Monday, March 2, 2009



Dhaisza said...



Have you listening to Rihanna song that is Umbrella? Today i will not share about this song but i will share with you about umbrella. As a common use, we use umbrella when raining. But have you think about who invented this umbrella and the history of umbrella? Okay, umbrella is taken from Latin word that is 'umbra' meaning shade. English name comes from the Italian word, "Ombrella." Umbrellas are an ancient invention, they are found sculptured on the monuments of Egypt. Early umbrellas were made of wood or whalebone. The basic umbrella was invented over four thousand years ago. Early of the uses, umbrella is use to protect from sun only. But The Chinese were the first to waterproof their umbrellas for use as rain protection. The first all umbrella shop was called "James Smith and Sons". The shop opened in 1830, and is still located at 53 New Oxford St., in London, England. The early European umbrellas were made of wood or whalebone and covered with alpaca or oiled canvas. The artisans made the curved handles for the umbrellas. In these art works, the parasol(umbrella) is used to protect the head of the King. These umbrellas are lavished with tassels and designed beautifully, usually with fine materials like linen or silk. It's not like umbrella that we see today. It's really special because it is used by The King. From here on out the umbrella slowly evolved into an everyday, household item. Many improvements have been made in material and design throughout the history of the umbrella. Originally English umbrellas consisted of oiled silk and heavy wood with poor and clumsy mechanical operation. Nowadays you can find one as cheap as a few dollars or of higher quality and cost, from a big umbrella to a small umbrella in a multitude of colors from a green umbrella to a black umbrella, all of which offer you protection from the rain and if you choose your rain umbrella right, a hint of style.

Anonymous said...


Crystal Color vs Meaning

This is an article about various crystal color and the meaning of each crystal that I would like to share with everyone.

>>Clear crystal is related to intuition and communication with other people.
>>Blue is a color of peace.
>>Green is the color of nature and is helpful for healing and balance.
>>Indigo help one to achieve deeper state of meditation and revealed the truth.
>>Orange strengthens personal power and friendliness.
>>Pink is related to love and pain releases.
>>Red indicate energy and for the user, it can overcome depression and lack of vitality.
>>Violet is related to wisdom and enlightenment.
>>Yellow is related to the concious mind.
>>Black is the most powerful color as it contains all the color within and can help you see all possibilities.

Want to know more visit:

Anonymous said...

Siti Hidayah Binti Mohd Miswan

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon you know what is it??? It is the one of the original "Seven Wonders of the World". They were built by Nebuchadnezzar II around 600 BC for his wife because she really miss her hometown.The gardens were destroyed by several earthquakes after the 2nd century BC.

In this world have "Seven Wonders of the Ancient World". There are:-

Great Pyramid of Giza
Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Statue of Zeus
Temple of Artemis
Mausoleum of Maussollos
Colossus of Rhodes
Lighthouse of Alexandria

What would be the eight wonders of the ancient world???

nadia suhaida said...

CA 08117

Do you feel the need to be more organized and more productive? Do you spend your day in a frenzy of activity and then wonder why you haven't accomplished much?
Time management skills are especially important for student, who often find themselves performing many different jobs during the course of a single day. These time management tips will help us increase our productivity and stay cool and collected. No matter how organized we are, there are always only 24 hours in a day. Time doesn't change. All we can actually manage is ourselves and what we do with the time that we have.

Here, I want to share about some of the time management tips that can help us to manage our time properly:

1) Use time management tools.

A software program such as Outlook, for instance, lets us schedule events easily and can be set to remind you of events in advance, making our time management easier.

2) Prioritize ruthlessly.

We should start each day with a time management session prioritizing the tasks for that day and setting your performance benchmark.

3) Establish routines and stick to them as much as possible.

While crises will arise, we'll be much more productive if we can follow routines most of the time.

4) Get in the habit of setting time limits for tasks.

Set a limit for each of the task and job a day and stick to it.

We can be in control and accomplish what we want to accomplish once we've come to grips with the time management myth and taken control of our time.

Anonymous said...


Do u know what is anti-virus? Anti-virus is computer software used to identify and remove computer viruses, as well as many other types of harmful computer software, collectively referred to as malware. While the first antivirus software was designed exclusively to combat computer viruses, most modern antivirus software can protect against a wide range of malware, including worms, rootkits, and trojans.
There are a lot of antivirus software in the market, below is a few example of antivirus software in market:
# G DATA Software
# Kaspersky Anti-Virus
# LinuxShield
# McAfee VirusScan
# nProtect
# NOD32
# Norman ASA
# Norton AntiVirus/Norton 360
If you want to buy an antivirus software, i recommend you buy McAfee VirusScan. This is because McAfee strong in protection against any virus or Trojan that may harm your computer and also protect you against Hacker. The only weakness is it take a long time to perform a full scan on your computer.

adeek_illa said...


Here, I want to share what I have done read just now to everyone, it is about Nail care tips. It is from

The nail is made of a hard protein called keratin. A protein is one of the building blocks which make up the body. The nail cares help protect the ends of the fingers and toes from trauma and also help us pick up small objects.
Over the last hundred years, the nails have become more important for cosmetic reasons and less important for protection.

Basic Nail Care
• Wash your hands with mild soap, using a nailbrush.
• Soak your hands in warm water for a few minutes to soften the cuticles.
• Very gently push back the cuticles if they are long and ragged.
• Trim the nails to the same length, cutting off any snaggy or spiky bits.
• File the ends of the nails to smooth them off.
• If your hands are dry, apply some hand cream.

Don't Bite Your Nail!
Nail biting isn't exactly seductive, try anti-biting nail paint. Tastes absolutely disgusting, but will stop you putting your fingers in your mouth so often.

Hope, you all can try.

Muhammad syafiq said...


TENSION!! part2

From the previous comment I promise that I will share about, how to release your tension. Actually there are many way to release the tension in your head. One of the method which is my way to release it by make your self comfortable, take deep breath and do what ever you want to do as long your happy and forget the problem that matter. Other methods are hypnosis, this is practically worked but I suggest better not use this way. Aerosols are bad for you, they can be triggers as well, so try not to use them as far as possible. So keep away from the Aerosols may damage your health. Aromatherapy, this most wanted therapy I think, this therapy is involving your sense of smell. Nice smell can reduced your tension like chamomile, lavender, rosemary etc.From my opinion, better find your own way to release the tension, I believe that our way is the best remedy from headache/tension.

Anonymous said...


Why people cry?.The common reason people cry because they are sad.Do you know what is sad.Sadness is an emotion characterized by feelings of disadvantage, loss, and helplessness. When sad, people often become quiet, less energetic, and withdrawn. Sadness is considered to be the opposite of happiness, and is similar to the emotions of sorrow, grief, misery, and melancholy. The philosopher Baruch Spinoza defined sadness as the “transfer of a person from a large perfection to a smaller one.” Sadness can be viewed as a temporary lowering of mood (colloquially called "feeling blue"), whereas depression is characterized by a persistent and intense lowered mood, as well as disruption to one's ability to function in day to day matters.

Anonymous said...



Ice cream is 1 type of dessert that will be served after having our meal...
There are many type of ice cream,depend on the brand & the smoothness of the ice cream...
The smoother & creamier of the ice cream can be get by using machine, but do u know we also can make ice cream without machine...
there are some procedures to make it..

1. Prepare your ice cream mixture, then chill it over an ice bath.

2. Put a deep baking dish, or bowl made of plastic, stainless steel or something durable in the freezer, and pour your custard mixture into it.

3. After forty-five minutes, open the door and check it.

As it starts to freeze near the edges, remove it from the freezer and stir it vigorously with a spatula or whisk. Really beat it up and break up any frozen sections. Return to freezer.

4. Continue to check the mixture every 30 minutes, stirring vigorously as it's freezing. If you have one, you can use a hand-held mixer for best results, or use a stick-blender or hand-held mixer.

But since we're going low-tech here, you can also use just a spatula or a sturdy whisk along with some modest physical effort.

5. Keep checking periodically and stirring while it freezes (by hand or with the electric mixer) until the ice cream is frozen. It will likely take 2-3 hours to be ready.

6. Transfer the ice cream to a covered storage container until ready to serve.

Anonymous said...


Hi everyone.
Do you love to eat tomato?
I know most of us like to eat tomato but we always see one to two types of tomato.
Now I would like to share the information about types of tomato.

There's the standard slicer-type. It grows well during spring crop and have a fairly decent fall crop, but in the summer, the production really cuts down.

The other type is cherry tomatoes but it grows in summer. The skin can get a little bit tough but they are also very sweet.

There are also larger cherry-
types.The way to eat this type of this tomato is you can just pop them into your mouth.

From my read,the newer additions to tomato types and varieties are the grape tomatoes. These are simply cherries that are elongated. They are extremely sweet.

There are many wonderful kinds of tomatoes. You can have them anytime because as I know we can easily get them at the supermarket.

nIRuzA said...
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nIRuzA said...
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Anonymous said...


Roger David Kornberg
Study In Genetic Information

I have read about Roger David Kornberg. He was born on 24 April 1947. He is an American biochemist and professor of structural biology at Stanford University School of Medicine. He is earned his bachelor's degree in chemistry from Harvard University in 1967 and his Ph.D. in chemical physics from Stanford in 1972. Kornberg was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2006 for his studies of the process by which genetic information from DNA is copied to RNA, the molecular basis of eukaryotic transcription. Using yeast, Kornberg identified the role of RNA polymerase II and other proteins in transcribing DNA, and he created three-dimensional images of the protein cluster using X-ray crystallography.

Unknown said...



I believe that many of us like to eat tau fu fa. It is a very popular Chinese dessert eaten hot or cold. And of course it is made from soy milk, thus has a lot of health benefits. It is usually served either with a clear sweet syrup alone, with ginkgo seeds suspended in the syrup, or in a sugar syrup infused with pandan. In Malaysia, however, the most popular kind is served in hot and sweet ginger water, with some customers preferring to buy only the ginger water as it is believed to contain medicinal properties. In Penang the sugar syrup is used with white or brown sugar variations. I think that many people loved it because the tau fu fa was so silky smooth that it just slides down the throat. So soft, it felt like almost like swallowing air. For those who intend to try it at home, here are the recipes for 1 litre soy custard:

1 Litre boiling fresh soy milk

Setting solution
1 Tbsp corn flour
½ level tsp gypsum powder (calcium sulphate)
¼ cup (63 ml) cold water

1. To make the soy milk:

120gm soya beans or soy granules*
900ml cold water

a. Soak soy beans in clean water overnight.

b. Discard water. Grind the beans with half the cold water in the food blender until smooth.

c. Pour the mixture over a muslin cloth covered sieve. Strain out as much liquid as possible.
d. Put the soy pulp back into the blender with the remaining cold water and grind again. Repeat step 3 .

e. Sieve the soy milk (without the pulp) through the muslin to remove any remaining grit.

f. Microwave the milk for 7-8 minutes or until nearly boiling.
g. Pour soy milk into a big pot. Bring to the boil 3 times. Remove any foam.

2. In a small cup, mix together the setting solution.

3. Pour the soy milk and setting solution simultaneously into another clean pot.

4. Give the mixture a quick stir and cover with a cloth before putting the pot lid on. Leave for 30 minutes.

5. If there is a thin skin on top of the tau fu fa, lift it off. To serve, scoop out in thin layers to a bowl. Add sugar syrup according to taste.

Sugar Syrup
2-3 Tbsp sugar
¼ cup water

Microwave until sugar is dissolved.

Unknown said...



I began my netball life for my school at the age of about 9 or 10. I played at WA in a team that was all much older than me. Then when we were able to get together a junior team of my age group I played lots of places including GD before my blossoming height relegated me to a goal attack role. And now I pretty much stayed playing GA and GS before age finally dictated that I remain back as attacker for the rest of my days.

Unknown said...

Sharizan Bte Zainal Abidin

As we know, every flowers have their own meanings. Besides, every flower lover belief that flowers have a language of their own. So, here are some of the more traditional flowers meanings. Remember, a gift of flower for a special one will always create its own personal meaning.

BLUEBELL - Humility
CACTUS - Endurance
CAMELLIA (PINK) - Longing for you
CAMELLIA (RED) - You're a Flame in My Heart
CAMELLIA (WHITE) - You're Adorable
CARNATION (GENERAL) - Fascination, Woman Love
CARNATION (PINK) - I'll Never Forget You
CARNATION (RED) - My Heart Aches For You, Admiration
CARNATION (PURPLE) - Capriciousness
CARNATION (STRIPED) - No, Refusal, Sorry I Can't Be With You, Wish I Could Be With You
CARNATION (WHITE) - Sweet and Lovely, Innocence, Pure Love, Woman's Good Luck Gift
CARNATION (YELLOW) - You Have Disappointed Me, Rejection
CHRYSANTHEMUM (GENERAL) - You're a Wonderful Friend, Cheerfulness and Rest.
DAISY - Innocence, Loyal Love, I'll Never Tell, Purity
IRIS - Fleur-de-lis, Emblem of France, Your Friendship Means so Much to Me, Faith, Hope, Wisdom and Valor, My Compliments
IVY - Wedded Love, Fidelity, Friendship, Affection
ROSE (BRIDAL) - Happy Love
ROSE (HIBISCUS) - Delicate Beauty
ROSE (LEAF) - You May Hope
ROSE (PINK) - Perfect Happiness, Please Believe Me
ROSE (RED) - Love, I Love You
ROSE (TEA) - I'll Remember Always
ROSE (THORNLESS) - Love at First Sight
ROSE (WHITE) - Innocence and Purity, I am Worthy of You, You're Heavenly, Secrecy and Silence
ROSE (WHITE AND RED MIXED) - Unity, Flower Emblem of England
ROSE (WHITE-DRIED) - Death is Preferable to Loss of Virtue
ROSE (YELLOW) - Decrease of Love, Jealousy, Try to Care
TULIP (GENERAL) - Perfect Lover, Frame, Flower Emblem of Holland
TULIP (RED) - Believe Me, Declaration of Love
TULIP (VARIEGATED) - Beautiful Eyes
TULIP (YELLOW) - There's Sunshine in Your Smile

Anonymous said...


God must love animals - He made so many of them!

Some animals are so small that you need a microscope to see them. Others are huge. All are interesting.

There are more than a million animal species. There are 6,000 species of reptiles, 73,000 kinds of spiders, and 3,000 types of lice. For each person there is about 200 million insects. The 4,600 kinds of mammals represent a mere 0,3% of animals and the 9,000 kinds of birds only 0,7%. The most abundant bird species is the red-billed quelea of sub-Saharan Africa, numbering almost 2 billion.

Even so, about one third of animals have been driven to extinction as a result of mismanagement and polution by the fast-growing human population. Please take good care of the animals around you. Make your garden bird and bee-friendly. Contribute time or money to animal associations wherever possible.

Anonymous said...


How to Pay Attention in a Dull Class
I am sure that every student has been in this situation even once in their life. The steps that has been given are good for us as a student to try if we are in a dull class or with a boring teacher. Here is that steps:
1. Recognize that the instructor is human and wants your attention. Like a little kid, they eat up attention and will do just about anything to get it.
2. Position your seat in the second or third row, making sure someone is sitting directly in front of you.
3. Make eye contact with the teacher, nod when you understand, give quizzical looks when you don't understand. Watch the teacher repeat the info you don't quite get. Remember that they are speaking only to you because they have your attention.
4. You can now manipulate this teacher all over the front of the room, sort of like remote control. Stop the eye contact by moving just a little until your line of sight is blocked by the person in front. Notice how they will move to regain the eye contact. You make sure that the move is a little closer to the corner. When they get there, reward them with your eye contact, and then repeat and move them closer to the corner. Keep doing this until they are fully in the corner.
5. Remember while doing all this you are learning the material and having a little fun too.
6. Take tons of notes and review them that night. Ask question if you don't understand something.

Anonymous said...

CA 08131

Hye guys. Have you followed the recycling campaign that had always recommended by the government? Do you know about the benefits of recycling? Anyway, recycle can be define as the processing that used materials into new products in order to prevent waste of potentially useful materials. Recyclable materials include many kinds of glass, paper, metal, plastic, textiles, and electronics. By applied the concept of recycling we can reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, reduce energy usage, reduce air pollution, water pollution, and lower greenhouse gas emissions as compared to virgin production. Besides, recycling is also the most efficient method to dispose of household wasteand also economical. So, recycling is one of the way to save the environment and to make sure that our environment always clean from wasted thing. For the last, let's join and support the recycling campaign.

Wahida said...


Today I had read an article about character that men will choose from a women to make them as wife. The article state that men will choose a women who have a character as a mother,understanding and polite. Most of men like this kind of character and there are certain men that choose women with a difference character too. For me, it all about love.


Hasrul said...


Glucosamine and Condroitin Sulphate for Osteoartritis.

In March entry, i most like to write th article about Health.
Do you know what is Osteoartritis? Osteoartritis is knee disease. Taking the pain killer is not emboldened for long period and just takes when the condition is needed. The way that is safety and cause to occur for conduct osteoarthritis is taking combination between glucosamine and condroitin sulphate. Glucosamine excitable forming and overhaul cartilage, whereas condroitin sulphate is a cartilage component that improve the holding of water and elastic that delayed enzyme which can broke the cartilage. Daily suggestion dos are 1,500 milligram (mg) for glucosamine and 1,200 mg condritin sulphate. The combining between these two medicines shows positive result. That researching also show that these combining more effective in osteoarthritis medication for medium and critical level compare the pain killer.

nasran said...

Mat Kilau

Out of the many Malay warriors of Pahang who stood up against the British in the late 1880’s, only one lived to witness with his very own eyes the nation’s independence.
He was Mat Kilau, the son of local chieftain Imam Perang Rasu (aka Tok Gajah), and one of the Malay warriors who rebelled between the 1880s and 1890s when the colonial masters extended their rule to Pahang.
Mat Kilau even had the opportunity to shout the magical word “Merdeka” on August 31, 1957, something that his contemporaries Datuk Bahaman, Haji Abdul Rahman Limbong and Tok Janggut or the earlier ones like Datuk Maharaja Lela and Dol Said did not live to do.
Mat Kilau’s obscurity is equally legendary. The feared warrior went into oblivion for more than half a century as he was on the run after the British put a price on his head and branded him a traitor to the Sultan.
At the initial stages, Mat Kilau, Datuk Bahaman, Mat Kelubi, Awang Nong, Teh Ibrahim, Haji Mat Wahid and Mat Lela staged a formidable resistance that unnerved the British.
Mat Kilau and Datuk Bahaman’s names are etched in the nation’s annals as those responsible for the Lubuk Terua war where they attacked a police post set up by the British and fatally wounded two British policemen. They even conquered Temerloh.
However, with more reinforcement and a clever ploy of accusing the group of betraying the Sultan, the British succeeded in stopping more locals from joining the group and isolated it from the community. This eroded the group’s strength that at one time reached 600 and prompted them to flee.
The British continued to hunt them. Records show that his father Tok Gajah who was also involved in the resistance took refuge in Hulu Terengganu and died there, while Datuk Bahaman and several of his followers surrendered to the Siamese rulers.
What happened to Mat Kilau then is unclear till today but he definitely went through a lot of hardship especially when he had to move from place to place and take refuge under different names like Mat Dahan, Mat Dadu and Mat Siam.
After being on the run for many years, he returned to Pahang and settled in Kampung Batu 5, Gambang, Kuantan, under the name of Mohamed bin Ibrahim or Mat Siam.
Mat Kilau’s real identity only came out into the open when he himself made a declaration after the Friday prayers at the Pulau Tawar mosque in Jerantut on Dec 26, 1969. After months of research and investigations, the Pahang state government finally confirmed that he was indeed Mat Kilau.
Unfortunately 10 days after the confirmation, Mat Kilau died on Aug 16, 1970, at his home in Kampung Batu 5. He is said to have died at the age of 122 based on his estimated birth year of 1847.
He was buried with full honours befitting a national hero at his birthplace, Kampung Masjid Pulau Tawar, Jerantut.