Blog..Do you have your own blog?or you just read others blog? I have my own blog. Inside the blog i wrote every single thing that happen in my life. But i didn't write it everyday. Maybe once a week or based on my time. I wanna share a little bit about blog. Actually blog is a website that own by someone such as me. Blog is contain of many subject from important to not important. Blog has many types such as Personal blog, Corporate blog,and Question blog. Next is why do people write blogs?Here is some reason why people write blog:
1. Blogging is popular . You have to admit, nowadays blogging is “en vogue”.
2. Some people might have interesting ideas, and they want us to know them.
3. Some do it for the comments to their articles. It’s a form of communication.
4. Because for some writing is a form of relaxation; they need to write in order to put order in their thoughts; a blog can be something like a journal.
5.People are lonely. They don’t have people around to listen to them, so they end up arranging a conservation with wider audience.
6.Its cheaper than therapy.
That all i can say why do people write blog. Other than that about blog is blog award. Do you know about it. Actually i get know about this after i have my own blog. To be honest it looks funny but people outside run to get this award. The judges can be anybody and is use online systems. Awarded since 2004, the BOBs(Best of Blog) are selected by an "international jury of independent journalists, media experts and blog experts.
I guess that all i can share with you guys. So,for those who doesn't have their own blog, why not you create it. It's free and you will enjoy to use it.
I've read an article about the goodness of barley. A fact that had caught my attention is that barley is capable to prevent water retention and cleanse our urinary system by flushing out all toxins from the body. How amazing. Besides that, it is also a cooling drink which is suitable for us to have it during hot season to prevent from getting sore throat. For little children, barley water is good to be taken especially they are down with fever, vomiting, diarrhea or HFMD.
I know everyone of us likes to listen to the music because some of us say that music is life. So in this post,I would like to share the advantages of listening to music in public area such as when you are in the train.
By listening to music,you might ignore the crazies. When you are walking along a city street and maybe you will be disturb by someone; who starts to approach you, the earphones serve can help you to excuse (not to hear what the person is asking).
Other than that,listening to music in public also can dissipate the boredom.If you have to wait for a bus, or walk along the same route everyday, it can cause the boredom. The ability to listen to music by using small devices as iPods and mp3 players, really helps break up the monotony.
Some people just do not have time to read or watch the news, but you can do this if your music device offers a radio function. You can catch up on current events, not only can you catch great tunes from your favorite station, but you also can have their news clips.
Hopefully you will take these advantages and practice listening to music in public to get these three advantages.
I have read an article today named "Secrets to a Healthy Cruise". I feel that this is an good article for those who are going on a cruise. The tips that the article provided really can help a lot to prevent you get sick. Here are the five tips that provided by the article : 1) Anti bacterial hand sanitizing liquids and lotions are your friend. 2) Think about that hamburger or chicken salad sandwich you're about to put in your mouth. 3) Don't eat the street food when you get off the ship. 4) Bring a few bandages along when leaving the ship, not a whole box, just a few just in case. 5) If you're sleeping off the ship at all, or even if you've booked that cheapish getaway on an older ship or secondary cruise line to save a buck, you would be well served to invest in a travel sheet, like an Allersac.
Why we are suppose to cry? What is the crying for? Actually, crying is an emotional reaction that’s completely unique to humans. Our capacity for complex thoughts and feelings means that we can cry whether we’re overwhelmed with any emotion such as happiness, despair, or fear but not everyone cries the same way or for the same reasons. Some people break into tears at the drop of a hat; others remain stony-faced even when confronted with great tragedy or pain. Understanding the impulse to cry isn’t always easy, but understanding the psychological and evolutionary reasons we do it is even more complicated.
All tears are comprised mainly of water, oil, and mucous and are produced in the lachrymal glands near the eyes. Made of the same stuff, we actually have three different kinds of tears: basal, which protect and moisten our eyes; reflex, which flush irritants and foreign objects from our eyes; and emotional tears, which are produced in response to strong emotions or pain.Emotion and pain are both processed in the limbic system, the area of the brain that also processes memories, our senses, and behavior. Humans can cry whether we’re in emotional pain or physical pain, and regardless of the stimulus, the tears are the same. Because of this lack of differentiation, some researchers believe that the body can’t really distinguish between emotional and physical pain at all. Even though the mind knows the difference between a broken heart and a stubbed toe, the body generates the same response to both.When we experience any kind of heightened emotion—grief, jubilation, anger, or pain—hormones surge through our bodies. Once they’ve built up, the body needs a way to release them and crying may be one way it equalizes itself.
Salam...What do you do this weekend??? only sleep 24 hours? study 24 hours? watch movie 24 hours? But not me! Today, my friends and I go to the IFD at astaka. The event was started at 9.30 a.m. The topic thats their speakers diccuss is about "MISS UNDERSTANDING IN RELIGION". The topic was atract me to go. During IFD, 4 speakers was invite with different religion which is Hindu,Buddhist,Christian and Islam. They of all give very good speechs. When I go this interfaith, I get more knowledged and more understanding about another religion.
Majority students ask question during Q & A Section. All speakers give relevant answered.
What I get from this IFD are:-
Hindu,Buddhist, Christian, Islam religion, all of this religion they have God but with different believe. Like Islam, they believe with Allah but in christian, they believe with Jesus(Nabi Isa a.s). Then, I know some of content in "Kitab Bible". The content in it a little bit same with the meaning in "Al-Quran" but it look different after it was modified.
10 Tips for Exam... Here, I want to share about tips for exam.
1. Have all necessary material with you. You can't borrow items such as pens, pencils, rulers or special equipment while in an examination. 2. Have a relaxing night before your exams. Have an early night, and try to have a healthy breakfast. 3. Read the entire paper. Where you have choices, decide which ones you plan to answer. 4. Plan your time nicely. Spend some time drafting a plan for the questions you choose to answer. 5. Jot down ideas as they come to you. While you are answering one question, information about another may suddenly occur to you. Jot it down somewhere because when you come to that question perhaps an hour later, you may have forgotten it. 6. Don't leave any questions unanswered. If you are short of time, use note form. Remember, you can only be marked on the answers you give. 7. Never leave the room early. If you have time at the end, go over your work, add information (eg in the margin). You can't return if you suddenly remember a fact after you have left. 8. Do not spend too long on multiple choice questions. With multiple choice questions it is best to cover the answers and work out your own before looking at the choices on paper. If you can't answer the question come back to it later - have a guess. 9. Never omit an entire question. No matter how well you answer other questions, you must leave time for all questions - a perfect answer can still only earn a certain number of marks. If you write nothing, you can't receive any marks and you have lost all your marks for a particular question. Write something - it may at least give you a few points. 10. Maintain a stable energy level. Eating foods such as chocolate bars before an exam might give you an energy boost to begin with but your blood sugar levels will drop within an hour and your energy will plunge dramatically, making it hard for you to concentrate.
There are many aspect of tension.I will describe tension from student aspect.As a student,I believed that every student have this problem to face it.From what I can say and analyse the more higher level we study the more tension we can get.Actualy it depends to individual it self.Some can face the tensioness they had,some feel want kill theirself(depress). Tension make we feel a bad headache.Headache that we always have a long or constant not throbbing. You usually feel the pain or pressure on both sides of your head.Pressure that makes you feel like your head is in a vise. Aching pain at your temples or the back of your head and neck.What the solution of this tension? to be continue in other comments..
Salam. I want t share something what I have done read just now. It’s about Face value: Cover up by Syida Lizta Amirul Ihsan from New Straits Time, March 27, 2009. It has been said that two-way foundational causes face to take care, but with right use, this portable powder can give a natural coverage. Lancome Maquicake UV Infinite and the sponge that comes with it. What we need to do: 1. Swipe sponge twice on the powder. 2. Apply on the under eye beginning from the inner corner of the eyes. 3. Use the remaining powder for the cheeks, chin and around the mouth. 4. Lastly, dab powder on the forehead. The area is oily, so it need less powder. Tips: Dab the powder, never swipe. Swiping will “move” your foundation and moisturiser, causing the combination to cake.
Do not swipe the sponge too many times on the powder at once.
Finally, wash the sponge weekly to prevent bacteria build-up. — Products courtesy of Lancome
"Wash your hands!" How many times have you heard that from your parents? You might think they're just nagging you, but actually the most important thing you can do to keep from getting sick is to wash your hands. If people don't wash their hands frequently (especially when they're sick), they can spread germs directly to other people or onto surfaces that others touch. And before you know it, everyone around you is coming down with something! so, please wash your hand especially when: -after using the bathroom -after blowing nose or coughing -before eating, preparing and serving food -after touching pets -before and after visiting anyone who's sick -when your hands are dirty
Welcome back....for my first entry for March,i want to share to all about SCREAM.Have you ever screaming?.Do you like to scream?.Ever you think why people have to scream.There are some reason why people have or want to scream.First,people scream because of fear.Screaming is calling attention to themselves for help.Next,people scream because scream their excitement for this occasion.People also scream for pain.This may be a vocalization used to deal with the shock of the incident or perhaps an evolutionary adaptation used to warn others of danger.And last but not list, people scream because of suprises.If someone comes up to you and jumps on you or talks in your ear when you do not know they are going to do this, most of the people scream in surprise or shock.
Wanna share something interesting about current thing that I used to do recently...playing a game called... .......TRIBAL WARS.......
Tribal wars is an online game that give u experience & challenge ur strategy skill, also can train ur mind to work more harder(i think so)... The 1st guy I know very passionate with diz game is hafidz...haha..but i respected him about his current progress on this game.. so want to know more...lets click this website... " "
Among the Malays, we believe that if a pregnant woman drinks a lot of soy milk throughout the pregnancy the baby skin will be fairer than those who did not taking it. So, how far does it true? It is accepted that soy milk contains a high number of healthy compounds such as protein and isoflavones. Soy milk has been a popular alternative to those who cannot drink the cow’s milk. Besides that, because it is made from beans, it is also contains more fiber than cow’s milk. The biggest benefits of soy milk are the isoflavones. Isoflavones are connected to a whole host of health issues, with the most prevant being the prevention of many cancers, heart disease, osteoporosis and more. The cholesterol lowering effect of soy milk and its role of heart disease was widely recognized in the mid 90s when the results of a meta-analysis of 38 clinical studies were published. The results demonstrated that a diet with significant soy protein reduces Total Cholesterol, LDL cholesterol (the "Bad" cholesterol) and Triglycerides. Even though it is lack of calcium compared to cow’s milk, but the higher protein and isoflavones inside it has made it suitable for everybody to take it especially pregnant women. So, if you want your children have the fairer skin, drink a lot of soy milk would probably help.
Do jellyfish have bones ? DID you know that all Jellyfish, no matter how large or small, have no solid skeleton to support their body. Instead their shape is maintained by soft water filled inner tissues, over which its outer layers are stretched. Take a jelly fish out of water and its beautiful shape and size are visible as nothing more than a primitive lump of jelly. Despite this lack of bone structure don't be confused into thinking these creatures are helpless. These beautiful animals have actually been in existance for over 650 million years (making them outdate the Dinosaurs) and have always been extremely effective as predators. The Box jellyfish for example is the deadliest sea animal in the world killing more humans than even sharks, and what about the Lions Mane jellyfish which has a diameter of over 8 metres and tentacles as long as 60 meters (that's over half the length of a football field).
Dolphins are marine mammals which is similar likes whales and porpoises. There are 40 species of dolphin in the world. The size are from 1.2m and 40kg, up to 9.5m and 10 tones. They are mostly found in the shallower seas of the continental shelves. They are also mostly carnivores which is eat fish and squid. The family Delphinidae is the largest in the Cetacea, and relatively recent: dolphins evolved about ten million years ago, during the Miocene. Dolphins are also popular with their intelligent and friendly appearance. They are also considered to be amongst the most intelligent of animals and their often friendly appearance and seemingly playful attitude have made them popular in human culture.
How to brainstorm idea for a short article.There are many ways to brainstorm for ideas. Creating ideas for articles is a simple process if you find one way that works for you. Take these steps to find an easy solution to create ideas for short articles.
Use your 5 senses. Go around and test things out with your senses. Note how something looks, tastes or feels and write it down. Ask yourself questions. Who, what, when, where and why may spark some ideas.
Observe your surroundings. Go to the mall or walk around the park. Take a look around and write down what you see. Ideas are all over the place. For example, if you see a couch in front of you, take that and turn it into "10 Ways to Avoid Becoming a Couch Potato."
Try the cluster method. On a piece of paper, write one word in the center and circle it. Draw lines from the circle and write other words associated with that main word. Soon ideas will start to form from the words you write.
Allow yourself to free-write. Set a time limit and write down anything you can, even if it is just mindless dribble. Continue to free-write until your time is up. By then you may have the start of some good ideas. If nothing comes the first time, try it again.
Step5Read magazines. If you spot an article you like, think about ways you can delve into the topic further to find out other questions you want answered. Try giving the topic a new spin to make it interesting.
Chipsmore...mmm...yummy!!! Chipsmore is the most famous biscuitn brand in Malaysia. Chipsmore provides variety types of delicious chocolate biscuits such as chipsmore original, chipsmore double choc, and so on. The most important thing is chipsmore is halal and delicious to eat. The common ingredients that used to make this kind of delicious biscuits are weat flour, sugar, vegetable oil,chocolate , cocoa, tapioca flour, salt, milk, permitted food conditioner, flavouring and so on. For your information, each pack of 180 g chipsmore biscuit packet contains 69.4 g carbohydrate, 6.1 g protein, 20.4 g fat and 1978 KJ energy. As a conclusion, chipsmore biscuits is not only delicious to eat but also good for our help.
For most of us, its just not happening. We are not getting the right balance in our diet.People are busy these days. More people are eating out where food has a high salt and oil base. There is a fast food mentality, especially in young people. That's what is hip and cool. The traditional diet of the past tends not to be attractive to the younger generation and not as convinient. And what this means is that we are risking health complaints we could otherwise avoid.
Considered by many as a legend and a man with supernatural powers, Hang Tuah made a name for himself as a popular warrior during the Melaka Sultanate era. Together with his four companions – Hang Jebat, Hang Kasturi, Hang Lekir and Hang Lekiu. The five of them had been in each other’s company since their childhood. It was said that Hang Tuah’s parents, father Dang Mahmud and mother Dang Merdu Wati, migrated from Bentan to Melaka in search of a better life where they settled in Kampung Duyung. From his early days, Hang Tuah and his four friends embodied comradeship and stood by each other through thick and thin. They even dug a well at their village which came to be known as the Hang Tuah Well until today. As they grew older, Hang Tuah and his buddies learnt the Malay art of self-defence or silat from a renowned guru named Adiputra in a cave somewhere in a remote part of Melaka. Their courage and mettle, coupled with their expertise in martial arts, all the five friends helped in keeping the peace in Melaka. The turning point in Hang Tuah’s life came when he save the Bendahara (chief minister) from falling victim to a man who ran amok in town. When Sultan Mansor Shah (1456-1477) heard about Hang Tuah’s bravery, he was made the Laksamana (admiral) cum Syahbandar (harbour master). His friends were appointed the knights of Melaka. Back in those days, accepting invitations and calling on foreign countries as far as China was the norm for the Sultan of Melaka and Hang Tuah was a constant aide to the Sultan on such visits. During the sojourn to Majapahit, Taming Sari, a famous Majapahit warrior, challenged Hang Tuah to a duel. After a fiery fight, Hang Tuah emerged as the winner and the Sultan of Majapahit bestowed Taming Sari’s kris, which is said to be the source of Hang Tuah’s magical powers, to Hang Tuah. Apart from carrying the responsibilities as the Laksamana and the Syahbandar, Hang Tuah was always assigned to the task of being the Sultan’s ambassador in fostering closer ties with the Sultan’s allies including China, India, Siam and Turkey. According to Hikayat Hang Tuah, in his blind loyalty to the Sultan, Hang Tuah sailed to Inderaputra (Pahang) to persuade the already engaged Tun Teja, the princess of Pahang to be the Sultan’s companion. Thinking that Hang Tuah himself would be marrying her, Tun Teja eloped with him to Melaka. However, it was only during the voyage home, that Hang Tuah revealed the truth. Hang Tuah’s popularity soon became the envy of a few noblemen and this led to one of them, Pateh Karma Wijaya, to fabricate a story that Hang Tuah was having an illicit affair with one of the palace’s lady-in-waiting. Without a fair trial, the Sultan sentenced Hang Tuah to death for the alleged offence. However, the Bendahara who know the truth, went against the Sultan’s orders and hid Hang Tuah in Ulu Melaka. This became the turning point in the relationship between Hang Tuah and his best companion Hang Jebat. Believing that Hang Tuah was innocent, Hang Jebat avenged his death, first by killing Pateh Karma Wijaya. The Sultan was unable to do anything as none of his warriors dared to challenge the ferocious Hang Jebat. Only then did the Bendahara confided in the Sultan and told him that Hang Tuah was still alive. Ordered to be brought before him, the Sultan later instructed Hang Tuah to kill Hang Jebat, which he did after a long grueling fight.
Blog..Do you have your own blog?or you just read others blog? I have my own blog. Inside the blog i wrote every single thing that happen in my life. But i didn't write it everyday. Maybe once a week or based on my time. I wanna share a little bit about blog. Actually blog is a website that own by someone such as me. Blog is contain of many subject from important to not important. Blog has many types such as Personal blog, Corporate blog,and Question blog. Next is why do people write blogs?Here is some reason why people write blog:
1. Blogging is popular . You have to admit, nowadays blogging is “en vogue”.
2. Some people might have interesting ideas, and they want us to know them.
3. Some do it for the comments to their articles. It’s a form of communication.
4. Because for some writing is a form of relaxation; they need to write in order to put order in their thoughts; a blog can be something like a journal.
5.People are lonely. They don’t have people around to listen to them, so they end up arranging a conservation with wider audience.
6.Its cheaper than therapy.
That all i can say why do people write blog. Other than that about blog is blog award. Do you know about it. Actually i get know about this after i have my own blog. To be honest it looks funny but people outside run to get this award. The judges can be anybody and is use online systems. Awarded since 2004, the BOBs(Best of Blog) are selected by an "international jury of independent journalists, media experts and blog experts.
I guess that all i can share with you guys. So,for those who doesn't have their own blog, why not you create it. It's free and you will enjoy to use it.
Discover The Goodness In Barley
I've read an article about the goodness of barley. A fact that had caught my attention is that barley is capable to prevent water retention and cleanse our urinary system by flushing out all toxins from the body. How amazing. Besides that, it is also a cooling drink which is suitable for us to have it during hot season to prevent from getting sore throat. For little children, barley water is good to be taken especially they are down with fever, vomiting, diarrhea or HFMD.
Full article at:
I know everyone of us likes to listen to the music because some of us say that music is life. So in this post,I would like to share the advantages of listening to music in public area such as when you are in the train.
By listening to music,you might ignore the crazies. When you are walking along a city street and maybe you will be disturb by someone; who starts to approach you, the earphones serve can help you to excuse (not to hear what the person is asking).
Other than that,listening to music in public also can dissipate the boredom.If you have to wait for a bus, or walk along the same route everyday, it can cause the boredom. The ability to listen to music by using small devices as iPods and mp3 players, really helps break up the monotony.
Some people just do not have time to read or watch the news, but you can do this if your music device offers a radio function. You can catch up on current events, not only can you catch great tunes from your favorite station, but you also can have their news clips.
Hopefully you will take these advantages and practice listening to music in public to get these three advantages.
I have read an article today named "Secrets to a Healthy Cruise". I feel that this is an good article for those who are going on a cruise. The tips that the article provided really can help a lot to prevent you get sick. Here are the five tips that provided by the article :
1) Anti bacterial hand sanitizing liquids and lotions are your friend.
2) Think about that hamburger or chicken salad sandwich you're about to put in your mouth.
3) Don't eat the street food when you get off the ship.
4) Bring a few bandages along when leaving the ship, not a whole box, just a few just in case.
5) If you're sleeping off the ship at all, or even if you've booked that cheapish getaway on an older ship or secondary cruise line to save a buck, you would be well served to invest in a travel sheet, like an Allersac.
CA 08117
Why we are suppose to cry? What is the crying for? Actually, crying is an emotional reaction that’s completely unique to humans. Our capacity for complex thoughts and feelings means that we can cry whether we’re overwhelmed with any emotion such as happiness, despair, or fear but not everyone cries the same way or for the same reasons. Some people break into tears at the drop of a hat; others remain stony-faced even when confronted with great tragedy or pain. Understanding the impulse to cry isn’t always easy, but understanding the psychological and evolutionary reasons we do it is even more complicated.
All tears are comprised mainly of water, oil, and mucous and are produced in the lachrymal glands near the eyes. Made of the same stuff, we actually have three different kinds of tears: basal, which protect and moisten our eyes; reflex, which flush irritants and foreign objects from our eyes; and emotional tears, which are produced in response to strong emotions or pain.Emotion and pain are both processed in the limbic system, the area of the brain that also processes memories, our senses, and behavior. Humans can cry whether we’re in emotional pain or physical pain, and regardless of the stimulus, the tears are the same. Because of this lack of differentiation, some researchers believe that the body can’t really distinguish between emotional and physical pain at all. Even though the mind knows the difference between a broken heart and a stubbed toe, the body generates the same response to both.When we experience any kind of heightened emotion—grief, jubilation, anger, or pain—hormones surge through our bodies. Once they’ve built up, the body needs a way to release them and crying may be one way it equalizes itself.
So, just let it out.
Siti Hidayah Binti Mohd Miswan
Interfaith Dialog UMP (IFD)
Salam...What do you do this weekend??? only sleep 24 hours? study 24 hours? watch movie 24 hours? But not me! Today, my friends and I go to the IFD at astaka. The event was started at 9.30 a.m. The topic thats their speakers diccuss is about "MISS UNDERSTANDING IN RELIGION". The topic was atract me to go. During IFD, 4 speakers was invite with different religion which is Hindu,Buddhist,Christian and Islam. They of all give very good speechs. When I go this interfaith, I get more knowledged and more understanding about another religion.
Majority students ask question during Q & A Section. All speakers give relevant answered.
What I get from this IFD are:-
Hindu,Buddhist, Christian, Islam religion, all of this religion they have God but with different believe. Like Islam, they believe with Allah but in christian, they believe with Jesus(Nabi Isa a.s). Then, I know some of content in "Kitab Bible". The content in it a little bit same with the meaning in "Al-Quran" but it look different after it was modified.
Only that I can share with you all. daa...
10 Tips for Exam...
Here, I want to share about tips for exam.
1. Have all necessary material with you.
You can't borrow items such as pens, pencils, rulers or special equipment while in an examination.
2. Have a relaxing night before your exams.
Have an early night, and try to have a healthy breakfast.
3. Read the entire paper.
Where you have choices, decide which ones you plan to answer.
4. Plan your time nicely.
Spend some time drafting a plan for the questions you choose to answer.
5. Jot down ideas as they come to you.
While you are answering one question, information about another may suddenly occur to you. Jot it down somewhere because when you come to that question perhaps an hour later, you may have forgotten it.
6. Don't leave any questions unanswered.
If you are short of time, use note form. Remember, you can only be marked on the answers you give.
7. Never leave the room early.
If you have time at the end, go over your work, add information (eg in the margin). You can't return if you suddenly remember a fact after you have left.
8. Do not spend too long on multiple choice questions.
With multiple choice questions it is best to cover the answers and work out your own before looking at the choices on paper. If you can't answer the question come back to it later - have a guess.
9. Never omit an entire question.
No matter how well you answer other questions, you must leave time for all questions - a perfect answer can still only earn a certain number of marks. If you write nothing, you can't receive any marks and you have lost all your marks for a particular question. Write something - it may at least give you a few points.
10. Maintain a stable energy level.
Eating foods such as chocolate bars before an exam might give you an energy boost to begin with but your blood sugar levels will drop within an hour and your energy will plunge dramatically, making it hard for you to concentrate.
There are many aspect of tension.I will describe tension from student aspect.As a student,I believed that every student have this problem to face it.From what I can say and analyse the more higher level we study the more tension we can get.Actualy it depends to individual it self.Some can face the tensioness they had,some feel want kill theirself(depress).
Tension make we feel a bad headache.Headache that we always have a long or constant not throbbing. You usually feel the pain or pressure on both sides of your head.Pressure that makes you feel like your head is in a vise.
Aching pain at your temples or the back of your head and neck.What the solution of this tension?
to be continue in other comments..
I want t share something what I have done read just now. It’s about Face value: Cover up by Syida Lizta Amirul Ihsan from New Straits Time, March 27, 2009. It has been said that two-way foundational causes face to take care, but with right use, this portable powder can give a natural coverage.
Lancome Maquicake UV Infinite and the sponge that comes with it.
What we need to do:
1. Swipe sponge twice on the powder.
2. Apply on the under eye beginning from the inner corner of the eyes.
3. Use the remaining powder for the cheeks, chin and around the mouth.
4. Lastly, dab powder on the forehead. The area is oily, so it need less powder.
Tips: Dab the powder, never swipe. Swiping will “move” your foundation and moisturiser, causing the combination to cake.
Do not swipe the sponge too many times on the powder at once.
Finally, wash the sponge weekly to prevent bacteria build-up. — Products courtesy of Lancome
"Wash your hands!" How many times have you heard that from your parents? You might think they're just nagging you, but actually the most important thing you can do to keep from getting sick is to wash your hands. If people don't wash their hands frequently (especially when they're sick), they can spread germs directly to other people or onto surfaces that others touch. And before you know it, everyone around you is coming down with something! so, please wash your hand especially when:
-after using the bathroom
-after blowing nose or coughing
-before eating, preparing and serving food
-after touching pets
-before and after visiting anyone who's sick
-when your hands are dirty
Welcome back....for my first entry for March,i want to share to all about SCREAM.Have you ever screaming?.Do you like to scream?.Ever you think why people have to scream.There are some reason why people have or want to scream.First,people scream because of fear.Screaming is calling attention to themselves for help.Next,people scream because scream their excitement for this occasion.People also scream for pain.This may be a vocalization used to deal with the shock of the incident or perhaps an evolutionary adaptation used to warn others of danger.And last but not list, people scream because of suprises.If someone comes up to you and jumps on you or talks in your ear when you do not know they are going to do this, most of the people scream in surprise or shock.
Wanna share something interesting about current thing that I used to do recently...playing a game called...
.......TRIBAL WARS.......
Tribal wars is an online game that give u experience & challenge ur strategy skill, also can train ur mind to work more harder(i think so)...
The 1st guy I know very passionate with diz game is hafidz...haha..but i respected him about his current progress on this game.. so want to know more...lets click this website... " "
Among the Malays, we believe that if a pregnant woman drinks a lot of soy milk throughout the pregnancy the baby skin will be fairer than those who did not taking it. So, how far does it true? It is accepted that soy milk contains a high number of healthy compounds such as protein and isoflavones. Soy milk has been a popular alternative to those who cannot drink the cow’s milk. Besides that, because it is made from beans, it is also contains more fiber than cow’s milk. The biggest benefits of soy milk are the isoflavones. Isoflavones are connected to a whole host of health issues, with the most prevant being the prevention of many cancers, heart disease, osteoporosis and more. The cholesterol lowering effect of soy milk and its role of heart disease was widely recognized in the mid 90s when the results of a meta-analysis of 38 clinical studies were published. The results demonstrated that a diet with significant soy protein reduces Total Cholesterol, LDL cholesterol (the "Bad" cholesterol) and Triglycerides. Even though it is lack of calcium compared to cow’s milk, but the higher protein and isoflavones inside it has made it suitable for everybody to take it especially pregnant women. So, if you want your children have the fairer skin, drink a lot of soy milk would probably help.
Do jellyfish have bones ?
DID you know that all Jellyfish, no matter how large or small, have no solid skeleton to support their body. Instead their shape is maintained by soft water filled inner tissues, over which its outer layers are stretched. Take a jelly fish out of water and its beautiful shape and size are visible as nothing more than a primitive lump of jelly. Despite this lack of bone structure don't be confused into thinking these creatures are helpless. These beautiful animals have actually been in existance for over 650 million years (making them outdate the Dinosaurs) and have always been extremely effective as predators. The Box jellyfish for example is the deadliest sea animal in the world killing more humans than even sharks, and what about the Lions Mane jellyfish which has a diameter of over 8 metres and tentacles as long as 60 meters (that's over half the length of a football field).
Sharizan Bte Zainal Abidin
Dolphins are marine mammals which is similar likes whales and porpoises. There are 40 species of dolphin in the world. The size are from 1.2m and 40kg, up to 9.5m and 10 tones. They are mostly found in the shallower seas of the continental shelves. They are also mostly carnivores which is eat fish and squid. The family Delphinidae is the largest in the Cetacea, and relatively recent: dolphins evolved about ten million years ago, during the Miocene. Dolphins are also popular with their intelligent and friendly appearance. They are also considered to be amongst the most intelligent of animals and their often friendly appearance and seemingly playful attitude have made them popular in human culture.
LoL! This is funny
How to brainstorm idea for a short article.There are many ways to brainstorm for ideas. Creating ideas for articles is a simple process if you find one way that works for you. Take these steps to find an easy solution to create ideas for short articles.
Use your 5 senses. Go around and test things out with your senses. Note how something looks, tastes or feels and write it down. Ask yourself questions. Who, what, when, where and why may spark some ideas.
Observe your surroundings. Go to the mall or walk around the park. Take a look around and write down what you see. Ideas are all over the place. For example, if you see a couch in front of you, take that and turn it into "10 Ways to Avoid Becoming a Couch Potato."
Try the cluster method. On a piece of paper, write one word in the center and circle it. Draw lines from the circle and write other words associated with that main word. Soon ideas will start to form from the words you write.
Allow yourself to free-write. Set a time limit and write down anything you can, even if it is just mindless dribble. Continue to free-write until your time is up. By then you may have the start of some good ideas. If nothing comes the first time, try it again.
Step5Read magazines. If you spot an article you like, think about ways you can delve into the topic further to find out other questions you want answered. Try giving the topic a new spin to make it interesting.
Did you know what you learn just now?
CA 08131
Chipsmore...mmm...yummy!!! Chipsmore is the most famous biscuitn brand in Malaysia.
Chipsmore provides variety types of delicious chocolate biscuits such as chipsmore original, chipsmore double choc, and so on. The most important thing is chipsmore is halal and delicious to eat. The common ingredients that used to make this kind of delicious biscuits are weat flour, sugar, vegetable oil,chocolate , cocoa, tapioca flour, salt, milk, permitted food conditioner, flavouring and so on. For your information, each pack of 180 g chipsmore biscuit packet contains 69.4 g carbohydrate, 6.1 g protein, 20.4 g fat and 1978 KJ energy. As a conclusion, chipsmore biscuits is not only delicious to eat but also good for our help.
For most of us, its just not happening. We are not getting the right balance in our diet.People are busy these days. More people are eating out where food has a high salt and oil base. There is a fast food mentality, especially in young people. That's what is hip and cool. The traditional diet of the past tends not to be attractive to the younger generation and not as convinient. And what this means is that we are risking health complaints we could otherwise avoid.
Editted from Reader's Digest April 2005
Hang Tuah
Considered by many as a legend and a man with supernatural powers, Hang Tuah made a name for himself as a popular warrior during the Melaka Sultanate era. Together with his four companions – Hang Jebat, Hang Kasturi, Hang Lekir and Hang Lekiu. The five of them had been in each other’s company since their childhood.
It was said that Hang Tuah’s parents, father Dang Mahmud and mother Dang Merdu Wati, migrated from Bentan to Melaka in search of a better life where they settled in Kampung Duyung.
From his early days, Hang Tuah and his four friends embodied comradeship and stood by each other through thick and thin. They even dug a well at their village which came to be known as the Hang Tuah Well until today.
As they grew older, Hang Tuah and his buddies learnt the Malay art of self-defence or silat from a renowned guru named Adiputra in a cave somewhere in a remote part of Melaka. Their courage and mettle, coupled with their expertise in martial arts, all the five friends helped in keeping the peace in Melaka.
The turning point in Hang Tuah’s life came when he save the Bendahara (chief minister) from falling victim to a man who ran amok in town. When Sultan Mansor Shah (1456-1477) heard about Hang Tuah’s bravery, he was made the Laksamana (admiral) cum Syahbandar (harbour master). His friends were appointed the knights of Melaka.
Back in those days, accepting invitations and calling on foreign countries as far as China was the norm for the Sultan of Melaka and Hang Tuah was a constant aide to the Sultan on such visits. During the sojourn to Majapahit, Taming Sari, a famous Majapahit warrior, challenged Hang Tuah to a duel. After a fiery fight, Hang Tuah emerged as the winner and the Sultan of Majapahit bestowed Taming Sari’s kris, which is said to be the source of Hang Tuah’s magical powers, to Hang Tuah.
Apart from carrying the responsibilities as the Laksamana and the Syahbandar, Hang Tuah was always assigned to the task of being the Sultan’s ambassador in fostering closer ties with the Sultan’s allies including China, India, Siam and Turkey.
According to Hikayat Hang Tuah, in his blind loyalty to the Sultan, Hang Tuah sailed to Inderaputra (Pahang) to persuade the already engaged Tun Teja, the princess of Pahang to be the Sultan’s companion. Thinking that Hang Tuah himself would be marrying her, Tun Teja eloped with him to Melaka. However, it was only during the voyage home, that Hang Tuah revealed the truth.
Hang Tuah’s popularity soon became the envy of a few noblemen and this led to one of them, Pateh Karma Wijaya, to fabricate a story that Hang Tuah was having an illicit affair with one of the palace’s lady-in-waiting. Without a fair trial, the Sultan sentenced Hang Tuah to death for the alleged offence. However, the Bendahara who know the truth, went against the Sultan’s orders and hid Hang Tuah in Ulu Melaka.
This became the turning point in the relationship between Hang Tuah and his best companion Hang Jebat. Believing that Hang Tuah was innocent, Hang Jebat avenged his death, first by killing Pateh Karma Wijaya. The Sultan was unable to do anything as none of his warriors dared to challenge the ferocious Hang Jebat. Only then did the Bendahara confided in the Sultan and told him that Hang Tuah was still alive. Ordered to be brought before him, the Sultan later instructed Hang Tuah to kill Hang Jebat, which he did after a long grueling fight.
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