Monday, July 20, 2009



Anonymous said...


Assalamualaikum and happy celebrating fasting month that just around the corner.

We as a man should know about man's health that can give a valuable information to us.One of it is prostate cancer that be a nightmare to men.I think that some of the men didn't know exactly what is the prostate cancer.The prostate is a walnut-sized gland located just below the bladder in men.The prostate keeps urine and semen flowing in the proper direction, and produces a component of semen called prostatic fluid.Early prostate cancer usually causes no symptoms.But advanced prostate cancer can spread to other parts of the body, that can caused additional symptoms.Prostate cancer may also cause problems with sexual function and performance. Simple blood test can be used to determine a man's relative risk of developing prostate cancer.That is because blood work can detect genetic variants that are independently associated with the disease.

A men's risk of developing prostate cancer are related to their age, genetics, diet, medications and others.The primary risk factor is age. Prostate cancer is unusual in men above 45, but becomes more common when higher age.A man's genetic background contributes to his risk of developing prostate cancer.Research found that lycopene that are found in tomatoes are very effective in reducing the risk of prostate cancer.Other than that, lower blood levels of vitamin D also can causes the increasing risk of developing prostate cancer.There are some linked between the medication with the prostate cancer.Besides that, obesity and elevated blood levels of testosteron can increase the risk of having prostate cancer.Lastly,i like to mentioned that prevention is better than cure.

That's all from me and i hope that this knowledge can be share among us. Thank you very much for spending time reading my article.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


Assalamualaikum and a very good day to all my favorite comment reader.

In this very day I want to continue my comment regarding on Teaching Mathematics and Science in English. On the last post where you can read at ‘ ‘ I do tell you on how am I a lucky person to be the first batch to learn mathematics and science in english. This unique experience have thought me so much on many things such as developing communication skill, increase my confident level on speaking and making conversation in English. So, as a committed and loyal Malaysian Student who have high 1Malaysia spirit, I want all my junior also known to be my little brother in Malaysia to get this experience for the best of their self, family, community and also our beloved Malaysia.

All of my dream cannot be achieved because on past few month, the new Minster of Education also The Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tan Sri Dato' Haji Muhyiddin Bin Mohd. Yassin have change the policy back to the old style of teaching in Bahasa Malaysia. I do understand his concern on increasing the Bahasa proficiency, but there is more consequences when this happen. You can see it in this way, the student do speak Bahasa fluently, but they do not master in the number 1 language in this world. When you lack communication skill plus you does not have the confident in speaking other than your mother tongue, you cannot speak and understand that language at all.

The student now, will find it difficult when they will going through university life because the word used is different and in University you does not have that much time to slow the lecturer talking or fooling around with the language.

Thank you, and have a very good day.

Anonymous said...



It was my turn to share about something interesting hopefully. In this entry, two of our friend are already done about man's health and issues about teaching sciences and mathematics in English.

But today, to make this blog more relax and cool I will talk about music. Music is something that very universal.I believe all of the people around the world love music no matter what general of the music are provided. Some people believe that with listening the music can create the excel feeling of them.

In other issues, most of the students nowadays generally used music as a method to make their learning process more enjoyable. In the experiment that had been done by the scientist believe that study/doing work with listening the music will make our brain functions simultaneously.This can make sure the used of brain maximum by us.

Rather than that,not all people know that by listening the music can sparks the imaginations. This can make more easier for student especially, in order to having the learning process. In the other word and more simple word, we can say that music is simple pleasure. You just borrow your ears to get better life style.

Sometimes, people give the negative perception to the music. Not all the music are bad but not also good. Music also can express the spiritual in the religion. so, instead of this statement, proof that not all the music are about love story among human and so on.

In conclusion, this article provide excellent knowledge about the benefit of the music. We as a listener should know more about it more than review that I have provided. For more information just visit


Anonymous said...


Hai everyone...may you all have the wonderful day today.This is because i want you all get excited for reading my entry thats is about a chocolate.When we hear about the chocolate,ermm...we fantazise about it,indulge in it,and enjoy its pleassure.Most of us love to eat chocolate right?.But did you know the benefit from eating the dark chocolate,so i'm here to talk about the benefit of eating the dark chocolate.

Firstly,do you know that,dark chocolate can lowers blood pressure says Dirk Taubert,MD,PHD from the Colleague,at University of Colonge,German.So ,by eating more dark chocolate can help you to lower the blood pressure.Moreover,this is good for the certain age that have mild high blood pressure.But this person have to balance the extra calories by eating less of other things.From the study conducted,for six men and seven women who among the age of 55-56.This person have mild high pressure.Half of the patients got dark chocolate and the other half got white chocolate.As the result,for those who ate dark chocolate has significant drop in blood pressure while,those whose ate white chocolate did not.

Beside that,dark chocolate also rich in antioxidant.This antioxidant gobble up free radicals,destructive molecules that are implicated in heart disease and other ailment.In other hand,it is show that milk may interfere with the absorption of antioxidant from the chocolate.
For the second study,Seratini's Team,signed up 7 healthy women,5 healthy men .Each ate 100 grams for the dark chocolate itself,100 grams of dark chocolate with a small glass of whole milk or 200 grams of milk chocolate.As the results,an hour later,those who ate dark chocolate alone had the most antioxidants in theirs blood.

So,eating the chocolate is not actually can makes us fat but it also has their own benefit.Thats all from me ,thank you for your time.

Anonymous said...


Salam alikam
Good evening every one, today I want to share with you a problem which most of us have it in the university especially me
The project is a technology items which use to show from the computer and show a movie in a bigger place than a screen, but inside the university they use it in wrong way where they use the project instead of explain the lecture which the lecturers use it to let the students to read from the slides instead of explain the lecture to them.
As we know it is difficult to understand everything by ourselves so we want our lecture to explain for us this what we can’t find it inside the university because our lecture use the project more than explaining to the student . As the advantage which we get it from the project as we find this issue from using it so I hope our lecturers change their style in using the project.

Finally, I want to ask all students who have this issue to talk and try to say that it is wrong way and we want at less some change which help us as well as we want to pass in our study with full understanding.

Thanks for reading

habibysayang said...

Drugs and youth
Day after day we get a new knowledge so today knowledge will be about drugs and its danger .
From that title which is committing suicide but by anther meaning .First of all, I am going to talk about one of the most important problems in our society .drugs and youth is one of our problems which we have to understand some of its danger . So today I want to give you an example of it which is the Heroin.
Heroin is a highly addictive drug, and its use is a serious problem in America. Recent studies suggest a shift from injecting heroin to snorting or smoking because of increased purity and the misconception that these forms are safer.
Heroin is processed from morphine, a naturally occurring substance extracted from the seedpod of the Asian poppy plant. Heroin usually appears as a white or brown powder. Street names for heroin include "smack," "H," "skag" and "junk." Other names may refer to types of heroin produced in a specific geographical area, such as "Mexican black tar."
What are the immediate (short-term) effects of heroin use?
Soon after injection (or inhalation), heroin crosses the blood-brain barrier. In the brain, heroin is converted to morphine and binds rapidly to opioid receptors. Abusers typically report feeling a surge of pleasurable sensation - a "rush." The intensity of the rush is a function of how much drug is taken and how rapidly the drug enters the brain and binds to the natural opioid receptors. Heroin is particularly addictive because it enters the brain so rapidly. With heroin, the rush is usually accompanied by a warm flushing of the skin, dry mouth, and a heavy feeling in the extremities, which may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and severe itching.
What are the long-term effects of heroin use?
One of the most detrimental long-term effects of heroin use is addiction itself.
Addiction is a chronic, relapsing disease, characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, and by neurochemical and molecular changes in the brain. Heroin also produces profound degrees of tolerance and physical dependence, which are also powerful motivating factors for compulsive use and abuse. As with abusers of any addictive drug, heroin abusers gradually spend more and more time and energy obtaining and using the drug. Once they are addicted, the heroin abusers' primary purpose in life becomes seeking and using drugs. The drugs literally change their brains and their behaviour.

Anonymous said...


assalamualaikum wth and a very good evening to all my friend and absolutely to miss sarah our lovely kindly lecturer.

Through this comment, i would like to share about 'Brest Cancer' that have same important information as amir hilmi comment that has related to our health.

You may have heard a fair bit about Breast Cancer but really haven't taken much notice as everyone always seems to be saying that breast cancer only affects women 40 years and older. Young women are being diagnosed in their teens, twenties and thirties. Even if the percentage is very low compared to that of older women aged 40 years and older, the point is it does happen. Would you also believe that 1% of all diagnosed breast cancers are in men?. The answer is yes,man also can be affected to this disease.

If Breast Cancer is detected early, chances of survival are very high. Treatment now is so much improved and getting better results. It helps if you can understand what to look out for and also how to check your own breasts and take ownership of the health of your breasts. It's not really such a big deal and it's easy to do and gives you peace of mind as you grow older. I can't mention here how to check it, you can find from this website for more information

Thats all from Yasser Anuar, hope all of readers can get valuable point after read my comment. Assalamualaikum wth and have a nice day. Good luck for final exam also.

Anonymous said...


Assalamualaikum and very good morning to all of you. I hope you are in healthy life because today I want to share about health benefits of fruits. I know everyone know about fruits but I believe that you are not sure about their essentials for our body. So, let read my nice comment about that.

If you are beginning to eat a healthier diet in order to lose weight or to become more energetic, a diet high in fruits, vegetables and whole grains is a great way to start. Commonly, people need six to eight daily glass of water which is so important to maintain our body in enough of water. You will begin to realize how much better you will feel as you begin to eat more fruits. For your information, in fact fruits contains 80% of water. This fact enough to say that by adding fruit to your diet would increase your overall water intake for your body and I believe that no other food on this planet exist that has much amount of water. Besides that, fruits also can act as solution of constipation, diarrhea or abdominal cramping. Futhermore, fruits can also help regulate bowel movements because fruits contain natural fiber. In addition, fruits can prevent diseases such as strokes, heart diseases and Alzheimer's disease. This is because fruits also been proven effective when it comes to lowering cholesterol levels and can stimulate your memory. When you eat fruts, you can retain more information and even recall it quicker versus those who do not partake in eating fruits. Unfortunately, some people still thinking that they cannot afford to buy fresh fruit because it might be too expensive. But if you compare by buy a pack of potato chips or other snack as your meal, better you replace the unhealthy food with fruits. Finally, fruits can improve your memory, prevent diseases and they can provide your body with necessary water. Fruuits can give more benefits in order to stay haelthy. You will love feeling and looking better.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...


Hi to all comment reader.Today, i would like share about "how to do Hair Like Anime Characters".

First of all,you must pick a hair colour like blue,green,or flaming red .But most importantly, the color should be different--even outrageous.

Then,dye your hair in this color. This is one time when it doesn't matter if the dye comes out exactly true to color. If you're trying for red and it comes out purple, that may be even better!hehe.

The next step is you should wash your hair once colour is secure and use a conditioner before you ready to style it.

After that,decide the hairstyle that works for you.If you are guy,try multiple large of spikes or slick your hair straight in front and back.If you are a gal, style it into huge sweeping pigtails or a very thick bob.

You now can start comb or brush your hair to get it straightened out.Brush, tie or stretch your hair into the preferred look, using enough gel or hairspray to make it stay.For me,it is better to use Gatsby moving rubber to use make your hair to stay or make your hair more style.For spikes, children's art glue works best because it can be washed out.

ThatS all from me this time.Thanks for your attention.

Anonymous said...


Assalamualaikum and hi to everybody! Thanks to God, because still give the opportunity to me to share the things that I've know in my life with all of you. For this entry, I would like to share something that maybe can let you all know more about the things that related to your life. The information that I want to share here is `The Best Things in Life’.
You know, there are so many things that can make our life more peaceful and cheerful. We can say it as the best things that we can get pleasure from it in whole of our life. Falling in love is one of the best things that normal to everyone that grows up as human being. Everyone have their experience of falling in love in their life. However, love also can be the bad thing if it hurt someone’s feeling. So with need to know how to handle it as good as possible. Next, hearing your favourite song from the radio. It is feel good when the song that comes out from the radio is the song that we are really love to listen. Lying in bed listening to the rain outside also one of the best things that ever happened in our life. We can feel the best pleasure of this natural phenomenon.
Besides that, Laughing at an inside joke. Joke is one of the ways that can make our life happy. So lucky for those person that can makes people smile and laugh because of his or her jokes. These people can attract people to know them more. The other best things that we can feel is having someone play with your hair. It’s a really comfort!. Having friends you know you can cry on or talk to about your deepest problems is also the best things that people really wanted in their life. We can feel better after we have talked about our problems to them.
Actually, here still have 43 of the best things which are the other of the best things that happened in our life that I can’t describe more details on this session, I just can let you all know the rest of the best things in the life are laughing so hard your face hurts, take a hot shower, no lines at the Super Wal-Mart, a special glance, getting mail, taking a drive on a pretty road, , finding the sweater you want is on sale for half price, a long distance phone call, a bubble bath, giggling, a good conversation, the beach, laughing at yourself, midnight phone calls that last for hours, running through sprinkler, laughing for absolutely no reason at all, having someone tell you that you're beautiful, friends, falling in love for the first time, accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you, waking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to sleep, your first kiss, making new friends or spending time with old ones, late night talks with your roommate that keep you from sleeping, sweet dreams, road trips with friends, watching a good movie cuddled up on a couch with someone you love, song lyrics printed inside your new CD so you can sing along without feeling stupid, going to a really good concert, getting butterflies in your stomach every time you see that one person, making eye contact with a cute stranger, winning a really competitive game, making chocolate chip cookies!, having your friends send you homemade cookies, spending time with close friends!, seeing smiles and hearing laughter from your friends, holding hands with someone you care about, running into an old friend and realizing that some things (good or bad) never change, discovering that love is unconditional and stronger than time, riding the best roller coasters over and over, hugging the person you love, watching the expression someone's face as they open a much-desired present from you, watching the sunrise and getting out of bed every morning and thanking God for another beautiful day.

All above are really the best things that happened in our life! THANKS FOR YOU READING!
I hope all of you can realize that these things that I’ve sharing on this session are one of the best things that ever happened in your life! SHARING IS CARING! (^^,)

Anonymous said...


Assalamualaikum and hi to everybody! Thanks to God, because still give the opportunity to me to share the things that I've know in my life with all of you. For this entry, I would like to share something that maybe can let you all know more about the things that related to your life. The information that I want to share here is `The Best Things in Life’.

You know, there are so many things that can make our life more peaceful and cheerful. We can say it as the best things that we can get pleasure from it in whole of our life. Falling in love is one of the best things that normal to everyone that grows up as human being. Everyone have their experience of falling in love in their life. However, love also can be the bad thing if it hurt someone’s feeling. So with need to know how to handle it as good as possible. Next, hearing your favourite song from the radio. It is feel good when the song that comes out from the radio is the song that we are really love to listen. Lying in bed listening to the rain outside also one of the best things that ever happened in our life. We can feel the best pleasure of this natural phenomenon.

Besides that, Laughing at an inside joke. Joke is one of the ways that can make our life happy. So lucky for those person that can makes people smile and laugh because of his or her jokes. These people can attract people to know them more. The other best things that we can feel is having someone play with your hair. It’s a really comfort!. Having friends you know you can cry on or talk to about your deepest problems is also the best things that people really wanted in their life. We can feel better after we have talked about our problems to them.

Actually, here still have 43 of the best things which are the other of the best things that happened in our life that I can’t describe more details on this session, I just can let you all know the rest of the best things in the life are laughing so hard your face hurts, take a hot shower, no lines at the Super Wal-Mart, a special glance, getting mail, taking a drive on a pretty road, , finding the sweater you want is on sale for half price, a long distance phone call, a bubble bath, giggling, a good conversation, the beach, laughing at yourself, midnight phone calls that last for hours, running through sprinkler, laughing for absolutely no reason at all, having someone tell you that you're beautiful, friends, falling in love for the first time, accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you, waking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to sleep, your first kiss, making new friends or spending time with old ones, late night talks with your roommate that keep you from sleeping, sweet dreams, road trips with friends, watching a good movie cuddled up on a couch with someone you love, song lyrics printed inside your new CD so you can sing along without feeling stupid, going to a really good concert, getting butterflies in your stomach every time you see that one person, making eye contact with a cute stranger, winning a really competitive game, making chocolate chip cookies!, having your friends send you homemade cookies, spending time with close friends!, seeing smiles and hearing laughter from your friends, holding hands with someone you care about, running into an old friend and realizing that some things (good or bad) never change, discovering that love is unconditional and stronger than time, riding the best roller coasters over and over, hugging the person you love, watching the expression someone's face as they open a much-desired present from you, watching the sunrise and getting out of bed every morning and thanking God for another beautiful day.

All above are really the best things that happened in our life! THANKS FOR YOU READING!
I hope all of you can realize that these things that I’ve sharing on this session are one of the best things that ever happened in your life! SHARING IS CARING! (^^,)

Anonymous said...

Mohamad Fakhrol Radzi b.Zulkefli
Helping a hurting friend...that is we do when our friend hurt or get in trouble...

This article tell us what help that can we do when our friend get hurt.The most thing that I can conclude is pay attention or listen to their problem and share your opinion,give a good theraphy for your friends.

Anonymous said...



Today i want to share with you about chocolate.

The benefits and risks about chocolate..

Many things that we don't know about chocolate, the following mentioned benefits and causes of consumption of chocolates could suggest you in best way.

Some of the benefits associates with regular consumption of cocoa are mentioned as eating chocolate releases endorphins in the brain, which act as pain-relievers. If you take sufficient amount of cocoa or chocolate it will boosts one's appetite also does not cause weight gain. The sugar contained in chocolate may reduce stress and have a calming and pain relieving effect. If someone is habitual of eating chocolate, he/she does not give acne or other skin eruptions. Those who eat chocolate do not trigger migraine headaches. Eating moderate amounts of chocolate makes one live almost a year longer. Also, eating chocolate reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer. Eating two bars of chocolates a day not only lowered cholesterol; it had the unexpected effect of also lowering systolic blood pressure.

Anonymous said...


Salam and a very good day to Miss Sarah and to all of you. Today I would like to share with all of you about one of my favourite food that is roti canai.

Roti canai is a type of flatbread found in Malaysia, often sold in Mamak stalls. Roti canai is circular and flat. There are two ways to make roti canai that is either to twirl it until the dough becomes a very thin sheet and then folded into a circular shape or to spread out the dough as thinly as possible before being folded. Then the folded dough is grilled with oil. The first method is more popular and faster than the second. The term 'roti paratha' in Malay mean 'plate bread'. One of the characteristics of roti canai and its derivatives is that it can be eaten with the hands, without the need for utensils. This makes it a convenient dish to consume, while being filling. This characteristic makes it a dish of choice as breakfast or as late night supper.
There are many type of roti canai included roti telur, with fried eggs (telur being the Malay word for egg) roti tisu (tissue bread), a paper thin and flaky roti. roti bawang (onion bread) roti boom (bomb bread), a smaller but thicker roti probably round shape. roti planta, stuffed with margarine and sugar. roti sardin, stuffed with sardine and sometimes mixed with ketchup or sambal, similar to murtabak .roti pisang, banana bread. Last words, enjoy your dish everyday with the tasty roti canai.

Anonymous said...


Good evening to all blogger readers.

For my second reading entries I want to share with you how you can managing your anger. As all we know that all human or animal have a feeling of angry. Before I share with you how to manage your anger I want to share with you where is the anger comes from. Two main factors of anger are physical feelings and physiology. Many psychologists argue that all anger begins with blame. To manage your anger first you need to stop blaming yourself and put in your mind a positive thinking. There is a lesson in everything that had happen to you so stop blaming yourself. Second is stop blaming other persons. There is no benefit if you blaming other people because with blaming you still can not solve your problems. Besides that,stop blaming the system. This means that we need to accept everything and work to make them better. The world is as it is because the world is as it is! You might as well blame the stars for shining at night or blame a cat for not being an earthworm. We live in an imperfect world so we need accept it.

Thanks for reading my comment. Salam.

Anonymous said...


Assalamualaikum and good day to all.

Today I am going to tell you about Nintendo Wii. What is Wii actually? It is a seventh generation home video console produce by big company in Japan which is Nintendo. This product has become the must-buy video game console for the gamers. It is basically different from other game like Play Station, PSP and Xbox because it has Wii remote which is wireless controller that been used as a pointing devices that can detect movement in 3-D.a another feature is that Wii has WiiConnect24, which enable users to receive message over thw internet while in standby mode. Wii has 3 main parts which is the hardware, Wii remote and the memory storage.

Wii is much smaller than other console home video game like Play Station, GCN, N64 and NES. It is measures specificall about 44mm wide, 157mm tall and 215.4 mm deep in its vertical orientation. It can be stantd vertically or horizontally. The weight of this product is generally amazing. Wii is just weighted 1.2kg or 2.7Ib. Which make it the lightest of three major seventh generation console. At the front of the console is loading optical media that accepts Wii optical discs.

B)Wii remote
Before it was released, Nintendo showed the console and the Wii remote in five different colours which is white, black, silver, lime green, and red. But it only available in white colour for its new releases. Black system had available in Japan now and will be available in Europe around November 2009. The remote is the ultimate controller for the console. It had been made using the technology of accelerometers and infrared detection to sense the location in 3D space when pointed at the LEDs. This design allows users to control the game using physical movement. The console connects to the remote via the Bluetooth devices. Especially for the gamers, Nintendo had offered a stronger strap and Wii Remote Jacket in order to provide extra grip and protection.

C)Memory Storage
The console has 512MB of its internal memory and features an SD card slot for external storage. The function of SD card is that it can save picture and saved game and downloaded things. In order to use the SD card features, user must installed the update. The installation can be done via two ways that is by Wii options menu through an internet connection and by inserting a game disc containing the update.

Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum to everybody and have a nice day.Here i would like to share with all of you about 5 facts that you must understand if you are ever going to lose your belly fat and get six pack abs.The first thing if you are dreamed to have a good shape of body and mind is you must understand that health foods are actually cleverly disguised junk foods that actually stimulate you to gain more belly fat and it is yet the diet food marketing industry continues to lie to you so they can maximize their profits.If you want to know,Ab exercise like crunches,sit-ups and ab machines are the least effective method of getting flat six pack abs.Therefore,you have to explore what types of exercise really work in a minute.Besides,you should know that boring repetitive cardio exercise routines actually not the best way to lose body fat and uncover those six pack abs.Then the another thing that you must know and understand is you dont need to waste your money on expensive pills or other bogus supplements but actually a special class of natural foods much more better and effectives.Lastly,you must understand Ab belts.Ab rockers,ab loungers and other informecial ab gimmicks are completely waste of your time and money.So,you must expplore and planning the ways to build your six pack abs.That is what i want to share with you.Thank you

Li Jia Ning KC09061 K38 said...

Li Jia Ning

Thank you spend your time to read my comments, now I want to share with my cell phone Nokia N79 that my favorite phone.
N79 is 3G phone. Go to internet use phone convenient than computer, Display size I think a little small, only 2.4 inches. If display about 3.9inches I think better. The most attractive place is the camera that N79 own Carl Zeiss optics 5MP camera. You can truthfully reveal a clear picture. I am very satisfied with regard to the camera. I already use this camera take many photos.
N79 use Symbian OS 9.3 system. I already setup many softwares in my phone, QQ, MSN, Dictionary, encyclopedia, GPS maps. Reader and music player. GPS maps Is very useful Global Positioning. I go to Kuantan and many new places I can use it.
But in my opinion, Mobile phone battery so I am not very satisfied with. When I stand-by my phone use my standard battery only 372 hours and Talk time ony 5 h 30 min that I'm disappointed.
Overall though, I think it very well. I love it. At present I am particularly fond of text messaging, I can quickly send text messages using mobile phones, and mobile phone I am very satisfied with the liaison function.
Nowaday, Mobile phones have become a part of my life, an integral part of it.

Anonymous said...


A very good day to all. Today I would like to share about body piercing and its risks for teenagers who are interested to make pierces on their body.

Nowadays, body piercing seems to be very famous and familiar among the teenagers not only the girls but the boys also. Different cultures have different pierces and it give different meaning to them. The Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans did body art, such as piercing and tattooing since a lon centuries ago until now.

At that time, people pierced their bodies for decoration to show the person's importance in a group. Some also thought that it protected them from evil. But now, people have more concerned on the risks of body piercing.

Before make a decision to pierce your body, you should ask about the opinion of persons who are older than you. As we known, body piercing will cause many risks to us. The most serious risks are infections, allergic reactions, bleeding, and damage to nerves or teeth. All these maybe is caused by hepatitis, HIV, tetanus, bacteria, and yeast.

If the piercer washes his or her hands and uses gloves and sterile equipment and you take good care of your piercing, the risk of infection is lowered. Unfortunately, the risks is still exists. If the piercing equipment hasn't been sterilized properly, you can get and spread a serious infection that is including HIV. One more, if the studio uses a piercing gun to do body piercings, you shall forget about the intention to make a pierce. This is because piercing guns cannot be sterilized and should not be used for body piercing.

Generally, Infections caused by bacteria getting into the puncture of the piercing may also happen later, even after the piercing has healed. In addition, ohter risk is if the piercer put a wrong kind of jewellery for the area pierced, it is also cause bad effect to you. If the jewellery is too small, it might cut off the blood supply to the tissue, causing swelling and pain. Furthemore, if the jewelry is either too thin or too heavy or if you are allergic to the metal, your body can sometimes reject the jewellery whereby your body reacts again the jewellery because it is an unfamiliar object to your body.

Me,myself had pierced my right nose before but later I decided to took it off because it made me uncomfortable. There is always excessive bleeding at the pierced area.

So, my advise is think twice before you decide to make a pierce. Thank you for reading.

Anonymous said...

Fakhri Fadullilah bin Sulaiman (KC09056)

Salam and very good evening, i like to share to all of you about rubik’s cube.The Rubik's Cube is a 3-D mechanical puzzle invented in 1974 by Hungarian sculptor and professor of architecture ErnÅ‘ Rubik. Originally called the "Magic Cube", the puzzle was licensed by Rubik to be sold by Ideal Toys in 1980 and won the German Game of the Year special award for Best Puzzle that year. As of January 2009, 350 million cubes have sold worldwide making it the world's top-selling puzzle game. It is widely considered to be the world's best-selling toy. Many general solutions for the Rubik's Cube have been discovered independently. The most popular method was developed by David Singmaster and published in the book Notes on Rubik's "Magic Cube" in 1981. This solution involves solving the Cube layer by layer, in which one layer (designated the top) is solved first, followed by the middle layer, and then the final and bottom layer. After practice, solving the Cube layer by layer can be done in under one minute. The current world record for single time on a 3×3×3 Rubik's Cube was set by Erik Akkersdijk in 2008, who had a best time of 7.08 seconds at the Czech Open 2008. The world record average solve is currently held by Tomasz Zolnowski; which is 10.63 seconds at the Warsaw Open 2009. For me, the most important think to solve the rubik’s cube is imagination. According to Einstein, he said that “The imigination is more important than knowledge”. I hope you try this toy, that’s it,from me. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Fakhri Fadullilah bin Sulaiman (KC09056)
Salam, i like to share about bamboo connon to all of you. Meriam buluh or bamboo cannon is a type of home-made firecracker which is popular during the Hari Raya festive season in Malaysia, and during the New Year's day celebration in the Philippines. Like other fireworks, bamboo cannons are illegal as stated in Malaysian Explosive Act 1957. A typical bamboo cannon consists of a large bamboo and a mixture of calcium carbide and water. Calcium carbide is a chemical compound with the chemical formula of CaC2.The chemical reaction formed as a result of mixing calcium carbide with water inside the bamboo produces acetylene(CaC2 + 2 H2O → C2H2 + Ca(OH)2 ), an explosive gas. The acetylene explodes when a flame is introduced to the mixture. Kerosene is also used as a fuel. Less than a cup (about 200ml) of hot kerosene is poured into a small hole near the breach of the cannon. A lighting stick is used to ignite the fumes and fire the cannon. Then fresh air is blown into the small hole and the cannon is fired again. It takes some practice to make the loudest bang. I hope i can share more information for you next time, InsyaAllah. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Name : Muhammad Norazan Bin Abu Hassan
Matric No : Kc09019
Section : K 38

Hye… This time I would like to talk about Hang Tuah. The warrior of Malacca.

Hang tuah is a malay warrior that lived in 15 century start from ( 400-1511 A.D). from the records of history , hang tuah born at kampong sungai duyung. Some said that his father also a warrior for Malacca. Hang tuah is very loyalty to the sultan( name for the king of Muslim country). Actually hang tuah have 4 friends that is hang jebat , hang Kasturi, hang Lekir, and hang Lekiu. They are together study on the same teacher at Gunung Ledang. Hence they are all best friends. From the story, once upon a time hang tuah manage to save the prime Minister”Bendahara” from the guy who’s going crazy. So, because of their capability taking down the man the Bendahara take them to meet the sultan. So, sultan gives them an awards as a warrior to protect the Malacca.

One day there was a warrior from jawa called taming sari. Taming sari was an invinsble man. He can not be defeated because he has a weapon(keris) that make him “kebal” but Hang Tuah manage to find his weaknesses . so , he fight so well until the keris of taming sari has left from the hand of taming sari. So, then taming sari no more invincible. Without his weapon his useless. After that taming sari has been defeated by hang tuah and the keris of taming sari is given to the sultan as a gift. Sultan is very proud to the hang tuah as a warrior for Malacca.
Hang tuah has been assign to to Pahang to get tun teja as the queen for the sultan Malacca. As a Hang Tuah go to Malacca Melor the son of Adiputra(teacher for hang tuah) left the Gunung Ledang to get Hang Tuah. But she was captured by the Tun Ali and give to the sultan as a lady for the sultan ”gundik”. Hang tuah manage to meet melor but the sultan seen both of them. So, sultan order hang tuah to be killed. But the Bendahara can not killed hang tuah so he took hang tuah and hide him at the hulu Melaka.

Hang jebat very angry with sultan. So he took the keris of taming sari and killed anybody who’s in front of him. He can not accept his best friends hang tuah died.

So, he want to killed sultan for the order of killing tuah without investigate first. Sultan regret on what he has done. So, bendahara tells the truth to the sultan about hang tuah that has been hide at some place. In fast, hang tuah was calling back to its place as a warrior to protect people in Malacca, people who’s innocent that killed at the hands of hang jebat, and for the sultan. Hang jebat can not believed hang tuah still alive. Hang tuah has been ordered to kill hang jebat. Hang tuah have to as a willing of the sultan because hang tuah is very loyalty to sultan. His willing to die for sultan and for the people in Malacca. Hang jebat can not be forgiven because he has killed many people in the way to get the sultan. So, they both fight using their all power and energy. But hang jebat seem can not die eventhough he has felled so many times. This is because of the keris of taming sari. Some said within a week they have fighting either at night or day they keep fighting. But then the keris of taming sari has slip from the hand of hang jebat. So, hang tuah used the advantange to killed the hang jebat. Hang jebat died on that moment.

This story can not be acceptable because its just a story. There are no proved at all about this fighting. But if you think again who’s the guilty in this story?is it hang jebat that stand up to take revenge of the hang tuah murdered or the hang tuah that killed hang jebat that willing to reject the order from the sultan in order to take revenge for hang tuah?is it the sultan’s fault that murdered the hang tuah without going any investigation about the truth?hmm… we should think think the morals of the story. It is not our side to judge people but we should think what is the best thing to do when we going through the same condition as they are…thank you…have a nice day…=)

Anonymous said...


Assalamualaikum and very nice day I wish. Hi my friends and Miss Sarah, how are you? We meet again in my second entry blogging comment. Hope you all enjoy my second comment. Yet, all I can see is all my friends talked about health in this second entry. I’m also feeling interested to join them.

In my first comment, I talked about food. Now, in my second comment, I want to share with you all about diabetes. Do you all know what diabetes is? Is it a kind of ice-cream? Well, it is absolutely not. Diabetes is a kind of killer disease that already well known or famous around the world. Diabetes also known as is killer disease number one in our country, Malaysia.

We can be attacked by diabetes when the hormone insulin produced by our pancreas becomes decrease or the hormone insulin becomes less effective. The insulin cannot afford to control the sugar movement into the body cell. Thus, the sugar level cannot be balanced. This will cause the sugar level will increase drastically.

There are many symptoms of diabetes. One of the symptoms is always wanted to urinate no matter in the night time, and also in the daylight time. Next, the person will always feel thirst and drink a lot of water. The person also will always feel tired. Besides that, the weight of the person decrease critically and also his or her wound heals in a long time.

Many of us don’t know that diabetes can cause a lot of effect to our body health. Actually, the most worst thing about diabetes is it can cause coronary heart disease. Besides that, diabetes also can cause stroke. Plus, diabetes can also damage our kidney function and our eyesight. Diabetes also will cause gangrene at our foot. It also cause infertility and nerves disturbance.

That’s all I know about diabetes. Thanks for reading. Hopefully we all save from this disease. Meet again in the third round a.k.a third entry.

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone, wishing all of you a good day!

Today I'm going to talk about the need of a healthy sleeping habit.
Sleep deprivation nowadays is caused by the high paced lifestyle that lead we lead. Here i'm going to share with you a few tips to a healthy sleeping habit.

First, we should set up a conducive sleeping environment. Things that distract us from sleeping such as televisions and radios should not be kept in the bedroom.

Second, we have to maintain a consistent sleeping and waking up time. We have to ensure that we have regular sleeping hours. This is because our body's biological will keep track of our sleeping patterns. A regular waking up time allows our body to tire at the right time for us to sleep.

Third, we should stay away from any stimulants that discourage us from sleeping. Examples of such stimulants are caffeine and nicotine. Caffeine keeps our brain awake while nicotine increases our metabolism thus discouraging us from sleeping. Dinks like milk and hot chocolate should instead be consumed before sleeping. Such drinks will allow us to sleep better.

That’s all from me for today folks. Hope this tips will be helpful for all of you. Sleep well and live life well. Thank you for reading. :)

Anonymous said...


Hi everyone, wishing all of you a good day!

Today I'm going to talk about the need of a healthy sleeping habit.
Sleep deprivation nowadays is caused by the high paced lifestyle that lead we lead. Here i'm going to share with you a few tips to a healthy sleeping habit.

First, we should set up a conducive sleeping environment. Things that distract us from sleeping such as televisions and radios should not be kept in the bedroom.

Second, we have to maintain a consistent sleeping and waking up time. We have to ensure that we have regular sleeping hours. This is because our body's biological will keep track of our sleeping patterns. A regular waking up time allows our body to tire at the right time for us to sleep.

Third, we should stay away from any stimulants that discourage us from sleeping. Examples of such stimulants are caffeine and nicotine. Caffeine keeps our brain awake while nicotine increases our metabolism thus discouraging us from sleeping. Dinks like milk and hot chocolate should instead be consumed before sleeping. Such drinks will allow us to sleep better.

That’s all from me for today folks. Hope this tips will be helpful for all of you. Sleep well and live life well. Thank you for reading. :)

nadiana said...


Good day mate! This is my second post. For this time, the article I would like to share is regarding the pioneer of probiotics, “YAKULT: A Drive To Promote Intestinal Health”. From a research, it had been proven that Yakult helps to improve intestinal health by protecting people from diseases and illness. This is because it provides vitamins to stimulate the immune system of human. Furthermore, it contains one of the strongest strains of lactobacillus which can hardly become denature, even when exposed to a high acidity medium in our stomach. These good bacteria will multiplies in the intestine, and produce lactic acids, consequently balance our intestinal flora. Other than that, lactobacillus bacteria also help reducing or even stop the growth of harmful bacteria. Next, Yakult also facilitate the digestion process and absorption of food. The Shirota Strain was obtained directly from its mother culture in Japan together with calcium and the vitamins. The skim milk was traded in from Australia which makes it safe from the china milk crisis of 2008. Water and sugar is obtained locally and it has neither preservatives nor colourings. In a nutshell, making Yakult as one of our daily intake is one step closer to wave goodbye to the intestinal diseases.

Taken from READERS DIGEST 2008

Anonymous said...


Assalamualaikum and salam 1 malaysia.

What do you know about colors? There are many colours that we can see around us. They are red, blue, green, orange, and many more. But in this entry I do not want to touch on those colors. I only interested with one color which is purple. Purple can be defined into three categories; color theory, art and human psychology. In color theory, purple is defined as any non-spectral color between violet and red (excluding violet and red themselves). In art, purple is the color on the color wheel between magenta and violet and its tints and shades. In human color psychology, purple is also associated with royalty and nobility (stemming from classical antiquity when Tyrian Purple was only affordable to the elites). The word purple comes from Old English which is originates from the Latin purpura. People always make mistake between purple and violet. I also did mistake about those color. They thought that purple is violet and violet is purple. Actually, both of those colors are not the same. Purple is a combination of red and blue or violet light. Violet is a spectral color that has a shorter wavelength than blue. Purple is not existed in the spectral color because it is extra-spectra color. Moreover, in Newton's wheel (red to violet light) there is no purple color. Purple does not have its own wavelength because it only exists due to the combination of red and blue or violet. There is no such thing as the ‘wavelength of purple light’. Only ‘wavelength of violet light’ is existed. To prove that both colors are not the same, you can increase the light intensity of violet. As the intensity of violet is increased, it appears to take on a far more blue hue where it is not going to happen on purple when its intensity is increased. Hence, as a conclusion, purple is a mixing color of blue and red while violet is a colour that has a shorter wavelength than blue. So, do not confuse between both colors.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Tharmathas A/L Alagappan

A very good day to everyone. I am goin to share with u all about a very interesting creature. It is the African Black Mamba snake.

The Black Mamba is an elapid snake, an its one of the most dangerous and feared snake in the world. It is called black mamba because of its inky black mouth. It is also the fastest moving snake in the world. Adult black mambas have an average length of 2.5 meters (8.2 ft) and a maximum length of 4.5 meters (~14 ft).

Black mambas are diurnal creatures, they hunt their prey during the day n and night, and mostly feed on rhodents, squirrels and other small warm-blooded mammals. The balck mamba inhabit places such as open savannahs, open woodlands and rocky outcrops.

The black mamba is one of the most venomous snake in the world. A bite from a black mamba delivers about 100–120 mg of venom, but eventually 10-15mg of its venom is enough to kill an adult. Depending on the nature of the bite, death can result at any time between 15 minutes and 3 hours. So here's a piece of advise for the readers, i wouldn't try to go near a black mamba if i were you.

Thank you.

umai said...

Nurul Umaira Nisa binti Mazelan

Assalamualaikum…and a very good day to all of you….
On this entry, I would like to share some information on tank toilet.

Theoretically, toilet is the most popular placed visits by everyone in the world because everyday all of us will go to toilet. I believe sign of toilet is knows well by the entire user. Toilet can be everywhere; in home, school, office building, public place etc. But not all of us know what the major component inside the tank toilet. It consists of two main parts; the tank and the bowl.

Below is the components exist inside the tank and the bowl:

Flush Handle
• Activates the flush valve ball.
• Usually sold in combination with the trip lever.
• Attaches with a left-handed screw, which screws on in a counter-clockwise direction.

Flush Valve Seat
• Located at the bottom of the tank.
• Surrounds the opening that lets water into the bowl.
• Kept closed by a rubber flush ball or flapper.
• The flush valve seat is attached to the Overflow Tube, which drains water back into the bowl if the water level goes above it. This is a good safety precaution if the inlet valve fails

Flapper Valve Seat Ball
• Also called a Flush Valve Seat Ball, this device sits on the flush valve seat and attaches to the trip lever with a chain, rod or guide arm.
• When the outside handle on the toilet tank is pressed down, it raises a trip lever that pulls the flapper off its seat. Water inside the tank pours through the opening to flush the toilet bowl.
• The valve stays closed with water pressure. However, once the trip lever lifts the device, it remains off the seat by floating on top of the water until the tank is empty. As the water level drops, the flapper gradually settles back into the opening, sealing it so the tank can refill for the next flush.
• A new style design has replaced the older ball-style. It is connected to the float arm with a chain and eliminates many of the problems associated with wires, rods and guide arms

• Also known as a fill valve or inlet valve.
• Controls refilling the tank.
• Consists of multiple parts, but is commonly sold as a complete unit. Parts include: upper lever, float rod, lower lever, plunger, valve seat, refill tube, nylon seat, eye screw, body, hush tube, regular shank, shank gasket, lock nut, coupling nut washer, riser pipe and repair shank.
• Older models use a float ball. When repairing them it is best to replace the entire unit instead of trying to repair its parts.
• Newer models eliminate the flat ball and may have an anti-siphon feature that keeps toilet water from backing up into the water lines.

Float Ball
• Part of the Ballcock.
• When the water level raises it, it shuts off the valve that lets water into the tank.
• Made of plastic or copper.
• Should be replaced if it develops cracks or corrodes and let water inside.

Tank-To-Bowl Hardware
• Creates a secure connection between the tank and the bowl.
• Consists of long brass bolts with rubber washers and a large foam-rubber washer.
• One size fits all toilets

Bowl Gasket
• Also known as a wax ring.
• Seals the joint between the toilet bowl and the drain piping in the floor.
• Some types have a plastic ring inside to add protection. For a better seal, use two rings, one on top of the other

Closet Flange Bolt
• Secures the toilet bolt base to the floor flange.

AC Toilet Water Supply
• Connects water supply to toilet.
• Flexible types are easiest to install.

Toilet Seat
• Made of plastic or kiln-dried hardwood.
• Hardware should be sturdy and non-rusting. Metal hardware should be solid brass with a quality finish.
• Some toilet seats have easy-on, easy-off hinge posts that facilitate installation by the homeowner. These hinge posts also make it practical to remove the seat for thorough cleaning.

Anonymous said...


Topic: Cars

Link: performances

I think that this is an interesting article because I really interested to the knowledge about car. This article provides a lot of knowledge in order to modify the car into better performances. One of the suggestion that really attracting is, to upgrade the pipe’s size by increasing the diameter of the pipe which is believe can build a horsepower. However, I do not believe that how can generals vehicle can change into prestige only by changing its pipe’s diameter. Another suggestion is, people can change from using v type configuration to employ dual exhaust system that is believe can make the exhaust air get out competently. From this article, I know that, not only expensive cars can have a good performance; general car can also perform better as long as there are simple suitable modifications made to the car.