Monday, February 2, 2009



Anonymous said...



Glutinous rice does not contain dietary gluten and thus should be safe for gluten-free diets. What it different from other types of rice is having no amylose, and high amounts of amylopectin. Amylopectin is responsible for the sticky quality of glutinous rice. The difference has been traced to a single mutation that was selected for by farmers. Glutinous rice can be used either milled or unmilled. Milled rice is white in color, whereas the bran can give unmilled glutinous rice a purple or black color. Both black and white glutinous rice can be cooked as grains or ground into flour and cooked as a paste. This type of rice are also rich in soluble starch, dextrin and maltose.

Muhammad syafiq said...
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Muhammad syafiq said...


Japan Product.
This is the history og gatsby that I use their product for my hair.In 1927 Shinpachiro Nishimura founded the Kintsuru Perfume Corporation. After the success from releasing a pomade called the Tancho Stick in 1933, Kintsuru Perfume Corp. began to focus its future efforts in men's care. By 1959, the success of the Tancho Stick led the company to change its name to Tancho Corporation.

Tancho's efforts with expanding outside of Japan was further boosted in 1970 when the company launched a new line of highly successful men's care products, called Mandom, which took its name from a combination of the words "Human" and "Freedom". An innovative advertising campaign featuring Charles Bronson became the first of a long series of Japanese ads to feature top Hollywood stars. Tancho then changed its name again, to Mandom Corporation, in 1971.

In 1976, Mandom's success and the creation of their flagship brand, Gatsby, encouraged them to move into direct sales of their products. However, despite the success of the Gatsby brand, the moving to direct retail sales was disastrous for Mandom. By 1980, the company was had no choice, but to give up the direct sales model and return to wholesale distribution.Mandom went public in 1988, selling shares on the Tokyo exchange's over-the-counter market. In 1989, Mandom introduces Lucido, a new cosmetic line for women. Into the early 2000s, Mandom wanted to continue to seek out new product markets. They decided to expand its international presence further by establishing the Gatsby and Lucido brands as its flagship global brands.

Anonymous said...



A crystal or crystalline solid is a solid material whose constituent atoms, molecules, or ions are arranged in an orderly repeating pattern extending in all three spatial dimensions. The scientific study of crystals and crystal formation is crystallography. Most metals encountered in everyday life are polycrystals. Crystals are often symmetrically intergrown to form crystal twins. While the term "crystal" has a precise meaning within materials science and solid-state physics, colloquially "crystal" refers to solid objects that exhibit well-defined and often pleasing geometric shapes. In this sense of the word, many types of crystals are found in nature. The shape of these crystals is dependent on the types of molecular bonds between the atoms to determine the structure, as well as on the conditions under which they formed. Snowflakes, diamonds, and table salt are common examples of crystals. Some crystalline materials may exhibit special electrical properties such as the ferroelectric effect or the piezoelectric effect. Additionally, light passing through a crystal is often refracted or bent in different directions, producing an array of colors; crystal optics is the study of these effects. In periodic dielectric structures a range of unique optical properties can be expected as seen in photonic crystals. Crystals ca made up as accessories.

Anonymous said...


Some bad habits are such a part of our daily lives that it's easy to forget we have them. This chart will remind you of your bad habits and help you get rid of them.
If you can't readily identify (or admit) your bad habits, have a friend or family tell you. You habits tend to stem from psychological, often subconscious motivations, so it's not always easy to pinpoint your own flaws.
Think about times with which you might associate your bad habit. Do you smoke when you're hungry or bored? Do you bite your nails when you're nervous? Do you tend to exaggerate in large groups?
Find creative and useful ways to curb the habit. Essentially, make a habit out of breaking the habit. Wear gloves if you bite your nails, or chew gum (with your mouth closed) instead. If you smoke because you're bored, fill your day with activity so you don't have time to smoke. If you procrastinate, think about filling out a daily calendar. Do it in advance and keep copies in places you frequent--bedside table, bathroom, car your desk.
Have will power. There's no good way to quit doing something if you don't really want to stop. Find determination and follow through with it. If you have that, you'll not likely need anything to trick yourself out of it.

nadia suhaida said...

CA 08117

Smoking is a practice where a substance, most commonly tobacco, is burned and the smoke tasted or inhaled. This is primarily done as a form of recreational drug use, as combustion releases the active substances in drugs such as nicotine and makes them available for absorption through the lungs. It can also be done as a part of rituals, to induce trances and spiritual enlightenment. The most common method of smoking today is through cigarettes, primarily industrially manufactured but also hand-rolled from loose tobacco and rolling paper. Other forms, though not as common, are pipes, cigars, hookahs and bongs.

Smoking is one of the most common forms of recreational drug use. Tobacco smoking is today by far the most popular form of smoking and is practiced by over one billion people in the majority of all human societies. Less common drugs for smoking include cannabis and opium. Most drugs that are smoked are considered to be addictive. Some of the substances are classified as hard narcotics, like heroin and crack cocaine, but the use of these is very limited as they are often not commercially available.

As a conclusion, I want to say that, smoking is not good for us. So, whose that smoking, just stop it if you love your life. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Siti Hidayah Binti Mohd Miswan

Nenoneno....Today I want to share about something different with you all. Majority people in JOHOR esspecially from village they can speak 'JAWE LANGUAGE' very well. Let's I teach you a parts of 'JAWE LANGUAGE'.

Ali :Kabare?
Apa Khabar?

Aminah :Waras

Ali :Wes Mangan
Dah Makan?

Aminah :Wes

Ali :Arek Lungo Enthi?
Hendak pergi ke mana?

Aminah :Lungo Gedde
Pergi Ke Kedai

Ali :Arek tuku opo?
Nak Beli Apa?

Aminah :Tuku Iwak Karo Sayor
Beli ikan dan sayur

Aminah :Ora opolah, aku lungo disek yo! Engko gedene tutup.
Tak apalah saya pergi dulu ya! Nanti kedainya tutup

Ali :Yo lah
Ya lah.


Anonymous said...


Today i have received an email from my friend and the email is talking about tips to take care your health. After i read it, i found it is very useful.And now i would like to share all the tips with you guys.
1) Answer the phone by LEFT ear.

2) Do not drink coffee TWICE a day

3) Do not take pills with COOL water.

4) Do not have HUGE meals after 5pm.

5) Reduce the amount of OILY food you consume.

6) Drink more WATER in the morning, less at night.

7) Keep your distance from hand phone CHARGERS.

8) Do not use headphones/earphone for LONG period of time.

9) Best sleeping time is from 10pm at night to 6am in the morning.

10) Do not lie down immediately after taking medicine before sleeping.

11) When battery is down to the LAST grid/bar, do not answer the phone as the radiation is 1000 times.

Anonymous said...


Salt??.We need to keep less salt in our meals.There some suggestion to less the salt im our food.
Choose fresh, lean meats, poultry, and fish instead of processed versions.
Skip the salt and use fresh herbs, spices, and low- or no-salt seasonings.
Stick to fresh or frozen vegetables instead of canned. If you do choose canned, look for "no salt added" versions, or rinse vegetables before use.
Don't add salt to the water when cooking rice or pasta. Also, avoid instant versions of these foods.
Stay away from pre-packaged foods that are often high in sodium, such as frozen meals, pizzas, canned soups and foods, and packed food mixes.

nIRuzA said...
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Unknown said...



There are some tips to look and feel best everyday...

-First, take a shower. You sweat while you sleep and that makes you stink. So, use a good smelling soap (anything from Bath & Body Works). Use shampoo and conditioner- but not too much conditioner. Suave works great, it comes in great scents and it doesn't strip your hair out.

-Of course, brush your teeth, floss and use mouthwash. I like to use the silky floss, Crest toothpaste and Crest mouthwash.

-Although natural beauty is the best kind, if you're going to use makeup don't use too much. Choose to play up the lips or the eyes, never both.

-Make sure your nails are clean. Keep them short, and use a moisturizing lotion of your hands. People often judge you on the way your hands and nails are kept. Don't wear polish until it chips away, and don't over grow your nails. If you're going for fakes, go for the classic short french manicure look. Bold fake nails are very trashy. Never buy the plastic kind and do them yourself. Go to a salon. If you can't afford that, just keep your nails short and clean.

Try it..
have a nice day!!!!

Dhaisza said...


Today i will share with you about Al-Jazari. Do you know him? If you don't know, i will share a little bit about him.

Al-Jazari’s life and environment
Al-Jazari’s full name is given at the start of his book[1] He was al-Shaykh Ra’is al-A’mal Badi’ al-Zaman Abu al-‘Izz ibn Isma’il ibn al-Razzaz al-Jazari The first three titles indicate that he was a chief engineer (Ra’is al-A’mal), and was unique and unrivalled, (Badi’ al-Zaman). The al-shaykh was a title of honour indicating that he was a learned and a dignified person.

The word ‘Al-Jazari’ indicates that his family came from Jazirat ibn ‘Umar in Diyar Bakr. We do not know the date of his birth and our information about his life is obtained from his book.

Al-Jazari was in the service of three Artuqid rulers: Nur al-Din Muhammad ibn Arslan (570-581/ 1174-1185), Qutb al-Din Sukman ibn Muhammad (681-697/ 1185-1200) and Nasir al-Din Mahmud ibn Muhammad (597-619/ 1200-1222.).

It was in response to the request of Nasir al-Din Mahmud that al-Jazari wrote his book. He says in his introduction that he started his service at the Artuqid court in the year 570/1174, and that when he started writing the book he had already spent twenty five years in the service of Nur al-Din Muhammad, the father, and Qutb al-Din Sukman, the brother. From this information we conclude that probably al-Jazari started writing his book in the year 595/1198, two years before Nasir al-Din became king. From the Oxford manuscript we learn that al-Jazari finished writing his book on 4 Jumada the Second, 602/ 16 January 1206. The oldest extant copy (Topkapi Sarayi Libray, Ahmet III, 3472) was completed by Muhammad ibn Yusuf ibn ‘Uthman al-Haskafi at the end of Sha’ban 602/ 10 April 1206. From al-Haskafi’s colophon we learn that al-Jazarī was not living at this date. We conclude besides, that he died in the year 602/1206, just few months after he had completed his work.

Āmid, that is called now Diyar Bakr [2], was on the left bank of the Tigris. Travellers who visited the city during the 11th century admired its buildings, its walls and its affluence. In 438/1046, Nasir-i Khusraw visited the city and wrote: ‘ I have seen many cities and fortresses at the extremities of the world in the lands of the Arabs, Persians, Indians and Turks, and yet I have never seen anything comparable to Āmid anywhere in the world; nor have I heard anyone claim that he had seen any place matching this glorious city’.

During this period Āmid was prosperous, and it enjoyed a period of peace and stability. Thus al-Jazari lived in the court of the Artuqid kings under conditions favourable for the invention and construction of his machines and for writing.

Anonymous said...



I have finished read an article about stress. I know everyone will be in stress with a lot of work to do this week especially assessment,project and assignment.we also need to struggle for test and quiz.Contrary to what many people think, there is good or positive stress known as 'eustress' and bad or negative stress known as 'distress'.According to Dr Mogan, stress is difficult to define as it is subjective.For me,the reason for this is that there is no definition of stress that everyone agrees on, what is stressful for one person may be pleasurable or have little effect on others.i think people have to find the right amount of stress that permits them to live a productive and happy life.from stress,we can learn how to utilize and transform stress so that it will make our be more productive.this article also recommends the 10 simple steps to overcome stress and they are to relax, take deep breath, take it easy, perform religious obligations, speak with somebody, go for massage therapy, rest and listen to music, go for recreational activities, exercise and think,i hope who have a stress can take this as a way to handle it.

Anonymous said...


Yes,I would like to talk about Panda.
I love this animal because it is so cute.Panda is arguably one of the most appealing mammals on earth. It is related to other bear species, but genetic research suggests a split about 40,000 years ago, that resulted in the Panda having an elongated wrist bone similar to a thumb.

The Giant Panda, with its black and white patches is most recognizable, but the same group of animals also includes the Red Panda, which much more resembles a raccoon or fox than a bear. Another species, roughly half the size of the Giant Panda, has been extinct for about a million years, though fossil records are still found of this Dwarf Panda.

The Giant and Red Panda can be found in Asia, with the largest concentrations of animals in China. Habitat of the Panda is thought to have extended throughout most of Asia, according to fossil records. Now the Giant Panda is found exclusively in China. The Red Panda is found in China, India, and Nepal.

Both types of Panda are almost exclusively herbivorous, eating primarily bamboo. In captivity the Panda may enjoy eggs and yams. Pandas are thought to be very selective regarding the type of bamboo they will eat, and tend to migrate according to bamboo types and seasons. This factor has resulted in extreme endangerment of the Panda due to habitat destruction.

If you want to know more about this cute animal,you can via this link

adeek_illa said...


I already read about ‘DARK CHOCOLATE’. I am the chocolate lover, so here are some information about chocolate; chocolate contains some of the same disease-fighting antioxidants as red wine, fruit and vegetables. In fact, a 50g bar of the dark chocolate offers about the same amount of antioxidants protection as a 150 ml glass of Cabernet. Tests conducted in Japan on human blood samples found that some antioxidants extracted from chocolate suppressed cell-damaging chemicals and boosted immune function. More recently, the British Medical Journal reported that people who regularly eat chocolate live up to a year longer than those who avoid it altogether. The study, which examined health records of 7841 men, found that people who ate modest amounts of chocolate arc-from one to three a month – had a 36 per cent lower risk of death than those who abstained.
Thank you

Unknown said...

Sharizan Bte Zaianl Abidin
CA 08115
Most of people are like to play a video game. However, do you know the history of a video game? Video game were introduce as a commercial entertainment medium in 1971. It becomes the basis important entertainment industry at the end of 1970 in the United States, Japan, and Europe. In 1958, majority of early computer games ran on university mainframe computer in the United Sates and developed by individual as hobby. In 1966, Ralph Baer made a simple video game named Chase that displayed on a television. With the assistance of Baer, Bill Harrison made the light gun and developed several video games with Bill Rusch in 1967. Ralph Baer continued development, and in 1968 a prototype was completed that could run several different games such as table tennis and target shooting.
In the early of 1980, the computer gaming shows the first major growing. Some of games were simple clones of existing arcade titles, the relatively low publishing costs for personal computer games allowed for many bold, unique games, a legacy that continues until this day. In 1982, the Commodore64, Apple 2. and Sinclair ZX Spectrum were commonly used and known only in UK.

Unknown said...




We have been exposed to public speaking since we are in the secondary school. However, some of us still cannot cope with the situation during the presentation day. Shacking, sweating, feel the butterfly inside the stomach and lacks of focus are normal to those who are going to speak in front of audience. As for me, days by days I’m improving my skills through the reading from internet about improving public speaking skills. Here are some tips that I practiced:

1) Know your subject.
Do make research related to your topic in order to make your presentation more knowledgeable. You must also understand well your topic so that your delivery becomes smooth. Besides that, you can make up index cards with notes or key phrases to refer to during your speech. However, do not look at your notes all the time because it will make the audience bored with your presentation.

2) Know your audience.
The ways of delivering your topic must be suitable with the targeted audience. The ways of speech to the schoolchildren are different with the delivery to the professionals. Do make research about your target audience’s need such as what is their main purpose of attending your speech.

3) Practice/rehearse
Do several run-throughs of your talk. Gather any props you will use, such as photos or charts. If you are using a multimedia presentation, make sure your equipment is operating correctly. You might even get a family member or a friend to observe your rehearsal and give you constructive feedback. Or else, make a personal practice in front of a mirror because you see the way you deliver the speech and from that can make an improvement.

4) Stage fright.
You may find it helpful sit quietly for a few minutes before your speech and gather your thoughts, breathing deeply. Visualization techniques, such as athletes use, will train your brain not to be afraid and mentally walking-through the exercise many times will imprint on your subconscious that there is no other option but success.

Hopefully, with the little help from me will make all of my friends to be more confident on public speaking.

Anonymous said...

. I have read an article about television. From the article, I see advantage of watching television. Television is one of the most important inventions in transforming information history. Television broadcasting enriches our entertainments. Furthermore, the television deserve considered as the unlimited source of information

Anonymous said...

Hasrul Harfizal Bin Mohd Zait.

For my Technical Writing subject i must post 10 comments every month in the subject's blog. i was thinking what is the blog actually. So i found the information of the blogging in the internet. In this entry i want to share about the blogging.What is blog? .Blogs generally represent the personality of the author or reflect the purpose of the Web site that hosts the blog. Topics sometimes include brief philosophical musings, commentary on Internet and other social issues, and links to other sites the author favors, especially those that support a point being made on a post.The author of a blog is often referred to as a blogger.Today, we can see most of the blogger released their spirit in their blog. But, we must be careful because today in our country, the government enforce the blog because there are many blogger that was abuse their blog.That's a;; about the information of blog.

Anonymous said...


Recently i have played 1 game call CALL OF DUTY. This game is based on the situation based on the war. Played as the one of the soldier in the war, US infantry & other allies to defeat the krauts(german) soldier really2 give me an excitement to play & play again. i hope the next series will be released soon.