complicated while doing it like cramp and so on. But, it may be normal after that and the 'warming up' and 'cooling down' is the important part before do it, same as before you have sports.Well, that's all I can say's because if i tell everything's about it,maybe not enough pages. Haha... SO!!, just try it! For your own benefit. Good night..!!


Anonymous said...

An allergy headache is an awful thing to have. They can be extremely painful and even last for days! If you've ever spent a sleepless night due to an allergy headache. There are several things you can do to get rid of them, and even prevent an allergy headache from happening in the first place ! Prevention is the first step to avoiding an allergy headache. One way to prevent allergy headaches is to avoid things that cause allergies. For some people, this can be certain foods, while for others it is things in the environment, such as pollens, molds and dust mites. Some people have allergy headaches caused by numerous factors. In order to avoid allergens that cause allergy headaches, it is usually necessary to make some changes in your environment. Try putting hypoallergenic mattress and pillow covers on your bed, and launder bedding frequently. You may want to hire a maid to clean your house regularly to keep down dust so that you are not exposed to it.Medication can be very effective when it comes to the prevention of an allergy headache. Nasonex is a topical steriod spray that is used in the nasal passages. It stops a lot of allergies before they even start. Another very effective medicine is Zyrtec, which just became generic, and therefore affordable for everyone! If you take these medications daily, chances are that you'll see an incredible decrease in allergy headaches.

Anonymous said...


What are the first thing that you use when you start learning how to write during you are kid? of course pencil right? Actually pencil is a instrument that use to write. it consist a thin stick of pigment usually graphite, charcoal, and clay. Pencil usually encased in thin of wood cylinder. pencil have a several types such as graphite pencil, which is common types of pencil, charcoal pencil that made from charcoal, carbon pencil that is made from mixture of clay and lamp black, crayon pencil or known as color pencil, gease pencil or also known as China marker and last one is watercolor pencil which is design for use with watercolor technique. Pencil also has some types such as triangular, hexagonal, round and bendable. Therefore, pencil is still important nowadays although pen innovation from pencil which can use for writing.

Anonymous said...



Hello guys..
Here, I would like to share about the exciting discovery of the century, the world’s first patent sanitary product “LOVE MOON” with anionic sanitary napkin is very important for women. This is because of the 8 main benefits of this product such as, strength immunity, improve metabolism, treat inflammation, eradicate odor, reduce stress, Remove fatigue, eliminate bacteria and enhance hormonal balance.
For the information, the miraculous Anions are every cubic cm of the anionic padding in each piece of “LOVE MOON” sanitary napkin can release up to 6070 anions. The intensity of anions released will effectively suppress the survival and multiplication of bacteria and viruses on the sanitary napkin.
Beside that, the anionic padding also releases large amount of oxygen, has a balanced pH level and enhances hormonal balance that effectively improves the 8 main benefits that I already wrote above. It shows us that LOVE MOON is important for women. As a conclusion, I suggest you to change your sanitary napkin for your future because. Healthy first…
If you like to know better about this product please ask me….Guava…hehe..