Monday, February 2, 2009



Anonymous said...


Diamond Glitters!

In mineralogy, diamond is the allotrope of carbon where the carbon atoms are arranged in an isometric-hexoctahedral crystal lattice. After graphite, diamond is the second most stable form of carbon. Its hardness and high dispersion of light make it useful for industrial applications and jewelry. It is the hardest known naturally occurring mineral. It is possible to treat regular diamonds under a combination of high pressure and high temperature to produce diamonds that are harder than the diamonds used in hardness gauges. Diamonds are specifically renowned as a material with superlative physical qualities; they make excellent abrasives because they can be scratched only by other diamonds, borazon, ultrahard fullerite, rhenium diboride, or aggregated diamond nanorods, which also means they hold a polish extremely well and retain their lustre. They have been treasured as gemstones since their use as religious icons in ancient India.
The conclusion is, diamond is not only for jewelry but also used as industrial applications and religious icons.

Muhammad syafiq said...



Meaning of the name Swatch was Swimmers Watch.In light of the economic state of the Swiss watch industry at the time of the introduction of the Swatch, its directors understood that it was not enough to offer a good watch. The watches needed to be attractive, cheeky and good fun, daring in design and aggressively priced, with high quality and innovative flair. The Swatch watches were high-tech and came in a variety of fashion and art designs.So no wonder why people like to buy SWATCH watch to wear for fashion.

Dhaisza said...


Hershey’s Chocolate

Talks about chocolate must be people all around the world will keep thinking about the taste of it. I, as one of them also love it and my favorite chocolate is Hershey’s choc. As we all know, choc have been produced from cocoa. Then it added by milk and other ingredient to make it taste marvelous. Choc is not just a food. It also has been used as a gift. Especially for couple. Most of boys give their special girl choc as birthday given or even just as present. Choc is quite famous for girl even me. Chocolate is also used in cold and hot beverages, including chocolate milk and hot chocolate. Choc have a lots of type such as white choc, milk choc, dark choc, sweet choc, and etc. The famous product of Hershey’s choc is kisses choc. I really love this choc. One of the reason is because of its taste. Its not too heavy but really attractive. Other than that is because of its shape. Its so cute and nice packaging. It also come in variety of delicious such as Milk Chocolate, Rich Dark Chocolate, and Chocolate filled with Caramel.

Anonymous said...

Due to the SAD project i have do recently, i have found out a formula that use to calculate Body Mass Index (BMI)which is can let you know whether your weight is at the healthy state or not.Below is the formula that use to calculate.

BMI = ( Weight in Kilograms / ( Height in Meters ) x ( Height in Meters ) )

Here is the categories for your result.

18.5 or less Underweight
18.5 to 24.99 Normal Weight
25 to 29.99 Overweight
30 to 34.99 Obesity (Class 1)
35 to 39.99 Obesity (Class 2)
40 or greater Morbid Obesity

It is a very useful formula that can let you know about your health condition in any time you want.

Anonymous said...



Breakfast? Have you having your breakfast today? It is important especially for student. They need it because to get an energy for study. But most of the student doesn’t take it. Let me explain about breakfast. Breakfast is the first meal of the day and is widely regarded by most as the most important meal of the day. The word came about because it means breaking the fast after one has not eaten (fasted) since the night before. Eating a regular, healthy breakfast does make a difference. Studies show it improves your overall health and well-being, as well as your longevity. Unfortunately, too many people skip or skimp on breakfast and suffer the consequences. Those who skip breakfast have slower reaction times and are more accident-prone. School children who skip breakfast have greater hyperactivity, irritability, and anxiety, more disruptive classroom behavior; more tardiness; and a decreased ability to concentrate and solve problems. Eating breakfast has many benefits. It reduces fatigue and sleepiness in the mid-morning hours; helps banish away the blues; improves concentration, increases alertness, and helps one function more efficiently. Academic performance is generally better when breakfast is eaten. Studies have shown that those who skip breakfast are more likely to struggle with a weight problem. Calories eaten earlier in the day are more effectively utilized than those consumed late in the day. Eating a good breakfast generally improves the overall diet of a person. Those skipping breakfast are more likely to snack throughout the day. So start your day right. Make time for a healthy breakfast. Don't leave home without it. Stay healthy.

nadia suhaida said...

CA 08117

The best donuts that I ever had in my life was the donuts in Dunkin's Donut. Sadly, there's no Dunkin's Donut in Terengganu. So, honestly, I dont eat donuts from Dunkin's Donut for a long time. I really want to taste and eat the delicious donuts again.
And at last, when I went to ECM yesterday, I discovered Big Apple donuts. I nver taste it before because I think donuts from Big Apple are not as delicious as Dunkin's Donut. But, my friends persuaded me to by some. So, I decided to buy some and tried to taste it.And I was not disappointed.There is a constant queue outside the shop. And I am not surprised! They have an impressive range of yummy flavors to choose from. And the donuts are light textured and are simply yummy.

I ate 4 that night. That gives you an idea how much I loved the donuts although I allready had a heavy dinner just before that. But, I'm still want to eat it. How does that compare to Dunkin's Donut.Err…I dont know because that was very long ago. In fact I loved the donuts so much. Vote for Big Apple!! Yeah.

Anonymous said...


Improving your concentration will help you to accomplish more in a shorter period of time.

Create a space designated solely for work. If that space is your desk in a work office, for example, use it only for work ' step away from it when taking breaks or eating.

Form a strong association between working and your desk to make concentrating easier.

Remove surrounding distractions. Turn off the ringer on your phone and, if possible, shut down your computer if you will be tempted to surf the Web.

Assemble all the materials you will need (books, paper, charts). You want to avoid getting up to retrieve materials and distracting yourself.

Set a specific production goal and give yourself a manageable chunk of time (perhaps 1 to 2 hours) in which to achieve this goal.

Create pressure by scheduling meetings or other interruptions to force yourself to work more effectively during a shorter period of time.

Reward yourself after each period of intense concentration with a small break.

Anonymous said...

Siti Hidayah Binti Mohd Miswan

Wow! I can't believe thats today I can see MEJAR DR.FAIZ KHALID with my own eye and I was take one picture with him. ha...So crazy!

Many people want to search Capt Mejar Dr Faiz Khaleed. Army Dentist Capt Dr Faiz Khaleed, 27, is to be Malaysia’s second astronaut should there be any offer from Russia for a Malaysian to join any of its future Soyuz missions to the International Space Station (ISS). Here i have a some collection pic about to all of you this second Malaysia Angkasawan.

I gets some biodata about him.

Faiz bin Khaleed (born September 15, 1980 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) is a Malaysian military dentist with the Royal Malaysian Armed Forces. In September 2006, he was selected as one of two final candidates to undergo astronaut training in Star City as part of the Angkasawan program. The other candidate was Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor.

Dr Faiz received his early education in St. John's Institution, Kuala Lumpur.

In 2007, Sheikh Muszaphar was selected to fly to the International Space Station with Expedition 16 onboard the Soyuz TMA-11 in October 2007.[1]

Faiz bin Khaleed still might go to space in 2008 or 2009 if Malaysia decides to proceed with a second space flight, which at the moment being very likely.[2] There is also talk of him undergoing training under NASA in the United States.

On 22 October 2007, Dr Faiz was promoted to a Major in the Royal Malaysian Armed Forces.


Anonymous said...


ok..some people like to read novels,and some people like to play games.Do you know,these 2 activities can help keep aging memory sharp.
The study included 197 people, ages 70 to 89, with mild cognitive impairment or diagnosed memory loss and 1,124 people in the same age group with no memory problems.

All the participants were asked about their daily activities within the past year, as well as when they were between 50 and 65 years old.

Those who read books, played games, used computers, and did crafts such as pottery or quilting in their later years were 30 percent to 50 percent less likely to develop memory loss than people who didn't do these kinds of mental activities. In addition, people who watched television for less than seven hours a day in their later years were 50 percent less likely to develop memory loss than those who watched television for more than seven hours a day.

The study also found that people who took part in social activities and read magazines during middle age were 40 percent less likely to develop memory loss than those who didn't do such activities.

The findings were released Tuesday and were expected to be presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology (AAN), in Seattle.

"This study is exciting, because it demonstrates that aging does not need to be a passive process. By simply engaging in cognitive exercise, you can protect against future memory loss," study author Dr. Yonas Geda, a neuropsychiatrist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, N.Y., said in an AAN news release.

"Of course, the challenge with this type of research is that we are relying on past memories of the participants, therefore, we need to confirm these findings with additional research," Geda added.

Unknown said...



There are some tips to reduce fever without medication..

Wet socks and apply them to ankles. Sounds weird but works wonders for a high fever in children. Take a pair of cotton socks that are long enough to cover the child's ankles. Thoroughly wet the socks in cold tap water. Wring out excess water. Put the socks on the child's feet and repeat process when the socks dry out. Some kids will hate this but usually after the socks are on they calm down and enjoy the relief it gives.

Feed the child sage and lemon balm tea. For kids who are willing to drink make a tea made from a few leaves each of sage and lemon balm. Add leaves to a mug and cover with boiling water. Cover the mug with a plate and let steep for about ten minutes. Add a little honey or sweetener and let the child sip this down. These herbs will help the child start to sweat which will bring the fever down

Use a rub. For babies under two years of age, rub the entire body with pure olive oil before bed and wrap them up well in cotton clothing and a blanket. Give them a bath in the morning to remove the oil. This step works well with the wet socks.

Cool the head and neck. For very high fevers take a large cotton scarf and soak well in water, wringing out the excess. Wrap the scarf around the child's head and neck. Repeat when the scarf dries out.

nIRuzA said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


FIVE Tips To Healthy Eat

1) Balance your food choices over time.
Not every food has to be "perfect." When eating a food high in fat, salt or sugar, select other foods that are low in these ingredients. If you miss out on any food group one day, make up for it the next. Your food choices over several days should fit together into a healthy pattern.

2) Remember, foods are not good or bad.
Select foods based on your total eating patterns, not whether any individual food is "good" or "bad." Don't feel guilty if you love foods such as apple pie, potato chips, candy bars or ice cream. Eat them in moderation, and choose other foods to provide the balance and variety that are vital to good health.

3) Eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods.
You need more than 40 different nutrients for good health, and no single food supplies them all. Your daily food selection should include bread and other whole-grain products; fruits; vegetables; dairy products; and meat, poultry, fish and other protein foods. How much you should eat depends on your calorie needs. Use the Food Guide Pyramid and the Nutrition Facts panel on food labels as handy references.

4) Enjoy plenty of whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
Surveys show most Americans don't eat enough of these foods. Do you eat 6-11 servings from the bread, rice, cereal and pasta group, 3 of which should be whole grains? Do you eat 2-4 servings of fruit and 3-5 servings of vegetables? If you don't enjoy some of these at first, give them another chance. Look through cookbooks for tasty ways to prepare unfamiliar foods.

5) Eat moderate portions.
If you keep portion sizes reasonable, it's easier to eat the foods you want and stay healthy. Did you know the recommended serving of cooked meat is 3 ounces, similar in size to a deck of playing cards? A medium piece of fruit is 1 serving and a cup of pasta equals 2 servings. A pint of ice cream contains 4 servings. Refer to the Food Guide Pyramid for information on recommended serving sizes.

Anonymous said...


I think all of you want to be the best student in your class.It is not impossible if you follow this steps.

1. Carry a notebook around between classes. If you have notes on your subjects it proves that you were listening to your teacher and will help you when it comes to test time.
2. Ask questions. If you don't understand something it's best to get help since when it comes to test time you'll most likely ace it.
3. Complete homework and assignments on time. If you do this regularly your grade should be much higher than if you don't do it at all.
4. Don't goof off in class. If you do this you're most likely to get in trouble and it will ruin your reputation with the teacher.
5. Go into extracurricular classes. It's great to learn another language or go into reading groups to challenge yourself and others subjects should come easily.

You should remember don't overwhelm yourself with work.

Unknown said...


MY COLOUR (Part 2)

Purple is another colour that makes me crazy enough. It is believed that purple is a potent colour which holds a special place and meaning in every society. Purple is associated with wealth, nobility, stature, religion, piety, magic, sexuality, wisdom, dignity, independence, creativity, mystery, and magic. Some 75 percent of small children choose purple over other colors, and I think it so true since all my siblings love purple. In feng shui, there is one colour that is suitable in any direction, and the answer is purple which can be associated with any of the directions as a beneficial color. For those who believe in feng shui, then here eight ways purple can help you in your life:

1. Purple helps you gain MORE RECOGNITION.
Purple is an excellent color to add in the south sector of your house or living room or office especially if you are in a power position, such as principle or owner of a business.

2. Purple helps you gain CREATIVE, SUCCESSFUL CHILDREN.
Purple is an excellent enhancement to any child’s room since it will enhance the child’s imagination. Moreover, it is beneficial when painted on an east wall as it helps improve health. But if you paint the west wall purple, it will inspire creativity in your child. By painting the south wall purple, it will boost their profile and chances of being noticed.

3. Purple helps you gain MORE MONEY.
Purple is the ultimate prosperity color. Paint the southeast wall, sector, or corner of your living room a royal purple color. This is the color of extremely deep water, which means wealth in feng shui. Wearing purple clothing or ties is a great way for sales people, bankers, or anyone who deals with money to use purple in a personal and wealth-enhancing way. Or, use purple in the north, which is the direction of water. Purple here brings luck for wealth and prosperity associated with your job and business opportunities.

4. Purple helps you gain in BUSINESS.
Businesses that prosper with the color purple include advertising, art studios, television and film companies, psychologists’ offices, gift stores, or lighting businesses. Florists also benefit from purple.

5. Purple helps you gain PEACE, WISDOM, AND SELF-GROWTH.
The purple enhances meditation – especially if it is in the form of lavender-colored light.

6. Purple helps you gain more GOOD LUCK.
Purple and shades of purple are excellent for stimulating good luck. It is especially good when it is paired with white, gold, or silver. Use these color combinations in the west and northwest corners to enhance these corners and bring about greater luck.

7. Purple helps you gain NEW OPPORTUNITIES IN YOUR LIFE.
Purple invites opportunities to your home and activates the energy of the entry way – which is the front door.

8. Purple helps you gain a BETTER LOVE LIFE.
Purple improves luck and chi and there is no better place for purple to work its magic than on romance. Use purple colors in the southwest sector of your home, your bedroom or your office wherever you want to boost the romance energy.

adeek_illa said...


Today I would like to share about the book from reader’s digest entitled strengthen your immune system. One of the sub topic from this book is ‘ THE POWER OF SLEEP’. Vital statistics about sleep states that 8-9 hours is the time that the most adults need to sleep each night. 18 – 23 o c is the ideal temperature for sleeping. About 28 % is the percentage of adults who are not getting enough sleep (more than 6 hours each night). 40 – 70 is the number of times we turn in our sleep each night. And finally, more than 75 the number of sleep disorder clinics in Australia and New Zealand.
Thank you.

Unknown said...

Sharizan Bte Zainal Abidin
CA 08115
Lip Balm
What is Lip balm? Lip balm is a substance that put on your lips of the mouth to relive chapped or dry lips. Lip gloss are also same just like lip balm but its commonly use for cosmetics properties. The ingredients of the lip balm is beeswax, petroleum jelly, menthol, camphor and scented oils. Besides, there are others manufactures likes vitamin, alum, salicylic, or aspirin. Lip balm are made to provide an occlusive layer on the lip surface to seal moisture in lips and protect them for external exposure. As we know, lips are vulnerable because the skin are so thin they are often the first to present sign of dryness. The materials like waxes and petroleum jelly are important to prevent moisture loss and maintain lip comfort. As for me, lip balm is very important and I always bring it everywhere and any time.

hamza said...



In this entry,i would like to share about the fact back seat belt.As you all know that this year we as citizen of Malaysia need to wear it.

The maximum compound is RM300 to the offender.

Time period till 3 year is given to car that register before 1 January 1995 to put seat belt at the back of the car.

Using seat belt can avoid 50% death passenger.

This new rules will be start periodically.

Hope you all wear seat belt when to go anywhere to avoid the percent of the death in our country.

Reference Utusan Malaysia 28 January 2009

Wahida said...

A choir is a musical ensemble of singers. It usually not sings for solo. It always sings in group of more than ten people. In this UMP, we also have choir group. But the participation is not many. We always perform in more than 10 people but not exceed 15 people. Being in choir is not about singing only, it is about how to impressed people with our singing that have we make it as harmony song.

Anonymous said...

Hasrul Harfizal Bin Mohd Zait

What is Softball.

I was very lucky in this semester because i was selected in the UmP softball team to play in the MASUM game. So, i want to share the information about softball. Many people know what is baseball but, the do not know what is softball.Softball is a game closely resembling baseball that is played on a smaller diamond than baseball, with a ball that is larger and softer and a bat that is slightly different in size and weight and can also be made of aluminum. Softball is a team sport in which a ball, eleven to twelve inches in circumference, is thrown by a player (called a pitcher) towards an opposing team player called a batter who attempts to hit the ball with a round, smooth stick called a bat. The ball itself is also called a softball. i play in 'Catcher' position in my team. This position is very important. so, i hope we can get success in the MASUM game.

Anonymous said...


I love puzzle!!. playing puzzle is 1 of my hobby recently. At the first time I thought that playing puzzle is just kind of boring game but now, its not anymore.A puzzle is a problem or enigma that tests the ingenuity of the solver. In a basic puzzle one is intended to piece together objects (puzzle pieces) in a logical way in order to come up with the desired shape, picture or solution. Puzzles are often contrived as a form of entertainment, but they can also stem from serious mathematical or logistical problems — in such cases, their successful resolution can be a significant contribution to mathematical research.There are many type of puzzle like Rubik's cube puzzle, cube puzzle & even crossword puzzle.