Do u ever heard of this name? Actually it is one type of Japanese food. I love to eat tako tao which is in octopus flavour. They come in three flavours which are chicken, prawn and squid. I bought these at Jusco AU2, Setiawangsa for RM 4.30 if I remember it correctly. I'm assuming the balls were made out of flour and the filling of whether chicken, prawn or squid will be put inside them. The light taste of sweet and salty was just delicious. At first I ate this tako tao, I do not know what is the sauce and the flakes were made of though. The real name is Tako Yaki. I called it as Tako Tao because of the stalls that sell this food named as “TAKO TAO”. Tako means octopus in Japanese word.
I’ve read that Tako yaki is fried octopus dumpling (ball). Usually the batter is made from wheat flour, egg, and water or dashi-stock. Ingredients in the ball are chopped octopus, beni-shoga (pickled ginger), tenkasu (crunchy bits of deep-fried tempura batter) and so on.
Those are fried on takoyaki mold (plate). After fried, thoes balls are put takoyaki sauce, and splinkle shreded dried bonito and green laver.
Yes, I had the takoyaki mold (plate). My sisters and I have bought it at Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman for RM25 ++. I had the experience of making this food. We bought all the ingredients at Jusco and serve it ourselves. It is not so difficult to serve it.
I've read about "clown fish" and how it got it's name. What an attractive fish it was. Here is some details about it that i would like to share.
These fish owe their name to their coloring. Several species are commercially available nowadays, often with their associated sea anemone, because their life is generally intertwined with this invertebrate, which offers them protection. Clownfish can range in color from this typical orange and white to black and to blue. They're active, which is sometimes mistaken for "clowning around", hence their name. Clownfish are related to damsels, and are fairly hardy. However, they are more difficult to acclimate to a new tank. They are an extremely hardy fish, making them a very popular addition to a novice tank. So the conclusion is if you are not a good caretaker for all types of fishes, definitely avoid from taking care this fish in a tank because you will absolutely kill them due to its resistance to adapt in a new environment. Remember..=P
Almost everyone oversleeps from time to time, especially on weekends. There is big a difference, though, between allowing yourself to oversleep once in a while, and oversleeping uncontrollably on a consistent basis. Actually oversleeping can become an addiction, with some really devastating overcomes. You may need to do some more work on your mindset. - Change the way you think about sleep. Stop justifying yourself and making excuses, like - "I need more sleep than the average person". Stop looking at sleep as "fun". Instead, think about it as a waste of time. Something that you wish you didn't have to do. Then you'd have to start changing your habits. - Establish a routine and stick to it. Wake up at the same time, even on weekends. It may sound harsh, but it’s crucial, at least you gain control over your sleep habits. To increase the chance of you to waking up on time, think of anything you can do before going to bed, to make it easier or more pleasant for you to get out of bed. - Put the clock far away from bed and commit to ‘not going back to bed after you turn off the alarm’. - Improve your sleep. Instead of focusing on the amount of sleep you're getting, start focusing on improving the quality of your sleep. - Reduce sleep. If you sleep more than eight hours, or if, for example, you sleep 7-8 hours, but would like to sleep even less - do it gradually, twenty minutes at a time, and give yourself at least a week to get used to the new schedule.
Perhaps the phrase conjures up visions of dueling at dawn, but the fact remains that a bad reputation is not to be taken lightly. At work, it can cost you business opportunities, job promotions and customer loyalty. It can hurt your private life as well. Here's how to mend a damaged reputation.
Assess the substance of the bad reputation. Is there any truth to it? Or are you the victim of jealousy or whiners?
Reconsider your managerial style if you are in a position of leadership. Could you make subtle changes? Are you a good communicator and listener? Do you give clear instructions? Are raises overdue?
If you determine that you need to improve a personal attribute, make a commitment to yourself to change your ways.
Tell those around you that you're trying to improve. Others will be impressed if you can admit to your own flaws, and they might have some good pointers.
Perform one act every single day that counteracts your bad reputation.
As a malay, i'm proudly want to share about the unique of malays wedding ceremony.A Malay wedding ceremony spreads over two days, beginning with the akad nikah ceremony. The groom signs the marriage contract and agrees to provide the bride with a mas kahwin(dowry). After that, their hands are dyed with henna during the berinai besar ceremony. The bride's hair is also trimmed or her eyebrows shaped by a beautician known as the mak andam.
The second day, the groom is accompanied by friends, relatives, musicians and bunga manggar (palm blossom) carriers to the bride's house where they are usually greeted with the sprinkling of yellow rice and scented water.
Sometimes, the pencak silat or the traditional Malay Martial Art is performed. To add gaiety to the joyful affair, the groom and his party are required to overcome humorous obstacles before being allowed to go in.
A Malay wedding begins with the akad nikah ceremony. The groom signs the marriage contract and agrees to provide the bride with a mas kahwin. After that, their hands are dyed with henna during the berinai besar ceremony. The bride's hair is also trimmed or being put on make-up by a beautician known as the mak andam. Women/Bride will also put on their 'tudung' or hijab to cover their hair and a 'selendang' or beautiful embroidered with beads scarf on top of their hijab. A crown is also placed on top of the scarf.
During the bersanding ceremony, the bridal couple will be seated on the dais and sprinkled with yellow rice and scented water by family members, relatives and guests as a sign of blessing. Each guest will receive a bunga telur, which means 'flower' and 'egg' - a symbol of a fertile union.
After the bersanding ceremony, the wedded couple and their guests will attend a celebratory feast called the makan beradab. This involves the bride and groom feeding each other sweetened rice. The celebrations are later concluded with poses for family photos.
Al-Ahnaf Ibn Qays Ibn Mu'awyiah was a well-known Muslim general who lived during the time of Muhammad.[1] He hailed from the Arab tribe of Banu Tameem and was born of two noble parents. His father named him ad-Dhahhak, but everybody called him al-Ahnaf (the clubfooted), because of a defect in his feet.In the early years of Islam, Muhammad sent a missionary to the people of Banu Sa'd from the tribe of Banu Tameem. They informed him that no decisions could be made until they knew Al-Ahnaf's opinion. Al-Ahnaf listened and questioned the missionary until he and his entire tribe accepted Islam. Al-Ahnaf never met Muhammad because he remained with his people during Muhammad's lifetime. After Muhammad's death in 632, many tribes reneged but al-Ahnaf and his people remained Muslims. When he heard about Musaylimah's claim of prophecy, al-Ahnaf went with his uncle to meet him. After listening to Musaylimah, he returned to his people and discouraged them from hearing his falsehood.=)
for this last entry,i want to share about heart disease.The facts, however, tell quite a different story. Heart disease is more than just a man's disease -- much more. Better than 1 in 5 women have some form of heart or blood disease. By the time a woman reaches 65, she has a 1 in 3 chance of developing cardiovascular disease. And a number of studies show that African-American women are at even greater risk than these averages.
Heart disease, in its various forms, is the leading killer of American women. The following statistics paint a graphic picture:
One-third of all deaths of American women each year are attributable to heart disease. Heart disease kills more women each year than all types of cancer, accidents, and diabetes combined.
All forms of cardiovascular disease kill more than 500,000 American women a year (compared to about 450,000 men). Stroke alone kills more than 97,000 women annually.
Myocardial infarction, commonly known as a heart attack, kills 244,000 women a year.
Forty percent of women with heart disease will eventually die of it.
About 6.3 million American women alive today have a history of heart attack, angina (chest pain), or both.
The reason that so much more attention has been focused on men is that they are much more likely to be stricken with heart disease in their prime middle years, whereas women tend to get it 10 to 20 years later. For most women, it is only after menopause that heart disease becomes a problem. But a woman of 60 is about as likely to get heart disease as a man of 50, and by the time they are in their 70s, men and women get heart disease at equal rates. In the past two decades, death rates from cardiovascular disease have declined in both men and women, but have gone down more slowly in women.
The significance of these facts is clear when you consider the aging of the American population. Currently, 38 percent of American women are 45 years of age or older and nearly 50 million have reached or passed 50 years of age. By 2015, that percentage will rise to 45 percent. This means that heart disease in women will be an even bigger problem in the future than it is now.
In the past, care of women with heart disease was based primarily on what was known about men. Given the many factors unique to a woman's health, it became apparent that this approach was not satisfactory. Prevention, diagnosis, and treatment cannot adequately take account of these factors until they have been systematically studied and evaluated.
Women have paid a heavy price for medicine's excessive focus on male heart patients, suffering delayed diagnosis, inadequate treatment, and a toll that could be counted in disabilities and death. One study found that an increased death rate in women following heart attacks was associated with less use of certain treatments, such as clot-busting drugs, compared to men.
Finally, however, this situation is changing. Greater attention to women's health in general and a growing awareness of the risks of heart disease in women are replacing the disregard of the past. An increasing number of scientific studies are focusing on how heart disease affects women. Gradually, doctors are becoming better informed about the dangers to women from heart disease, so that they are less likely to attribute chest pain to anxiety or other non-heart-related problems. And women themselves are learning that their own attention to their health must not be limited to an annual visit to the gynecologist.
So why is this important? If nothing could be done about heart disease, all of this attention might be academic. However, heart disease is both preventable and treatable; and as doctors learn more about what causes the problem, it is becoming increasingly apparent that there is much that you can do to prevent it from ever occurring. Diet and lifestyle changes can be very effective preventive efforts for some forms of heart disease. To work best, these efforts should begin early in life, long before you perceive yourself to be at risk. And if heart disease does strike, modern science and technology have an ever-growing arsenal of weapons available to successfully fight it and restore its survivors to healthy and productive lives.
Hello my friend,is me again.Today i am going to share some tips on how to take care your computer. It is not necessary for you to buy a branded computer so that it will last.If you take care of your computer... it will take care of you. Here is the tips how to take care your computer: 1 Scan your computer daily when you finish working on it.
2 If on a certain day you happen to download many pages, software, programs, zipped files, exe files, etc., immediately after downloading everything, scan your computer. This way, just in case a virus existed in anything you downloaded, you will catch it in time before it infects your entire Hard Drive.
3 Use your online scanner to scan your computer once a week
4 A virus can duplicate itself to everyone on your address book and send itself out by email, without you even knowing that this has been done
5 Use your adware/spyware checker once a week
6 Set your virus checker to update itself automatically. This way, it is always updated with the latest protection.
7 Do not open any attachments in emails from people you do not know.
8 Do not open any attachments even from people you do know, if you are not expecting anything from them.
9 Do not download free music on the Internet – these free sites are always infected.
10 Do not download any free games from the Internet
11 Back up all your data on a daily basis. Use floppy disks, flash drives, memory sticks, zip disks, CD-Roms, etc.
12 Adult sites are particularly prone to viruses.
13 Print out contracts, payment forms, agreements and all legal documents and file them away in a ring-binder. Try not to keep anything to do with your finances, payment details, payment processor passwords, credit card details, etc. on your computer. A hacker could easily access all these details, if they are anywhere on your computer. And with today's online WiFi technology, it becomes possible for hackers to at least attempt to get at you.
FEVER known as pyrexia Fever is an increase of body temperature to levels above normal which is 37°C.Fever is most accurately characterized as a temporary elevation in the body's thermoregulatory set-point, usually by about 1–2 °C.A fever is considered one of the body's immune mechanisms to attempt a neutralization of a perceived threat inside the body, be it bacterial or viral. Carl Wunderlich discovered that fever is not a disease, but the body's response to a disease.So actualy fever is not a bad thing,fever help you from harm bacteria come inside your body,it is a process to make your body not get sick when same bacteria attack you.
Do you know the type of friendship? I will give a details about type of friendship. There are many types:
Best friend or close friend: a person with whom someone shares extremely strong interpersonal ties with a friend.
Acquaintance: similar to a friend, but sharing of emotional ties isn't present. An example would be a coworker with whom you enjoy eating lunch, but would not look to for emotional support.
Romantic friendship: the very close but non-sexual friendship shared between two friends, often involving physical contact such as hugging, holding hands, and even cuddling.
Soulmate: the name given to someone who is considered the ultimate, true, and eternal half of the other's soul, in which the two are now and forever meant to be together.
Pen pal: a person who shares a "postal" relationship with another and regularly writes via "snail mail". They may or may not have met each other in person and may share either love, friendship, or simply an acquaintance between each other.
Internet friendship: a widely debated and form of friendship or romance which takes place over the Internet. so, what type of friendship you have? think yourselves.
Hye guys. Have you experience with situation that never come in your mind?? I have something that i wanna share with you guys. Yesterday i went to Kuantan. Just wanna rest and meet my friend. When i arrived at Mega Mall, I'm so surprised because i see a young boy(around 8 years old) sit with his brother. Just sit and chat with some girl and the little kids just look and do nothing. In my mind, i keep thinking. Where are their parents?Do they know where are their child right now and what they do?
Then, i go to some shops. What I'm totally surprised when i see some boys come to me and ask me for something that i never thought. At that time i really wanna slap that boys. But i couldn't do that. I smile to them then go to some place. I really hate what they do to me but i let them go.
What i wanna say here is, where their parents that should take care of them? where are their responsible? I thankful to GOD because both my parents really take care of me. Really LOVE them..
‘DRUGS THAT CAN DISTURB SLEEP’. Antidepressants; Prozac, Paxil and other serotonin – reuptake inhibitors sometimes disturb normal sleep patterns. Asthma Medications ; some inhaled and oral treatments, such as steroids and thephylline, can act as stimulants. Beta – blockers ; these can cause insomnia, nighttime awakenings, daytime sleepiness and vivid dreams. Decongestants ; two common ones, pseudoephedrine and phenylpropanolamine, can act as stimulants. Diuretics ; ‘water pills’ may disrupt sleep by prompting the need for the frequent urination. Painkillers ; aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen can decrease melatonin synthesis. Some aspirin – based nonprescription painkillers contain caffeine.
one story from the most mysterious BERMUDA TRIANGLE..
It was Halloween, 1991. Radar controllers checked and rechecked what they had just seen. The scope was blank in a spot now. Everywhere else all seemed normal. Routine traffic was proceeding undisturbed, in their vectors, tracked and uninterrupted. But just moments earlier they had been tracking a Grumman Cougar jet. The pilot was John Verdi. He and trained co-pilot, Paul Lukaris, were on a flight toward Tallahassee Moments before Verdi’s voice had crackled over the receiver at the flight center: “Uh, this is November two four Whiskey Juliet (N24WJ). I am at, uh, two five three zero zero. Request ascent two niner zero. Over.” Permission was quickly granted. The turbo jet was then seen ascending from 25,300 feet to its cruising altitude of 29,000. All seemed normal. They were still ascending. Verdi had not yet rogered reaching his new altitude. Radar continued to track the Cougar until, for some unknown reason, it simply faded away. Verdi and Lukaris answered no more calls to respond. They had sent no MAYDAY to indicate a problem. Read-outs of the radar observations confirmed the unusual: The Cougar had not been captured at all descending or falling to the sea. Frankly, it had just vanished while climbing; it simply faded away. One sweep they were there . . . the next?
i like physics very much. The elements in the physics such as elctrics, mechanicals, waves and so on was very interesting. In this entry, i would like to share an article that i have read about wave.
Without waves, the world would be a different place. Waves cannot exist by themselves for they are caused by winds. Winds in turn are caused by differences in temperature on the planet, mainly between the hot tropics and the cold poles but also due to temperature fluctuations of continents relative to the sea. Without waves, the winds would have only a very small grip on the water and would not be able to move it as much. The waves allow the wind to transfer its energy to the water's surface and to make it move. At the surface, waves promote the exchange of gases: carbon dioxide into the oceans and oxygen out. Currents and eddies mix the layers of water which would otherwise become stagnant and less conducive to life. Nutrients are thus circulated and re-used. The large ocean currents transport warm water from the tropics to the poles and cold water the other way. They help to stabilise the planet's temperature and to minimise its extremes. For instance, because of warm ocean currents arriving from the north, the temperature of New Zealand is 3-4 degrees higher than it would be without them.
For the creatures in the sea, ocean currents allow their larvae to be dispersed and to be carried great distances. Many creatures spawn only during storms when large waves can mix their gametes effectively.
Sharizan Bte Zainal Abidin CA 08115 I have read an article about the cause of acne. As we know, acne can bring many bad effects to our skin. the cause of acne are hormone imbalance, genetic heritance, improper shedding cells, and plugged skin pores. Acne are commonly seen on teenagers boys and girls. It’s also occur in babies or adults. The influence of acne is genetics exert it is likely if your parent are suffer from it you might also suffer from acne. Beside, Retention Keratosis are also cause acne. This happens because of improper shedding of the skin lining due to the skin pores get blocked. The blocked skin pores containing dead cells serve as a medium for bacterial growth, hence, the development of acne. The symptoms of acne are pimples, papules, whiteheads, and blackheads. In several case, they are mostly found in the face, neck, upper shoulder, chest and at back.
Habit is an accustomed practice or the particular way of behaving. Nail biting is one of the most common habits found in the society. This has been proved in a research which resulted that about 50% of children between the ages of 10 and 18 bite their nails at one time or another. Nail-biting occurs most often as teens are going through puberty changes. About 23% of young adults, ages 18 to 22 years, bite their nails. However, only a small number of other adults bite their nails. Most people stop biting their nails on their own by age 30. About 10% of men over the age of 30 bite their nails and boys bite their nails more often than girls after age 10. This habit was said to be common stress-relieving habit among us. Besides, we bite the nails without realizing we are doing it. Biting the cuticle and soft tissue surrounding the nail as well as biting the nail itself will harm our health without we notice it. Nail-biting can cause your fingertips to be red and sore and your cuticles to bleed. Thus, increase the risk for infections around the nail beds and around the mouth. Besides that, it also can cause dental problems and infections of the gums. Therefore, as a treatment tries substituting another activity, such as drawing or writing or squeezing a stress ball or Silly Putty, when you find yourself biting your nails. It is also advisable for you to keep your nails trimmed and filed. Taking care of your nails can help reduce your nail-biting habit and encourage you to keep your nails attractive. Source:
NURUL WAHIDA BINTI OMAR CA08097 Watching television also give bad effect in our daily life. Wasting time is one of the inherent disadvantages of watching TV. On the other hand, television programmed is not always suitable for all ages. Sometimes, there are some movies contain sexual material and violence which affected the stormy phase of growing of children and teenagers and should not be watched, even by some adults. In the aspect of health, spending hours watching TV is harmful to your eyesight. Source:
The U.S. Army Airborne School — widely known as Jump School — conducts the basic paratrooper (military parachutist) training for the U.S. military. It is operated by the 1st Battalion (Airborne), 507th Infantry, U.S. Army Infantry School, Fort Benning, Georgia. The Airborne School conducts the Basic Airborne Course which is open to soldiers of both genders from all branches of the armed forces as well as sister services and allied military personnel.
The purpose of the Basic Airborne Course is to qualify the volunteer (all students volunteer for this school) in the use of the parachute as a means of combat deployment and to develop leadership, self-confidence, and an aggressive spirit through mental and physical conditioning.
The course is three weeks long and consists of "Ground Week", "Tower Week" and "Jump Week". Rigorous physical training (PT) is emphasized throughout the entire course. The initial entry PT test consists of the standard Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). All age groups must pass this test using the 17-21 age group standards. The pullup requirement was lifted in October 2006.
Tako tao!
Do u ever heard of this name?
Actually it is one type of Japanese food.
I love to eat tako tao which is in octopus flavour. They come in three flavours which are chicken, prawn and squid. I bought these at Jusco AU2, Setiawangsa for RM 4.30 if I remember it correctly. I'm assuming the balls were made out of flour and the filling of whether chicken, prawn or squid will be put inside them. The light taste of sweet and salty was just delicious. At first I ate this tako tao, I do not know what is the sauce and the flakes were made of though. The real name is Tako Yaki. I called it as Tako Tao because of the stalls that sell this food named as “TAKO TAO”.
Tako means octopus in Japanese word.
I’ve read that Tako yaki is fried octopus dumpling (ball).
Usually the batter is made from wheat flour, egg, and water or dashi-stock.
Ingredients in the ball are chopped octopus, beni-shoga (pickled ginger), tenkasu (crunchy bits of deep-fried tempura batter) and so on.
Those are fried on takoyaki mold (plate).
After fried, thoes balls are put takoyaki sauce, and splinkle shreded dried bonito and green laver.
Yes, I had the takoyaki mold (plate). My sisters and I have bought it at Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman for RM25 ++. I had the experience of making this food. We bought all the ingredients at Jusco and serve it ourselves. It is not so difficult to serve it.
Have a taste of this tako tao !
I've read about "clown fish" and how it got it's name. What an attractive fish it was. Here is some details about it that i would like to share.
These fish owe their name to their coloring. Several species are commercially available nowadays, often with their associated sea anemone, because their life is generally intertwined with this invertebrate, which offers them protection. Clownfish can range in color from this typical orange and white to black and to blue. They're active, which is sometimes mistaken for "clowning around", hence their name. Clownfish are related to damsels, and are fairly hardy. However, they are more difficult to acclimate to a new tank. They are an extremely hardy fish, making them a very popular addition to a novice tank. So the conclusion is if you are not a good caretaker for all types of fishes, definitely avoid from taking care this fish in a tank because you will absolutely kill them due to its resistance to adapt in a new environment.
How to Stop Oversleep.
Almost everyone oversleeps from time to time, especially on weekends. There is big a difference, though, between allowing yourself to oversleep once in a while, and oversleeping uncontrollably on a consistent basis. Actually oversleeping can become an addiction, with some really devastating overcomes. You may need to do some more work on your mindset.
- Change the way you think about sleep. Stop justifying yourself and making excuses, like - "I need more sleep than the average person". Stop looking at sleep as "fun". Instead, think about it as a waste of time. Something that you wish you didn't have to do. Then you'd have to start changing your habits.
- Establish a routine and stick to it. Wake up at the same time, even on weekends. It may sound harsh, but it’s crucial, at least you gain control over your sleep habits. To increase the chance of you to waking up on time, think of anything you can do before going to bed, to make it easier or more pleasant for you to get out of bed.
- Put the clock far away from bed and commit to ‘not going back to bed after you turn off the alarm’.
- Improve your sleep. Instead of focusing on the amount of sleep you're getting, start focusing on improving the quality of your sleep.
- Reduce sleep. If you sleep more than eight hours, or if, for example, you sleep 7-8 hours, but would like to sleep even less - do it gradually, twenty minutes at a time, and give yourself at least a week to get used to the new schedule.
Perhaps the phrase conjures up visions of dueling at dawn, but the fact remains that a bad reputation is not to be taken lightly. At work, it can cost you business opportunities, job promotions and customer loyalty. It can hurt your private life as well. Here's how to mend a damaged reputation.
Assess the substance of the bad reputation. Is there any truth to it? Or are you the victim of jealousy or whiners?
Reconsider your managerial style if you are in a position of leadership. Could you make subtle changes? Are you a good communicator and listener? Do you give clear instructions? Are raises overdue?
If you determine that you need to improve a personal attribute, make a commitment to yourself to change your ways.
Tell those around you that you're trying to improve. Others will be impressed if you can admit to your own flaws, and they might have some good pointers.
Perform one act every single day that counteracts your bad reputation.
CA 08117
As a malay, i'm proudly want to share about the unique of malays wedding ceremony.A Malay wedding ceremony spreads over two days, beginning with the akad nikah ceremony. The groom signs the marriage contract and agrees to provide the bride with a mas kahwin(dowry). After that, their hands are dyed with henna during the berinai besar ceremony. The bride's hair is also trimmed or her eyebrows shaped by a beautician known as the mak andam.
The second day, the groom is accompanied by friends, relatives, musicians and bunga manggar (palm blossom) carriers to the bride's house where they are usually greeted with the sprinkling of yellow rice and scented water.
Sometimes, the pencak silat or the traditional Malay Martial Art is performed. To add gaiety to the joyful affair, the groom and his party are required to overcome humorous obstacles before being allowed to go in.
A Malay wedding begins with the akad nikah ceremony. The groom signs the marriage contract and agrees to provide the bride with a mas kahwin. After that, their hands are dyed with henna during the berinai besar ceremony. The bride's hair is also trimmed or being put on make-up by a beautician known as the mak andam. Women/Bride will also put on their 'tudung' or hijab to cover their hair and a 'selendang' or beautiful embroidered with beads scarf on top of their hijab. A crown is also placed on top of the scarf.
During the bersanding ceremony, the bridal couple will be seated on the dais and sprinkled with yellow rice and scented water by family members, relatives and guests as a sign of blessing. Each guest will receive a bunga telur, which means 'flower' and 'egg' - a symbol of a fertile union.
After the bersanding ceremony, the wedded couple and their guests will attend a celebratory feast called the makan beradab. This involves the bride and groom feeding each other sweetened rice. The celebrations are later concluded with poses for family photos.
Siti Hidayah Binti Mohd Miswan.
"Al-Ahnaf Ibn Qays"
Al-Ahnaf Ibn Qays Ibn Mu'awyiah was a well-known Muslim general who lived during the time of Muhammad.[1] He hailed from the Arab tribe of Banu Tameem and was born of two noble parents. His father named him ad-Dhahhak, but everybody called him al-Ahnaf (the clubfooted), because of a defect in his feet.In the early years of Islam, Muhammad sent a missionary to the people of Banu Sa'd from the tribe of Banu Tameem. They informed him that no decisions could be made until they knew Al-Ahnaf's opinion. Al-Ahnaf listened and questioned the missionary until he and his entire tribe accepted Islam. Al-Ahnaf never met Muhammad because he remained with his people during Muhammad's lifetime. After Muhammad's death in 632, many tribes reneged but al-Ahnaf and his people remained Muslims. When he heard about Musaylimah's claim of prophecy, al-Ahnaf went with his uncle to meet him. After listening to Musaylimah, he returned to his people and discouraged them from hearing his falsehood.=)
for this last entry,i want to share about heart disease.The facts, however, tell quite a different story. Heart disease is more than just a man's disease -- much more. Better than 1 in 5 women have some form of heart or blood disease. By the time a woman reaches 65, she has a 1 in 3 chance of developing cardiovascular disease. And a number of studies show that African-American women are at even greater risk than these averages.
Heart disease, in its various forms, is the leading killer of American women. The following statistics paint a graphic picture:
One-third of all deaths of American women each year are attributable to heart disease. Heart disease kills more women each year than all types of cancer, accidents, and diabetes combined.
All forms of cardiovascular disease kill more than 500,000 American women a year (compared to about 450,000 men). Stroke alone kills more than 97,000 women annually.
Myocardial infarction, commonly known as a heart attack, kills 244,000 women a year.
Forty percent of women with heart disease will eventually die of it.
About 6.3 million American women alive today have a history of heart attack, angina (chest pain), or both.
The reason that so much more attention has been focused on men is that they are much more likely to be stricken with heart disease in their prime middle years, whereas women tend to get it 10 to 20 years later. For most women, it is only after menopause that heart disease becomes a problem. But a woman of 60 is about as likely to get heart disease as a man of 50, and by the time they are in their 70s, men and women get heart disease at equal rates. In the past two decades, death rates from cardiovascular disease have declined in both men and women, but have gone down more slowly in women.
The significance of these facts is clear when you consider the aging of the American population. Currently, 38 percent of American women are 45 years of age or older and nearly 50 million have reached or passed 50 years of age. By 2015, that percentage will rise to 45 percent. This means that heart disease in women will be an even bigger problem in the future than it is now.
In the past, care of women with heart disease was based primarily on what was known about men. Given the many factors unique to a woman's health, it became apparent that this approach was not satisfactory. Prevention, diagnosis, and treatment cannot adequately take account of these factors until they have been systematically studied and evaluated.
Women have paid a heavy price for medicine's excessive focus on male heart patients, suffering delayed diagnosis, inadequate treatment, and a toll that could be counted in disabilities and death. One study found that an increased death rate in women following heart attacks was associated with less use of certain treatments, such as clot-busting drugs, compared to men.
Finally, however, this situation is changing. Greater attention to women's health in general and a growing awareness of the risks of heart disease in women are replacing the disregard of the past. An increasing number of scientific studies are focusing on how heart disease affects women. Gradually, doctors are becoming better informed about the dangers to women from heart disease, so that they are less likely to attribute chest pain to anxiety or other non-heart-related problems. And women themselves are learning that their own attention to their health must not be limited to an annual visit to the gynecologist.
So why is this important? If nothing could be done about heart disease, all of this attention might be academic. However, heart disease is both preventable and treatable; and as doctors learn more about what causes the problem, it is becoming increasingly apparent that there is much that you can do to prevent it from ever occurring. Diet and lifestyle changes can be very effective preventive efforts for some forms of heart disease. To work best, these efforts should begin early in life, long before you perceive yourself to be at risk. And if heart disease does strike, modern science and technology have an ever-growing arsenal of weapons available to successfully fight it and restore its survivors to healthy and productive lives.
Hello my friend,is me again.Today i am going to share some tips on how to take care your computer. It is not necessary for you to buy a branded computer so that it will last.If you take care of your computer... it will take care of you.
Here is the tips how to take care your computer:
1 Scan your computer daily when you finish working on it.
2 If on a certain day you happen to download many pages, software, programs, zipped files, exe files, etc., immediately after downloading everything, scan your computer. This way, just in case a virus existed in anything you downloaded, you will catch it in time before it infects your entire Hard Drive.
3 Use your online scanner to scan your computer once a week
4 A virus can duplicate itself to everyone on your address book and send itself out by email, without you even knowing that this has been done
5 Use your adware/spyware checker once a week
6 Set your virus checker to update itself automatically. This way, it is always updated with the latest protection.
7 Do not open any attachments in emails from people you do not know.
8 Do not open any attachments even from people you do know, if you are not expecting anything from them.
9 Do not download free music on the Internet – these free sites are always infected.
10 Do not download any free games from the Internet
11 Back up all your data on a daily basis. Use floppy disks, flash drives, memory sticks, zip disks, CD-Roms, etc.
12 Adult sites are particularly prone to viruses.
13 Print out contracts, payment forms, agreements and all legal documents and file them away in a ring-binder. Try not to keep anything to do with your finances, payment details, payment processor passwords, credit card details, etc. on your computer. A hacker could easily access all these details, if they are anywhere on your computer. And with today's online WiFi technology, it becomes possible for hackers to at least attempt to get at you.
FEVER known as pyrexia
Fever is an increase of body temperature to levels above normal which is 37°C.Fever is most accurately characterized as a temporary elevation in the body's thermoregulatory set-point, usually by about 1–2 °C.A fever is considered one of the body's immune mechanisms to attempt a neutralization of a perceived threat inside the body, be it bacterial or viral. Carl Wunderlich discovered that fever is not a disease, but the body's response to a disease.So actualy fever is not a bad thing,fever help you from harm bacteria come inside your body,it is a process to make your body not get sick when same bacteria attack you.
Type of Friendship
Do you know the type of friendship? I will give a details about type of friendship. There are many types:
Best friend or close friend: a person with whom someone shares extremely strong interpersonal ties with a friend.
Acquaintance: similar to a friend, but sharing of emotional ties isn't present. An example would be a coworker with whom you enjoy eating lunch, but would not look to for emotional support.
Romantic friendship: the very close but non-sexual friendship shared between two friends, often involving physical contact such as hugging, holding hands, and even cuddling.
Soulmate: the name given to someone who is considered the ultimate, true, and eternal half of the other's soul, in which the two are now and forever meant to be together.
Pen pal: a person who shares a "postal" relationship with another and regularly writes via "snail mail". They may or may not have met each other in person and may share either love, friendship, or simply an acquaintance between each other.
Internet friendship: a widely debated and form of friendship or romance which takes place over the Internet.
so, what type of friendship you have? think yourselves.
Hye guys. Have you experience with situation that never come in your mind?? I have something that i wanna share with you guys. Yesterday i went to Kuantan. Just wanna rest and meet my friend. When i arrived at Mega Mall, I'm so surprised because i see a young boy(around 8 years old) sit with his brother. Just sit and chat with some girl and the little kids just look and do nothing. In my mind, i keep thinking. Where are their parents?Do they know where are their child right now and what they do?
Then, i go to some shops. What I'm totally surprised when i see some boys come to me and ask me for something that i never thought. At that time i really wanna slap that boys. But i couldn't do that. I smile to them then go to some place. I really hate what they do to me but i let them go.
What i wanna say here is, where their parents that should take care of them? where are their responsible? I thankful to GOD because both my parents really take care of me. Really LOVE them..
‘DRUGS THAT CAN DISTURB SLEEP’. Antidepressants; Prozac, Paxil and other serotonin – reuptake inhibitors sometimes disturb normal sleep patterns. Asthma Medications ; some inhaled and oral treatments, such as steroids and thephylline, can act as stimulants. Beta – blockers ; these can cause insomnia, nighttime awakenings, daytime sleepiness and vivid dreams. Decongestants ; two common ones, pseudoephedrine and phenylpropanolamine, can act as stimulants. Diuretics ; ‘water pills’ may disrupt sleep by prompting the need for the frequent urination. Painkillers ; aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen can decrease melatonin synthesis. Some aspirin – based nonprescription painkillers contain caffeine.
one story from the most mysterious BERMUDA TRIANGLE..
It was Halloween, 1991. Radar controllers checked and rechecked what they had just seen. The scope was blank in a spot now. Everywhere else all seemed normal. Routine traffic was proceeding undisturbed, in their vectors, tracked and uninterrupted. But just moments earlier they had been tracking a Grumman Cougar jet. The pilot was John Verdi. He and trained co-pilot, Paul Lukaris, were on a flight toward Tallahassee
Moments before Verdi’s voice had crackled over the receiver at the flight center: “Uh, this is November two four Whiskey Juliet (N24WJ). I am at, uh, two five three zero zero. Request ascent two niner zero. Over.”
Permission was quickly granted. The turbo jet was then seen ascending from 25,300 feet to its cruising altitude of 29,000. All seemed normal.
They were still ascending. Verdi had not yet rogered reaching his new altitude. Radar continued to track the Cougar until, for some unknown reason, it simply faded away. Verdi and Lukaris answered no more calls to respond. They had sent no MAYDAY to indicate a problem. Read-outs of the radar observations confirmed the unusual: The Cougar had not been captured at all descending or falling to the sea. Frankly, it had just vanished while climbing; it simply faded away. One sweep they were there . . . the next?
Hasrul Harfizal bin mohd zait
i like physics very much. The elements in the physics such as elctrics, mechanicals, waves and so on was very interesting.
In this entry, i would like to share an article that i have read about wave.
Without waves, the world would be a different place. Waves cannot exist by themselves for they are caused by winds. Winds in turn are caused by differences in temperature on the planet, mainly between the hot tropics and the cold poles but also due to temperature fluctuations of continents relative to the sea.
Without waves, the winds would have only a very small grip on the water and would not be able to move it as much. The waves allow the wind to transfer its energy to the water's surface and to make it move. At the surface, waves promote the exchange of gases: carbon dioxide into the oceans and oxygen out. Currents and eddies mix the layers of water which would otherwise become stagnant and less conducive to life. Nutrients are thus circulated and re-used.
The large ocean currents transport warm water from the tropics to the poles and cold water the other way. They help to stabilise the planet's temperature and to minimise its extremes. For instance, because of warm ocean currents arriving from the north, the temperature of New Zealand is 3-4 degrees higher than it would be without them.
For the creatures in the sea, ocean currents allow their larvae to be dispersed and to be carried great distances. Many creatures spawn only during storms when large waves can mix their gametes effectively.
that's all.
Sharizan Bte Zainal Abidin
CA 08115
I have read an article about the cause of acne. As we know, acne can bring many bad effects to our skin. the cause of acne are hormone imbalance, genetic heritance, improper shedding cells, and plugged skin pores. Acne are commonly seen on teenagers boys and girls. It’s also occur in babies or adults. The influence of acne is genetics exert it is likely if your parent are suffer from it you might also suffer from acne. Beside, Retention Keratosis are also cause acne. This happens because of improper shedding of the skin lining due to the skin pores get blocked. The blocked skin pores containing dead cells serve as a medium for bacterial growth, hence, the development of acne. The symptoms of acne are pimples, papules, whiteheads, and blackheads. In several case, they are mostly found in the face, neck, upper shoulder, chest and at back.
Habit is an accustomed practice or the particular way of behaving. Nail biting is one of the most common habits found in the society. This has been proved in a research which resulted that about 50% of children between the ages of 10 and 18 bite their nails at one time or another. Nail-biting occurs most often as teens are going through puberty changes. About 23% of young adults, ages 18 to 22 years, bite their nails. However, only a small number of other adults bite their nails. Most people stop biting their nails on their own by age 30. About 10% of men over the age of 30 bite their nails and boys bite their nails more often than girls after age 10. This habit was said to be common stress-relieving habit among us. Besides, we bite the nails without realizing we are doing it. Biting the cuticle and soft tissue surrounding the nail as well as biting the nail itself will harm our health without we notice it. Nail-biting can cause your fingertips to be red and sore and your cuticles to bleed. Thus, increase the risk for infections around the nail beds and around the mouth. Besides that, it also can cause dental problems and infections of the gums. Therefore, as a treatment tries substituting another activity, such as drawing or writing or squeezing a stress ball or Silly Putty, when you find yourself biting your nails. It is also advisable for you to keep your nails trimmed and filed. Taking care of your nails can help reduce your nail-biting habit and encourage you to keep your nails attractive.
Watching television also give bad effect in our daily life. Wasting time is one of the inherent disadvantages of watching TV. On the other hand, television programmed is not always suitable for all ages. Sometimes, there are some movies contain sexual material and violence which affected the stormy phase of growing of children and teenagers and should not be watched, even by some adults. In the aspect of health, spending hours watching TV is harmful to your eyesight.
The U.S. Army Airborne School — widely known as Jump School — conducts the basic paratrooper (military parachutist) training for the U.S. military. It is operated by the 1st Battalion (Airborne), 507th Infantry, U.S. Army Infantry School, Fort Benning, Georgia. The Airborne School conducts the Basic Airborne Course which is open to soldiers of both genders from all branches of the armed forces as well as sister services and allied military personnel.
The purpose of the Basic Airborne Course is to qualify the volunteer (all students volunteer for this school) in the use of the parachute as a means of combat deployment and to develop leadership, self-confidence, and an aggressive spirit through mental and physical conditioning.
The course is three weeks long and consists of "Ground Week", "Tower Week" and "Jump Week". Rigorous physical training (PT) is emphasized throughout the entire course. The initial entry PT test consists of the standard Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). All age groups must pass this test using the 17-21 age group standards. The pullup requirement was lifted in October 2006.
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