Sunday, February 1, 2009



Anonymous said...

last week i was shock about an article from newspaper. the news is about student from primary school playing game that involving porno.they can buy the cd only at RM5 to RM10. with that game, they have to done 7 sin's include drink alcohol. after they done all 7 sin's they able to have sex with the girl in the such a worst game. the game can make a kids involve in crime.

Anonymous said...

Well...what do you know about dietician??I can see that women concern a lot about healthy lifestyle-cooking and foods.So,there's a World's Diabetes Day.In conjunction with the recent World Diabetes Day, pharmaceutical company Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD) Malaysia and the Malaysian Diabetes Association aims to educate the public on diabetes and how to prevent it.This year’s campaign, “Living Well with Diabetes”, was designed to reach out to a wider audience through a workshop focusing on dietary requirements and healthier meal preparations, and an exhibition on diabetes.Diabetes is a progressive and chronic disease that affects a person’s quality of life if not detected early. What many do not realise is that the cost of unmanaged diabetes is higher than the cost of managing the disease at an early stage.Healthy meals can be easily prepared using simple ingredients.

Anonymous said...


Hii, now we are at Quintet edition.
Diamond was unhappy with Mineko present. Diamond still has a grudges upon Mineko and feel that Mineko is the reasons of Morgana, Heart and Luna died. She blames Mineko for all the tragedies. When Mineko wakes up and was brought to walk around the garden with Diamond, she tried to kill Mineko by pushing her down the stairs. But her act was noticed by Club, and he stops Diamond from doing so. He explains to Diamond that Mineko isn't the one to blame. Instead, he blamed himself for not being there when Luna needed him. Diamond ignored the explanation and tried to set Mineko up. Then she found the letter that Louis was trying to give Mineko, and she takes the letter from Phoebe's friend. She arrested Louis for being a Dark Wizard. Louis tries to escape using his magic, but it is useless since he is in the Magic World. (Dark Magic can't work in Magic World unless Helios's magic decreases or it is Darkross Day). So Louis surrenders and was arrested.

Anonymous said...

Lina Nur Ahmad Hanbali

The last post for this month, wow... It really felt like a whole 3 months of posts!! I'm going to write about my favourite interest on Greek and Roman Gods. I know that they in many gods, but that doesn't mean I do. It's just because of the names of Gods that I am interested in. Let's start from Cronos. He is a Titan who married a mere human. He received a prophecy about his son would topple his status as the God of Heavens. And so, according to Greeks, he swallowed every children he had with the mortal. Saddened by her husband's action, she prepared a stone baby in Zeus's(her 6th child) place. Cronos deliberately swallowed the stone and did not suspect anything. Zeus was sent to a faraway island and practiced his God-like skills to set free his brother and sisters in Cronos's stomach. Once he is old enough he sliced him into 2 and his brothers and sisters were set free. It's quite an imagination to this point, because they are fully adults and are not digested. Zeus married his own sister namely Hera.

As I read on, Zeus is quite a playgod (from playboy). He have a lot of affairs that makes Hera angry and wanting to kill them. One of his affairs with Maia, he had a son. Half human, half God. His name is Hercules. And as everybody had watched the Disney's Hercules, the story goes exactly the same. Hades, the God of the Underworld who guards the Styx Lake is a brother of Zeus, actually. There are many fascinating names such as Artemis, the Goddess of Night and Hunter. Helios, who carried a sun behind his chariot is the Sun God. Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love. Ares, the God of War.

These names are originated from Greek, however since the Romans terrorised the country, they changed the name. From Zeus to Jupiter. Artemis to Saturn. Aphrodite to Venus. All the names are converted into the names of planet we knew in this century. The story of the Greek Gods are interesting because it is quite a complicated family tree and it could test your memory skills.

........ said...

Siti Aisyah Abd Jalil

Today I don’t want to write a comment about article. But, I’d like to share about quotations. I will write for love topic. I hope that you all will love and enjoy to read this quotations.

- Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up. –By James Baldwin

- Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator, but among those whom I love, I can: All of them make me laugh. –By W.H.Auden

- Love means not ever having to say you’re sorry. –By Erich Segal

- The first duty of love is to listen. –By Paul Tillich

- If grass can grow through cement, love can find you at every time in your life. –By Cher

- Love doesn’t just sit there, like a stone; it has to be made, like bread, remade all the time, made new. –By Ursula K. Le Guin

- A man is already halfway in love with any woman who listens to him. –By Brendan Francis

- I was born when you kissed me. I died when you left me. I lived a few weeks while you loved me. –By Humphrey Bogart

Anonymous said...

Hi…for the last entry on January, I would like to share about 5 causes of hair damage. Firstly, poor nutrition, a diet which low in fruits and vegetables and high in fast food will cause hair to grow more slowly. Hair that is not getting enough Vitamin B will be thin, hence if you are having thinning hair problem. A B-complex tablet would be a good idea. Secondly, insufficient sleep. Studies shows that lack of sleep plays a role in changing the hormone balance in our body which leads to hair loss. Stress and fatigue caused from lack of sleep will also result in hair damage! Poor Hygiene is one of the causes. Poor hygiene in hair care relates both to over washing it enough. Hair that is shampooed everyday will be dry and lifeless because too much natural oils are stripped away. If you don’t shampoo enough, however, hair oil will build up, leaving a greasy, limp appearance which cause the hair to plaster itself on the scalp where dandruff thrives! Besides that, one of the causes is sunburn on hair. Yes, sunburn affects hair as much as it affects the skin, as heat combined with humidity will dry the hair, making it frizzle and break! Utilize replenishing shampoos and use leave-in conditioners and treatments to prevent drying of hair. Finally, hair straightening. Hair straightening is used to make the hair straight and remove curl from hair. Like it or not, when ironing, considerable damage is done to the hair! Whenever your hair is straightened, the hair should be moisturized with masks and treatments to prevent the hair from frizzing.

Anonymous said...


Hi..I would like to give some tips about how to stay healthy..

Answer the phone by LEFT ear.
Do not drink coffee TWICE a day.
Do not take pills with COOL water.
Do not have HUGE meals after 5pm.
Reduce the amount of OILY food you consume.
Drink more WATERin the morning, less at night.
Keep your distance from hand phone CHARGERS.
Do not use headphones/earphone for LONG period of time.
Best sleeping time is from 10pm at night to 6am in the morning.
Do not lie down immediately after taking medicine before sleeping.
When battery is down to the LAST grid/bar, do not answer the phone as the radiation
is 1000 times.

Prevention is better than cure.

Anonymous said...


How do cultural values impact living? Culture refers to the pattern of human activity and the symbols, which give significance to this activity. Culture is represented through the art, literature, costumes, customs and traditions of a community. The cultural values of a community give it an identity of its own. A community gains a character and a personality of its own, because of the culture of its people. Culture is shared by the members of a community. It is learned and passed from the older generations to the newer ones. For an effective transfer of culture from one generation to another, it has to be translated into symbols. Language, art and religion serve as the symbolic means of transfer of cultural values between generations. As a country that have variety type of region and community, that have variety of culture that we can celebrate the festival for each community.

Lisa said...


Being overweight can lead to dementia? Swedish researchers compared brain atrophy and body mass index (BMI), an indicator of weight status that predicts the risk of disease in 275 women. They had found that a higher BMI was associated with more temporal-lobe atrophy, a shrinkage in brain volume that seems to lead to dementia. The temporal lobe plays a key role in such functions as language, comprehension and memory.

There are several ways obesity could contribute to dementia. One theory is that excess fat will lead to hardening of the arteries which may impair oxygen flow to the brain. Other theories stated that maybe it is the hormone cortisol which is found in obese people, which may be linked to brain atrophy.

However, this study only included women; obesity’s effect on the male brain is still unclear. In this case, researchers suggest that maintaining a healthy weight throughout life can slow atrophy.

Anonymous said...


Anger management
1. "Time Out" method. To take a short break and come back to talk about the issue at a later time.
2. Learn to Give up Your Rights temporarily. In very volatile situations, it may be wise to give up your rights temporarily to maintain peace or ensure safety.
3. Relaxation methods & Exercise: Slow breathing; 10-count method; Meditation, Yoga; Scheduled breaks and holidays; Exercises you enjoy.
4. Emotional Communication: Expressing feelings needs and requests without blaming and demanding, using "I feel...... when you (say, do).... Could you.....?" statements. Avoid labeling people with put-down terms (e.g. stupid, lazy).
5. Engage in Calming Self-Talk. Look out for, and dispute (change), thoughts (and beliefs) that are anger-inducing and often extreme and irrational.
6. Avoid words that are extreme or demanding or exaggerate the badness of a situation.
Put this anger management in mind and think about it when you feel angry.
Remember don’t angry be happy!

Anonymous said...


Do you know that Dark Chocolate Healthier Than Milk Chocolate?
Although many people tend to prefer milk chocolate, the truth in the matter is that it does not have the healthy benefits to offer that dark chocolate does. The main reason is because chocolate which contains higher levels of cocoa offers the highest number of healthy advantages. What this means is that chocolate containing higher levels of cocoa such as dark chocolate can provide you with more health benefits than milk chocolate, which mainly contains added sweeteners. White chocolate, on the other hand, does not even contain any levels of cocoa. This is great news for dark chocolate lovers though!Below are the Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate?

1. One of the best ways to lower your risks of developing cancer is by consuming foods which are high in anti-dioxidants, such as fruits and vegetables. Well, cocoa also contains anti-dioxidants. By eating dark chocolate, you will actually be decreasing your risk of developing cancer.

2. A recent study has shown that dark chocolate has the ability to lower your blood pressure, since it contains flavonoids. The experiment consisted of two groups, one of which who ate dark chocolate and another who ate the same amount of white chocolate once a day for fifteen days. The group who ate the dark chocolate did have a decrease in blood pressure.

3. The flavonoids which are found in dark chocolate are also known to help the blood flow more smoothly through blood vessels, as well as increase the amount of blood that can flow to the brain. This will decrease your risks of having a heart attack in the long run.

Anonymous said...


A bracelet is an article of jewelry which is worn around the wrist. Bracelets can be manufactured from leather, cloth, hemp, plastic or metal, and sometimes contain rocks, wood, and/or shells. Bracelets are also used for medical and identification purposes, such as allergy bracelets and hospital patient-identification tags.
Types of bracelet:
1.Sports bracelets-The use of colored silicone rubber as a material for producing sports bracelets was popularized by Nike and Lance Armstrong.
2.Tennis bracelets-The in-line thin diamond bracelet that features a symmetrical pattern of diamonds.
3.Charm bracelets-An item of jewelry worn around the wrist.
4.Bangles-Made from ordinary glass that is about 1/4 - 1/8 inch in width.
5.Slap bracelets-Flat, felt-covered metal strips that curved around one's wrist when gently hit.
6.Beaded bracelets-They are often multi-colored however frequently have a predominance of turquoise.

Anonymous said...


Colors Affect Your Everyday Life
The effects of color on life must have been of great significance to early human beings, whose very existence was governed by light and darkness. Most living things appear to be vitalized by the bright reds, oranges, and yellows of daylight -- and calmed and rejuvenated by the blues, indigos, and violets of the night. For the ancients, the colors that make up sunlight were each considered to show a different aspect of the divine and to influence different qualities of life. Color is therefore an important feature in the symbolism of ancient cultures throughout the world.
Over the last 120 years, ongoing investigations by dedicated individuals have found between 12 and 18 color light frequency ranges which have been found to reverse many adverse physical conditions. Careful documentation of research over the last 90 years has identified 333 "illness" and "disease" symptomologies which may be minimized and the body return to beneficial balance using the 12 main colors. The other colors are "betweeners", being about halfway between 2 other colors, and may be useful for only specific cases.

The colors listed here have each been found to have specific, consistent and verifiable effects on the body's systems when properly used according to the timing and protocols developed over the last 90 years.

The main colors, with highly condensed usages are:

Scarlet- General systemic stimulant
Red- Builds bone & blood
Orange- Supports nerves, lungs; helps cramps; helps build bone
Yellow- Improves immune system
Lemon- Tones digestion, increases nutrition
Green- Improves circulation, muscle tissue
Turquoise- Supports good Nutrition, Rebuilds burned skin,
Blue- Relieves itching, reduces fevers
Indigo- Tones cell walls, stops bleeding
Violet- Supports Spleen, the ruler of the immune system
Purple- Balances Heart and Lung blood pressure
Magenta- Balances emotions, energy
Pink- Quickly soothes muscles, skin, too much creates irritability and tension

What is your colour??

Anonymous said...


Women are difficult to read.
Do you agree??? I think male will agree with that. I would like to share an article I had read. From the article, researchers at Indiana University showed video clips from 24 different speed dates. Then they asked male and female participants two simple questions: "Do you think the man was interested in this woman?" and "Do you think the woman was interested in this man?" Their answers were then compared with the responses of the speed daters themselves. The results show that both men and women are able to gauge a man's interest in a woman. But when it comes to figuring out if a woman is interested in a man, the results are equally baffled. Basically, women have more at stake while dating because they face higher "sunk costs". As many people said that man and woman is comes from different planet. So, I think man and woman is different people with different thinking. This doesn’t mean that women are difficult to read.

Anonymous said...


Hello is my last post comment for i want to share with all of u about nightmare..A nightmare is a dream which causes a strong unpleasant emotional response from the sleeper, typically fear or horror, being in situations of extreme danger, or the sensations of pain, bad events, falling, drowning or death. Such dreams can be related to physical causes such as a high fever, turned faced down on a pillow during sleep (most often in the case of drowning nightmares), or psychological ones such as psychological trauma or stress in the sleeper's life, or can have no apparent cause. If a person has experienced a psychologically traumatic situation in life.for example, a person who may have been captured and tortured the experience may come back to haunt them in their nightmares. Sleepers may waken in a state of distress and be unable to get back to sleep for some time. Eating before bed, which triggers an increase in the body's metabolism and brain activity, is another potential stimulus for nightmares.

Occasional nightmares are commonplace, but recurrent nightmares can interfere with sleep and may cause people to seek medical help. A recently proposed treatment consists of imagery rehearsal.This approach appears to reduce the effects of nightmares and other symptoms in acute stress disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Anonymous said...


Hi. Do you know who is Bill Gates?. I think all of you know who he is and I don’t have to explain about him. Recently, I have read an interesting article at yahoo. The title is Bill Gates Frees Mosquitoes. This happen in California about Bill Gates releases mosquitoes into audience at TED2009 (Technology, Entertainment and Design) in Long Beach, Calif and he said “not only poor people should experience this”. It’s happened where the Microsoft chairman was delivering a presentation about malaria education and eradication. Malaria is transmitted from person to person via mosquito bites. Besides that, the mosquito incident was confirmed by the media office of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which also noted that the insects released were not carrying malaria.

mimiey said...

Now i want share about Expanding VoIP: wireless apps set to broaden appeal and expand reach of service providers....Now that VoIP technology has gained mainstream mind and market acceptance among many residential and business voice users, service providers and vendors are looking straight on to the next challenge: Wireless VoIP.

Combining the attractive features and pricing of VoIP with the convenience and portability of wireless seems like a natural to many industry adherents, who figure forthcoming Wi-Fi and WiMAX standards will help focus attention, interest and perhaps investment in the converged technology. They see Wi-Fi and then WiMAX-based portable phones supplementing--and perhaps years from now replacing--traditional wired and cellular technology as consumers and businesses opt for portability and, ultimately, true mobility.However, for now and in the near future, wireless VoIP is taking root primarily in enterprise and small-business accounts as a convenient voice technology that offers limited portability in a campus-like setting. Nevertheless, a variety of vendors and service providers--including well-known technology "disrupters" like Vonage--is waiting in the wings with new product introductions....

Anonymous said...



i want to tell you all about my experience..very sweet experience..i has faint in front of crowd..lots of crowd..i go with my family to the 'pameran tentera darat' at dataran merdeka kuala lumpur..because my father is an army..after finished go around the 'pameran' rain is falling down.. then i fell dizzy..then i can't remember anything..i only realize when i wake up in the hand was inject to add the water/glucose into my body..the doctor so handsome..he hold my hand..but he ask for my gentlemen..then my sister told me that brother help me was fat, dark and not sad..but a good experience..

Anonymous said...


assalamualaikum...and hye to everyone...i want to share with you all about cataract..have you even heard about it??? yes, cataract is a painless, cloudy area in the lens of the eye that blocks the passage of light to the retina...the retina is the nerve layer at the back of the eye..the nerve cells in the retina detect light entering the eye and send nerve signals to the brain about what the eye sees...because cataracts block this light, they can cause vision problems...

there are caused by aging and exposure to sunlight..changes in your eyes are often a normal part of aging, but they do not always lead to cataracts...cataracts can also happen after an eye injury, as a result of eye disease, after you use certain medicines, or as a result of health problems such as diabetes...sometimes children are born with cataracts...they need to be checked up by doctor to prevent it..

in next entry for february,i will tell you about the symptoms of cataract..have a nice read..

Anonymous said...


Ever heard of High-tech architecture?? Today my post is about High-tech architecture. High-tech architecture, also known as Late Modernism or Structural Expressionism, is an architectural style that emerged in the 1970s, incorporating elements of high-tech industry and technology into building design. High-tech architecture appeared as a revamped modernism, an extension of those previous ideas aided by even more advances in technological achievements. This category serves as a bridge between modernism and post-modernism, however there remain gray areas as to where one category ends and the other begins. In the 1980s, high-tech architecture became more difficult to distinguish from post-modern architecture. Many of its themes and ideas were absorbed into the language of the post-modern architectural schools.

Like Brutalism, Structural Expressionist buildings reveal their structure on the outside as well as the inside, but with visual emphasis placed on the internal steel and/or concrete skeletal structure as opposed to exterior concrete walls.The style's premier practitioners include the British architect Norman Foster, whose work has since earned him knighthood, and Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava, known for his organic, skeleton-like designs.Buildings designed in this style usually consist of a clear glass facade, with the building's network of support beams exposed behind it. Perhaps the most famous and easily recognized building built in this style is I.M. Pei's Bank of China Tower in Hong Kong. The World Trade Center in New York City, although generally considered to be an International Style building, was technically a Structural Expressionist design due to its load-bearing steel exoskeleton.

Buildings in this architectural style were constructed mainly in Europe and North America. After the destruction of many historic buildings in Europe during World War II, repairing them was a difficult matter. Architects had to decide between replicating the historic elements or replacing it with new modern materials and aesthetics.The scientific and technological advances had a big impact on societies in the 1970s. The Space Race climaxed in 1969 with Neil Armstrong’s landing on the moon, and came along with excessive military developments. These advances set people’s minds thinking that much more can be achieved with advancing technology. Technological instruments became a common sight for people at the time because of the use of ramps, video screens, headphones, and bare scaffolds. These high-tech constructions became more visible everyday to the average person.

Characteristics of high-tech architecture have varied somewhat, yet all have accentuated technical elements. They included the prominent display of the building's technical and functional components, and an orderly arrangement and use of pre-fabricated elements. Glass walls and steel frames were also immensely popular.To boast technical features, they were externalized, often along with load-bearing structures. There can be no more illustrious example than Pompidou Centre. The ventilation ducts are all prominently shown on the outside. This was a radical design, as previous ventilation ducts would have been a component hidden on the inside of the building. The means of access to the building is also on the outside, with the large tube allowing visitors to enter the building.

The orderly and logical fashion in which buildings in the high-tech architectural style are designed to keep to their functional essence is demonstrated in Norman Foster’s Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank HQ. Besides the technology being the overriding feature of the building, its design is very much functionally orientated. The large interior open space and the easy access to all floors very much enhance the function of being a bank. Also, the elements of the buildings are very neatly composed to achieve optimal orderliness in order to logically solve the problem of the needs of a bank. This can be seen in the levels' structure and in the escalators.The high-tech buildings make persistent use of glass curtain walls and steel structure. It is greatly indebted to modern architecture for this, and influenced by Mies van der Rohe’s corporate buildings. The SOM Sears Tower demonstrates that with glass walls and skeleton pipe structure of steel, a very tall building can be built. Many high-tech buildings meant their purposes to be dynamic. This could best be explained by Günther Behnisch and Frei Otto’s Munich Olympic Stadium. This structure made sport in the open possible and is meant to be used for many purposes. Originally an abandoned airfield, it is now a sport stadium, used for various disciplines.

aqilah said...


Now i would to share about benefit eat a bowl of oatmeal.According to the American Cancer Society :

1. Insoluble fiber's cancer-fighting properties are due to the fact that it attacks certain bile acids, reducing their toxicity.

2. Soluble fiber may reduce LDL cholesterol without lowering HDL cholesterol. LDL is bad; HDL is good.

3. Soluble fiber slows down the digestion of starch. This may be beneficial to diabetics because, when you slow down the digestion of starch, you avoid the sharp rises in your blood sugar level that usually occur following a meal.

4. It has been found that those who eat more oats are less likely to develop heart disease, a disease that is currently widespread in the United States.

5. The phytochemicals in oat may also have cancer-fighting properties.

6. Oats are a good source of many nutrients including vitamin E, zinc, selenium, copper, iron, manganese and magnesium. Oats are also a good source of protein.

So, why don't you try to eat a bowl of oatmeal. Because it can give you lots of advantages.