Monday, February 2, 2009



Anonymous said...


Hi..You may not realize it, but it's hundred percent true.

1. There are at least two people in this world that you would die for.

2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.

3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.

4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you.

5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.

6. You mean the world to someone.

7. You are special and unique.

8. Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.

9. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.

10. When you think the world has turned its back on you take another look.

11. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget about the rude remarks.

This should probably be taped to your bathroom mirror where one could read it every day.

Anonymous said...

Lina Nur Ahmad Hanbali

I would like to write out an opinion of mine about playing games on any console such as computers or Playstation 2. From my opinion, I think it brings more positive sides rather than negative ones.

From the gaming console I played with my little brother, I found that the English language they used are quite complex and through playing the game, we could learn many words that we did not know. At first I didn't know what the word "Ressurect", "Acolyte", "Willy-Nilly" at all. Furthermore, my English grammar gets better through playing games.

I've read in the Star Newspaper regarding about a surgeon. He complimented on how games actually helped him perform better in surgery. Compared to last time he did surgeries, it was much accurate and faster after playing games. This remark given by a doctor is one of the points I agree. Even I myself could think fast and accurate when answering IQ quizzes.

Kids and teenagers would not bound to go on the wrong side if they buy decent games. Games such as Playboy Mansion or anything related to that shouldn't be practiced.

Anonymous said...


As i'd promise, I will continue about Helios journey in my next entry. Today, we reach the hexad edition.
In hexad edition, After Mineko wakes up, Mineko decided to be in the prison together with Louis, protest that Louis is guilty. In prison, Louis trying to see Mineko's back to make sure what was happened and shocked because the Phoenix is starting to grow by looking at the Wing's mark at her back. Helios know about this and furious with Louis's relationship with Mineko getting close. Helios then dragged Mineko out from prison and bring her upstairs to his room. Helios said to Mineko not to get too close to Louis as he is becoming threat to Magic World. Mineko thought this is nonsense and he just making this up because he is jealous. Helios accused her for not being honest and they quarrel. Countessa arrive at that time and asking Helios to calm down. Then Helios said that she forgive Mineko because of Countessa. Then Mineko get jealous and tell Helios that she want to going back to Human World with Louis. Helios silenced and shocked by that statement. Then he dragged Mineko into his room, ignoring Countessa. In his room, Mineko struggling to get away from Helios. Just then, suddenly Mineko fainted for unknown reason. Helios put her on the bed and give her the gold bracelet.
This story is at it's climax.
But, since the next edition is still not available, thus, I can't tell the progress. Maybe we need to waited until the end of February or march. When the next edition is available, I will continue my story.

Anonymous said...

Problems arise when there is unanticipated inflation:

Here and there we always hear about inflation.In Malaysia, we also have to face inflation and the worst inflation we had faced in 1998.Inflation is defined as a sustained increase in the general level of prices for goods and services. It is measured as an annual percentage increase. As inflation rises, every dollar you own buys a smaller percentage of a good or service.The easy word to understand the inflation definition is "a lot of money chasing a few of things".But do you really know what the problems if there is unanticipated inflation? Below are the problem arise when the inflation happen.

1.Creditors lose and debtors gain if the lender does not anticipate inflation correctly. For those who borrow, this is similar to getting an interest-free loan.
2.Uncertainty about what will happen next makes corporations and consumers less likely to spend. This hurts economic output in the long run.
3.People living off a fixed-income, such as retirees, see a decline in their purchasing power and, consequently, their standard of living.
4.The entire economy must absorb repricing costs ("menu costs") as price lists, labels, menus and more have to be updated.
5.If the inflation rate is greater than that of other countries, domestic products become less competitive.

Anonymous said...

I wanna find out about Gym and as I go through to this one article ,this is what I can share with all of you.The beauty of a gym workout is that you can tailor your training according to your needs.All gyms offer a range of different equipment, along with trained staff to help you work out how to make the most of it all. You may even find swimming pools and saunas, as well as organised classes so you can perspire with like-minded people.Are they registered with the Fitness Industry Association (FIA)?
The FIA is the UK's recognised body when it comes to maintaining standards in the health and fitness sector. If your gym is registered, it means they must obey a code of practice regarding safety, insurance and delivery of service. If in doubt, ask to see their plaque or certificate.Will there be a qualified instructor on hand to show you how to work the equipment and draw up the best routine for you? There should be. An induction period is the only way to make sure you're getting the most out of the facilities, and not placing yourself in danger of death by dumbells.

Anonymous said...


assalamualaikum and good i want to continue about the cataracts...

There is no proven way to prevent cataracts...but there are some things you can do that may help slow cataract not smoke..especially for men and old people..wear a hat or sunglasses when you are in the sun, and avoid sunlamps and tanning healthy foods, and limit alcoholic drinks...for those have a diabetes,keep your diabetes under control...

may this will improve our knowledge and we know on how to handle this problem if it occurs...take care!!!

Anonymous said...


The 20 best and worst power dresser.


1. American football style Eighties shoulder pads - You would have thought there was a fashion battle going on, for all the amour these women used to wear. How did they get through the front door?

2. The entire cast of Dynasty - Big shoulders, big hair, big jewels, red lips, too many diamante. This bad power dressing needs no more explanation.

3. Elizabeth Hurley in the safety pin Versace dress - Darling, we do not care if it was Versace, there is too much flesh on show here and since when did a safety pin become a workable fastening.

4. Tom Ford during his Gucci days - Power dressing is inherently linked to good grooming. Looking like you've stepped off a plinth at Madame Tussads, is something completely different.

5. Celine Dion’s back to front tuxedo for the 1999 Oscars - Dion stooped to such low attention grabbing levels that even the trilby could not save her. There is nothing powerful about looking like a back to front Michael Jackson circa 1991.

6. Lindsay Lohan’s hair extensions - She might think that more is more, but when Lohan ends up bald by the age of 30, she will understand that power dressing always requires a degree of subtlety.

7. Mariah Carey 80s/90s/00s - There is dressing up and there's Mariah Carey. A woman for whom no amount of money or fame will help her. In fact, they just made the situation worse.

8. Melanie Griffiths in Working Girl - How many cans of Elnet hairspray did they get through during filming? No one wants flat hair (see Sarah Vine's piece on Scarlett Johansson) but Griffiths takes it too far.

Anonymous said...


In this post I want to story about Mary Kay Andrews books. The title of her book is Blue Christmas. Which is an English fiction book. The story begin a week before Christmas. The supplier of antique stuff, Weezie Foley, has decorated his shop for the Savanah district decorate competition and he aimed to win that competition. However, after all of the preparation complete, suddenly one then another one and another one of his belonging that are published at his shop missing and he suspect that there was a mystery visitor at his shop. In the mean time, Weezie still hoped that he will get to go to a vacation and engaged ring from his lover. But, her lover Daniel, not interested to go for a vacation and still inclement like always. Weezie still hoped something miracle to happened at night before Christmas this time....

Anonymous said...


Do you heard about hand phone which have Malay dictionary? I had read an article with a title please don’t miss out the 1st hand phone with the Malay dictionary. Our country got a company named tnt (The Name Technology) had gave Windows Mobile hand phone the software KamusPro which can use Malay in sms. It is only RM99. The company hope that everyone who use hand phone can spell the Malay correctly when sms. This software can install in the phone memory and also can work from the memory card directly. It needs about 120MB memory space to install the software completely. The KamusPro is using the latest Kamus Dewan as the basic. It is also include the English Malay dictionary. The software also has the function of Check Anyway. It means when you are reading any article, you can check the dictionary anytime. Besides that, it also has the function of distinguish the language automatically. It can distinguish whether it is Malay or English. If you forget how to spell the word, you can just try to spell. This software will help you by giving you the tips then list out the word you spell. I think this software is very great for us. If you want to know more detail about this software, you can just go to the to search more information.

aqilah said...


Hello..For this entry, I would like to share about benefit eating honey. I think most of you know about the benefit that we can get from honey. But, anyway I still want to share with you all. So, the advantages that we can get are it can increases antioxidant level.
Meaning in that, it can helpful in protecting cell damages caused by free radicals. Besides, the ability of the honey to increase the antioxidant level can be determined by the colour itself—darker the honey, higher will be the antioxidant levels.
Besides that, also provides several vitamins and minerals in it. There are many vitamins such as B1, B2, C, B6, B5, and B3 along with several minerals including calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphate, potassium, sodium chlorine, and sulphur. It also contains copper, iodine, zinc, and several kinds of hormones. All these are required by human body in some quantity. So, why don't you try and install it in one of your meal. Its will give you an amazing result.

Lisa said...


Do you take breakfast in the morning? If you do, here is something that I want share with you.

After analyzing the eating habits of over 16,000 people, scientists at the University of California had found that those who got most of their energy in the morning from cereal or quick breads like muffins were the thinnest. Moreover, those who primarily ate dairy products, meat and eggs or fats and sweets or even skipped breakfast were the heaviest. As for those people who loaded up on yeast breads, fruits and vegetables or drinks were in the middle.

However, portion size does matter. Try to aim for 1200-2000 kilojoules and no more than 10-15 grams of fat in your breakfast. Therefore, how about starting your day with a blueberry muffin?

Anonymous said...


Here and there we always hear about inflation.In Malaysia, we also have to face inflation and the worst inflation we had faced in 1998.Inflation is defined as a sustained increase in the general level of prices for goods and services. It is measured as an annual percentage increase. As inflation rises, every dollar you own buys a smaller percentage of a good or service.The easy word to understand the inflation definition is "a lot of money chasing a few of things".But do you really know what the problems if there is unanticipated inflation? Below are the problem arise when the inflation happen.

1.Creditors lose and debtors gain if the lender does not anticipate inflation correctly. For those who borrow, this is similar to getting an interest-free loan.
2.Uncertainty about what will happen next makes corporations and consumers less likely to spend. This hurts economic output in the long run.
3.People living off a fixed-income, such as retirees, see a decline in their purchasing power and, consequently, their standard of living.
4.The entire economy must absorb repricing costs ("menu costs") as price lists, labels, menus and more have to be updated.
5.If the inflation rate is greater than that of other countries, domestic products become less competitive.

Anonymous said...


In this entry,I would like to talk about swimming exercise.

We all know we should be exercising, but we often find reasons not to. But, if we want a healthy body then it’s something we need to prioritize. Don’t think of a fitness routine as a chore.

I’ve tried yoga, aerobics, salsa dancing and more, but I have to say my favorite is swimming exercise. I’m not alone; for many, water exercise is a great fitness activity. It offers a complete workout for the body but is incredibly supportive. You’re not going to get joint pain from high impact activities when you do swimming exercise.

It’s so simple too. For the best swimming exercise workout, simply head down to your local pool and swim a few laps. Your pool should have quiet times when you’ll be able to do this without having to avoid colliding with other swimmers. In the beginning, once or twice a week will be beneficial; you can increase this over a period of time. As your fitness levels grow, you’ll want to add to the effectiveness of your exercise routine by increasing the number of laps you do each time.

Take regular swimming exercise and you’ll soon find yourself becoming fitter. Swimming not only provides a great cardiovascular workout, it also tones your body.

So what are you waiting for? Swimming exercise is fun, effective and easy to do. Head on over to your local pool and start getting healthy!

Anonymous said...


This entry I will continue with the value is found in friendships is often the result of a friend demonstrating the following on a consistent basis:
* The tendency to desire what is best for the other,
* Sympathy and empathy,
* Honesty, perhaps in situations where it may be difficult for others to speak the truth, especially in terms of pointing out the perceived faults of one's counterpart
* Mutual understanding.

In a comparison of personal relationships, friendship is considered to be closer than association, although there is a range of degrees of intimacy in both friendships and associations.

Anonymous said...

Hi..For the second entry in this February, I would like to share with you all on how to dealing with stress at work? And for us at UMP! Try this ideas for lifting energy and stamping out anxiety. First, get organised. If you're got no system to help you memorise or priotize,you're in trouble. The is not the most efficient engine when it comes to recalling a myriad of competing tasks, so note them down and assign each a priority. Get sorted out now! Then, limits the interruptions. Taking personal call at work? This is fine occasionally, but don't into big catch-ups; it will take you that much longer to get back into zone. Politely explain to friends or family that you're working and will return their call that evening, or on the weekend. Besides that, drink up. Keeping the brain hydrated makes it easier for your grey matter synapses to transmit information. If you feel yourself getting sluggish upstairs, remember to drink at least 1.5 litres of water a day. On other hand, reach for the fish. Similarly, fish oil helps lubricates the brain and encourage mental clarity. Consuming 1000mg of fish oil a day should assist you in staying on the ball.B vitamins also assist the body to handle stress by providing support to the adrenal glands. These are best taken in the morning so as not to keep you buzzing at night when you're trying to wind down. Finally, talk it over. Avoid excessive our and say 'no' to prevent burning out at work. Know your limits and if work becomes overwhelming, speak up or delegate your task. You can also opt for a few days off to recharge!

Anonymous said...


Yes I have 3 sisters. They are all so beautiful and I feel blessed to have their love and support. Each sister is unique and special and I just don't know what I would do without them. I hope that little bits and pieces of them with rub off on me someday. They make me want to be a better person. I love you all. I wish I could see all of you soon.

Anonymous said...


Hello. Recently I have read Tips For Better Sleep by Simeon Margolis a Yahoo! Health Expert for Nutrition. About 90% who read that article found that this article is helpful for them. Some of his tips is only use your bed for sleeping not for reading, doing paperwork, watching TV, snacking, or making phone calls. If you've been lying in bed but are beginning to fear you're not going to drop off, try some of these techniques: Count sheep or count backwards from 100 (one of my favorites) to stop yourself from thinking about the problems of yesterday or tomorrow; breathe deeply for awhile; or visualize some peaceful place. If you can't get to sleep after lying in bed for 30 minutes or more, get up for awhile. What to do? Try reading something incredibly boring. Besides, we also have to develop a bedtime routine and also keep regular bedtime hours. Before bedtime, avoid tobacco and caffeinated beverages (not just coffee, but other drinks like tea, cola, and Dr. Pepper). So, for those who suffer from insomnia try to do those tips.

Anonymous said...

All Malaysian have their own culture, I would like to talk about one of the Negeri Sembilan’s culture called Minangkabau. The Minangs are the world's largest matrilineal society, in which properties such as land and houses are inherited through female lineage. Some scholars argue that this might have caused the diaspora (Minangkabau, "merantau") of Minangkabau males throughout the Malay archipelago to become scholars or to seek fortune as merchants. As early as the age of 7, boys traditionally leave their homes and live in a surau (a prayer house & community centre) to learn religious and cultural (adat) teachings. When they are teenagers, they are encouraged to leave their hometown to learn from schools or from experiences out of their hometown so that when they are adults they can return home wise and 'useful' for the society and can contribute their thinking and experience to run the family or nagari (hometown) when they sit as the member of 'council of uncles'.

This tradition has created Minang communities in many Indonesian cities and towns, which nevertheless are still tied closely to their homeland; a state in Malaysia named Negeri Sembilan is heavily influenced by Minang culture.

Minangkabau ceremonies and festivals include Turun mandi - baby blessing ceremony, Sunat rasul - circumcision ceremony, Baralek - wedding ceremony , Batagak pangulu - clan leader inauguration ceremony. Other clan leaders, all relatives in the same clan and all villagers in the region are invited. The ceremony will last for 7 days or more ,Turun ka sawah - community work ceremony , Manyabik - harvesting ceremony ,Hari Rayo - Islamic festivals, Adoption ceremony ,Adat ceremony ,Funeral ceremony ,Wild boar hunt ceremony ,Maanta pabukoan - sending food to mother-in-law for Ramadhan ,Tabuik - Muslim celebration in the coastal village of Pariaman ,Tanah Ta Sirah, inaugurate a new clan leader (Datuk) when the old one died in the few hours (no need to proceed batagak pangulu, but the clan must invite all clan leader in the region)and Mambangkik Batang Tarandam, inaugurate a new leader (Datuk) when the old one died in the pass 10 or 50 years and even more, must do the Batagak Pangulu.

I really hope that this culture will be protect by Malaysia to make sure that it no disappear and gone. It have to become a historical story for the next generation to make sure that their know their have heir own culture and not just following the western style.

Anonymous said...


Effect of smoking
Tobacco are full of chemicals and poisons.
The mixture of nicotine and carbon monoxide in cigarette will increases heart rate and blood pressure, straining your heart and blood vessels.
Smoking cause heart attacks and stroke.
Smoking slows blood flow, cutting off oxygen to feet and hands.
Tar coats lungs like soot in a chimney and causes cancer.
Smoking causes fat deposits to narrow and block blood vessels which leads to heart attack.

Anonymous said...


How to hanle it??
-Deep breathing: First get into a comfortable position and close your eyes. Then breath in through your nostrils for five seconds and repeat the word "in" under your breath. Then breath out for five seconds and repeat the word "out" under your breath. Continue your deep breath for a few minutes while visualizing your self at the beach or in some other relaxing situation.
-Family or friends: It's important to have someone to talk about your problems. Don't be shy to share your problem because SHARING is CARING.
-Set goals: Some people drift through life going from crisis to crisis letting stress build up. If you set goals, you can take better control of your life. Think where you'd like to be in 1 year or 5 years. Be realistic by starting with small, daily goals, then build up from there. Re-evaluate your goals from time to time and be prepared to adjust them as changes occur in your life.
-Have Faith: Peace of mind comes to those who trust in God's power to lessen life's burdens through prayer.
-Have a sense of humor: Laughter can be one of the best medicines for stress. Being able to laugh at yourself and the world can break tension and give you some relief from stress.

You should know that problems with stress can be very dangerous if ignored and your life is worth too much to waste!

mimiey said...

CA08093 i want sharing Kisses can unleash chemicals that ease stress levels...huhuhh...must be you all want know it...ok it from chicago that someone said "Chemistry look what you've done to me," Donna Summer crooned in Science of Love, and so, it seems, she was right. Just in time for Valentine's Day, a panel of scientists examined the mystery of what happens when hearts throb and lips lock. Kissing, it turns out, unleashes chemicals that ease stress hormones in both sexes and encourage bonding in men, though not so much in women.Chemicals in the saliva may be a way to assess a mate, Wendy Hill, dean of the faculty and a professor of neuroscience at Lafayette College, told a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science on Friday.In an experiment, Hill explained, pairs of heterosexual college students who kissed for 15 minutes while listening to music experienced significant changes in their levels of the chemicals oxytocin, which affects pair bonding, and cortisol, which is associated with stress. Their blood and saliva levels of the chemicals were compared before and after the kiss.
Both men and women had a decline in cortisol after smooching, an indication their stress levels declined.For men, oxytocin levels increased, indicating more interest in bonding, while oxytocin levels went down in women. "This was a surprise,".So i such to believe that...So dont try any yet!!k..bye...

Anonymous said...


For this entry I would like to describe about contact lens.Do you ever used a contact lens??I as a student also used a contact lens which it helped me to looked at anywhere with clearly.Before this, I ever used a spectacles to do something like time teach in front.For your information I dim since i'm 12 years old.So at that's time I should be used a spectacles for teach in the school.I used a contact lens since i'm in matric until now. I ever dream to try used the spectacles back but it take a few days because i not have many money just now.

Usually a contact lens serve the same corrective purpose as conventional glasses, but are lightweight and virtually invisible—many commercial lenses are tinted a faint blue to make them more visible when immersed in cleaning and storage solutions. Some cosmetic lenses are deliberately colored to alter the appearance of the eye.

........ said...

Siti Aisyah Binti Abd Jalil

Hi everyone… So long I did not write a comment. I was very busy in a couple of weeks. It was a very tired week for me. Today I will share with you all about a simple way to ease neck pain. First, bend at the hips, allowing your head to hang without tension. Then, breathe slowly in and out, gently swing your head from side to side to loosen the neck. Next, you must aware of the joy that lengthening these muscles can offer. Finally, bend your knees as you slowly come back to a standing position. One more important thing is you must see your doctor first to give an advice to you about this physical therapy. I hope that you all will try to do this physical therapy… Always enjoy ok..

Anonymous said...


I am proud to be a Malaysian. Why? There are several reasons I wholeheartedly love Malaysia.
Firstly, diversity in Malaysia. Malaysia consists of different nationalities, which follow different religions, and possess different cultures and customs. These mixed elements have created one unique nation, and I am very proud to be a part of it.The second reason I am proud of being a Malaysian is, even though Malaysians are of different backgrounds, nationalities, and religions, the people still manage to live peacefully without any wars and create harmonious surroundings. We do not have uncontrollable demonstrations to bring down the government, but we do have stable politics with great leaders constantly bringing the country towards the excellence all the time.Thirdly, the positive environment has allowed the country to develop rapidly. Malaysia’s greatest achievement is proven through the success of construction of the tallest building in the world, also known as the Petronas Twin Towers, in 1998, and holds its status until 2004. Another great accomplishment is the success of the Malaysian national carmaker, Proton, to export our local cars to the global market. So, I am very proud that our cars are not only being used domestically, but also being driven by foreigners in their countries.

Anonymous said...


Assalamualaikum to all. Actually i do have a problem to make decision what clothe should i wear or suit me because of my weakness of my body shape because i'm quite chubby.So these are a few tip for those who have the same problem like me.
Black is great as a quick fix as it is very slimming (but only if it fits properly.).
• Vertical stripes give the illusion of slimness, but watch out - horizontal stripes do the opposite.
o When choosing vertical stripes, go for the narrow ones. Broad stripes can make you look larger. However, be aware that very clingy and tight vertically striped clothing will accentuate every blip and bulge. Pinstriped formal shirts from good stores are cute and thinning.
• Be confident - it's the best way to make people notice you!
• Just because it's the latest fad doesn't mean it'll look good on you. Learn to choose clothes that flatter your figure, and not just because it's the hottest style. If you must, try to select a variant of the style that will work best for you. You can also wear the latest accessories with classic well-fitting pieces to combine fashionable and flattering.
• Never wear anything shiny or bright over an area you are trying to hide.
• Contrary to popular belief, larger people can wear brighter colored clothes as long as their clothes work with their body and fit properly.
• Straight legged (or slightly boot cut) trousers create an unbroken line down your leg. This will make you appear taller and therefore skinnier.
• Peg legs (pants which grow tighter toward the ankles) make a round bottom look like an ice cream cone. Boot cut pants (straight-legged) balance out the rear.